
Genshin Impact: I Open Manga Store in Teyvat

Transmigration to the World of Teyvat, Takarou acquired the Divine-level Manga Store System. By serving a certain number of customers, exclusive rewards can be obtained. Paimon: I really want that Doraemon foodie tablecloth! Noelle: A maid should have a Gundam! Tartaglia: Why do others get strong Pokémon while mine is just Psyduck? Lumine: If I can improve my abilities simply by visiting the manga store every day and reading manga, then why should I bother looking for my brother?

Otaku_Weaboo · Video Games
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59 Chs

The Comic Store Might Be the best guide for mondstadt become more Developed

While Lumine and Mountain Shaper were arguing, in Mondstadt, Acting Grand Master Jean received news from the research institute.

"The locomotive has been developed!" exclaimed Jean when she learned about the situation. She personally went to the research institute to investigate.

There, she encountered a completely black locomotive.

"Albedo, Sucrose, Lisa, and everyone in the lab, I appreciate all your hard work during this time," Jean expressed her gratitude.

After all, the alchemists were the ones who had been researching this matter. Jean herself hadn't personally conducted any research, and her understanding of the field was not as extensive as Lisa and the others.

"Acting Grand Master Jean, it wasn't too difficult. We must thank the owner of the New Century Comic Store for enabling us to create this locomotive," Albedo smiled.

"If it weren't for Mr. Owner's comic store, it would have been extremely challenging for us to develop this."

Albedo did not take all the credit but acknowledged the contribution of others.

"Jean, although we have developed the locomotive, it won't be easy to construct the other facilities," Lisa said slowly, looking at Jean.

"I understand what you're saying, Lisa," replied Jean. Even though they had successfully developed the locomotive, substantial funding would be required for the road infrastructure.

Jean couldn't allocate all of the funds from the Knights of Favonius to this project. What if they ran out of money later?

"Jean, I think you should contact Ningguang," suggested Lisa. "After all, if we truly want to lay tracks for this train, it will undoubtedly head towards Liyue. And in the future, it may even reach Inazuma and other nations."

"By then, we might be able to travel to all seven nations within a few days on the train!"

Lisa's eyes lit up as she spoke. They had also tested the speed of this locomotive, which reached 80 kilometers per hour. Furthermore, they had made improvements. Albedo's memories revealed that they originally used coal and water, but after the modifications, they could utilize minerals and water in a continuous cycle.

And where could they find the most minerals? Naturally, in Liyue.

Liyue possessed the most abundant mineral resources. Thus, regardless of the circumstances, Mondstadt would have to collaborate with Ningguang on this matter.

"Lisa, I understand. I will contact Ningguang later and have a detailed discussion with her about this matter."

With smartphones now available, it was very convenient for Jean to contact Ningguang. A simple phone call would enable them to have a conversation about this issue.

However, before that, Jean planned to talk to Takarou. After all, Albedo obtained memories about the train from Mr. Owner's comic store. Therefore, Takarou might have some ideas about the train.

Jean spent some time there and then left. Before long, she arrived at the New Century Comic Store. She hadn't visited for the past few days. Seeing that the New Century Comic Store in Mondstadt was still open, Jean couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Takarou had assured her that he wouldn't close the comic store in Mondstadt, seeing it with her own eyes reassured her even more.

Jean entered the New Century Comic Store and found Takarou sitting at the front desk.

"Mr. Owner."

"It's Jean. Please have a seat."

"Mr. Owner, didn't you go to Liyue to open a comic store? Why are you here?"

"Haha, the comic store in Liyue has also been launched. I've already met with Ningguang and others. Nowadays, you can access my shop from both Liyue and Mondstadt"

"I see," Jean replied.

"I wonder why Jean suddenly came to the comic store today. Is there something you need?" Jean hadn't visited the comic store for a while, so Takarou speculated that she didn't come just to browse comics but had some questions for him.

Upon hearing Takarou's words, Jean smiled slightly.

"Mr. Owner, you truly are perceptive. I do have something I want to discuss with you."

"Oh, go ahead. I'll answer to the best of my knowledge."

"Mr. Owner, I have good news to share. The locomotive has been developed."

"Oh, so quickly?" Takarou was somewhat surprised by Jean's words. However, upon reflection, he realized that Albedo was a highly skilled alchemist, one of the best in Mondstadt. In the entire continent of Teyvat, there were few alchemists more capable than Albedo.

"With Albedo's involvement, these matters were indeed straightforward for him," Takarou commented. "Let me guess, now that the locomotive has been developed, the next step for the Knights of Favonius is to lay down tracks."

"But what concerns you, Jean, is the issue of money, right?"

Does the Knights of Favonius have money?

