
Genshin Impact: Inazuma's Eternity

(Headcanon Warning) (Plot Divergence) (Not 100% Canon Compliant) An unchanging eternity of the people of Inazuma. What will Jason's adventure lead him to? Except for OC characters, everything else is the property of Genshin Impact and Mihoyo. This story is not intended for commercial purposes or to make money. Writing this cause it's fun and enjoyable :D This is headcanon, and there may be several inconsistencies from Genshin Impact's Story. Mihoyo has put such an amazing effort into developing the storyline that I doubt I can fully write one that does not contradict what is already in game. Plus I'm not a heavy player soooo ....

ShibasandTango · Video Games
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33 Chs


Hi guys.

The novel will be on a hiatus.

After catching up with Genshin Impact, I felt like writing a different one based on Fontaine with a slightly different style of writing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this fanfic.

I hope you enjoyed it!