Naturally, they do. However, constructing the railway infrastructure would require a significant amount of mora. If the Knights of Favonius were to fund it and didn't generate any profits from the train in the next few years, they would suffer losses.

Seeing that Takarou had immediately understood her thoughts, Jean became excited.

"Indeed, Mr. Owner. You can easily grasp these things."

"Hehe, I only deduced the next steps based on the locomotive," Takarou replied. "Regarding the railway construction, I think you should approach Diluc."

"Diluc?" Jean asked.

"Yes, Diluc is the owner of the largest winery in Mondstadt, and Dawn Winery's wines are sold in many countries. You can ask Diluc to contribute half of the needed mora for the road construction. Additionally, if you want to extend the railway to Liyue, you can approach Ningguang."

"Furthermore, once the train cars are ready, you can advertise on them. You can sell advertising space to merchants. That way, you'll have money," Takarou suggested.

Takarou's ideas were based on his experiences on Earth. Such practices were commonplace there. However, in Mondstadt, advertising was relatively uncommon.

Nevertheless, it provided Jean with a new perspective. Indeed, as soon as Takarou finished speaking, a bright light flashed in Acting Grand Master Jean's eyes.

If they followed Mr. Owner's advice, they wouldn't lack mora. Moreover, even before the train started transporting goods, they could already generate profits. Merchants valued profits. As long as they saw the value of the train, they would be willing to invest.

However, for Mondstadt...

"I think you should pay a visit to Liyue and personally discuss with Ningguang. After all, there are more merchants in Liyue than in Mondstadt," Takarou suggested.

Jean nodded slightly.

Takarou was right. As the most prosperous nation in Teyvat, Liyue Harbor had ships coming and going every day.

"How about we go around Liyue Harbor together?" Jean proposed.

"To Liyue?" Jean's pupils slightly contracted.


This was an invitation from Mr. Owner, and he only invited her. Could this be the legendary date?


Seeing Jean's somewhat dreamy expression, Takarou was taken aback. Could it be that Acting Grand Master Jean had misunderstood?

"Ahem, let's go for a stroll in Liyue together. You'll be able to see just how many merchants there are in Liyue," Takarou explained. "And it will also be convenient for you to familiarize yourself with Liyue when you discuss matters with Ningguang."

Upon hearing Takarou's explanation, Jean finally realized that she had misunderstood. She couldn't help but blush brightly, feeling a bit embarrassed. This was the first time Takarou had seen Acting Grand Master Jean blush like that.

It had to be said that even though Jean was an Acting Grand Master, she still had a youthful side. Moreover, with her beautiful appearance, she was truly a stunning beauty.

Takarou remained silent and waited for Jean's mood to change. After a while, Jean lifted her head and looked at Takarou.

"Mr. Owner, will it be disruptive to your store if you accompany me to Liyue?"

"No, my comic store doesn't have customers every day."

"Is Jean ready? If you are, then follow me."

"Okay, Mr. Owner, I appreciate your help."

Jean didn't know what method Takarou would use to take them to Liyue. After all, Liyue was quite far from Mondstadt.

Takarou led Jean to a door. He then opened it and invited Jean inside.

The scene shifted. The surrounding clamor reached Jean's ears.


As Jean looked at her surroundings, astonishment appeared on her face.

Wasn't this Liyue right in front of her?

Just by opening a door, she could arrive in Liyue? This was too convenient!

"Jean, how is it? The clamor in Liyue, isn't it louder and more bustling than in Mondstadt?"

"I didn't expect that in just a few seconds, we could travel from Mondstadt to Liyue."

"Mr. Owner, thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Let's take a walk."

Then, Takarou introduced the surroundings to Jean.

"Mr. Owner, although there are many merchants in Liyue, why does it seem like they all have worried expressions on their faces?"

"Actually, something happened today. The Geo Archon was assassinated."

"The Geo Archon was assassinated??" Jean was visibly shocked. After all, Morax, the Geo Archon, was revered as the God of War in Liyue.

Such a powerful deity had been assassinated?

Jean couldn't accept this fact at first.

Imagine if one day, the deity of Mondstadt was also assassinated.

What would they do in Mondstadt then?

If the deity of Mondstadt was also assassinated, whom should they believe in?

"Mr. Owner, who do you think could have assassinated the Geo Archon?"

"After all, the Geo Archon was so powerful..."

"Who knows? Maybe the Geo Archon isn't actually dead," Takarou said, smiling but didn't directly tell Jean.

"Not dead?" If someone else had said this, Jean wouldn't have believed it. After all, it seemed like everyone in Liyue knew about the assassination of the Geo Archon.

But Jean chose to believe Takarou. Perhaps, as Takarou said, the Geo Archon hadn't actually died.

"But if the Geo Archon isn't dead, then why would he choose to stage his death during the Rite of Parting?"

"Perhaps it's because the Geo Archon felt that he had ruled Liyue for too long, and now that Liyue has become more powerful and prosperous, he felt that Liyue no longer needed him. That's why he did this."

"Just like the Anemo Archon in Mondstadt."

"I plan to have a drink and wander around in my spare time."

At that time, when Jean learned that Venti was the God of Wind, she couldn't believe it. The deity worshipped in Mondstadt turned out to be a drunkard. However, the fact that Venti was the God of Wind was right in front of her, which made her unable to deny it.

"If you want to know who understands Liyue the most, I can recommend someone to you. It's Zhongli, a consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor."

"How about I take you to meet Zhongli?"

"Zhongli?" Jean replied.

"In that case, I'll trouble Mr. Owner," she said.

With the assassination of the Geo Archon, Ningguang must be busy dealing with the situation. It wouldn't be appropriate for Jean to approach her for business talks at this time. After all, the national deity had just been assassinated. Going to see her now might be misunderstood by others.

Before long, Takarou and Acting Grand Master Jean arrived at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

At the entrance stood a woman in a black cheongsam. She was a funeral consultant and ferryman of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

"Hello, is Mr. Zhongli available?" Takarou asked, looking at the ferryman along with Jean.

Takarou's appearance resembled someone from Liyue, but this woman... judging by her attire, she seemed to be from Mondstadt, right?

If they came looking for Zhongli as soon as they arrived, could it be that something was going on?

"May I ask why you are looking for Mr. Zhongli?" the ferryman inquired.

"We'd like Zhongli to introduce my friend here to Liyue," Takarou replied. "Please let Mr. Zhongli know that I'm the owner of the New Century Comic Store. Zhongli will understand."

The ferryman pondered for a moment and said, "Please wait a moment. I'll inform Mr. Zhongli."

"Thank you, we appreciate it."

"So, the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is a place for funerals, right?"

"I didn't expect Liyue to have such a place," Jean remarked.

"Liyue places great importance on peace in the afterlife. The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor has existed for a long time."

Before long, the ferryman returned with Zhongli.

"So it's Mr. Owner. What brings you to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor?" Zhongli asked.

"Mr. Zhongli, let me explain. This friend of mine is from Mondstadt," Takarou introduced. "She is Acting Grand Master Jean, the representative of the Knights of Favonius."

"Jean, this is Zhongli, a consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. When it comes to the history and other information about Liyue, it can be said that Zhongli knows the most."

Takarou's words were indeed true, considering that Zhongli was Morax.

"These are just evaluations from others. You don't have to take them to heart," Zhongli modestly replied.

"In that case, Zhongli, let's go," Takarou said. "I'd like to know what this representative of the Knights of Favonius wants to learn."

"What do you want to know, Acting Grand Master Jean?" Zhongli inquired.

"Zhongli, the thing is..." Jean briefly explained the matter about the train, without revealing everything. After all, once the discussions with Ningguang were settled, everyone in Liyue would know about the train project. At this moment, it was just one more person knowing about it.

"A train?" Zhongli repeated. "I didn't expect Mondstadt to develop such a convenient tool."

With his arms crossed, Zhongli expressed surprise at the development of Mondstadt. After all, Liyue had yet to develop such a convenient tool.

"Mr. Owner is right, merchants value profit," Zhongli remarked. "Regarding matters related to business, you can consult Ningguang. As for the merchants in Liyue, I can introduce you to some."

"That would be appreciated, Zhongli," Jean said, her expression showing a hint of relief. She always felt that Zhongli was extraordinary, possessing a unique aura. It seemed familiar to her, but she couldn't recall where she had seen it before.


Afterward, Zhongli introduced Jean to the merchants of Liyue Harbor one by one.

Upon hearing Zhongli's introduction, Acting Grand Master Jean's perspective broadened. As Takarou had suggested, if they used the train developed in Liyue and invited these merchants to advertise, many of them would likely be interested. Having numerous advertisements around the train would increase their revenue.

However, this would also mean that the Knights of Favonius would have more work to do.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhongli," Jean respectfully said.

"It's nothing. Liyue and Mondstadt have a good relationship. If Mondstadt can develop better than Liyue, my old friend would probably be delighted," Zhongli replied.

"Old friend?" Jean questioned.

"Zhongli is currently in Mondstadt. You know him?" Jean was puzzled.

"When Elysia came to Liyue, I introduced her to many things about Liyue," Zhongli explained.

"Elysia? I didn't expect Mr. Zhongli to know her," Jean exclaimed, taken aback.

But upon further thought, it was normal for Elysia to know Zhongli since she frequently traveled outside. After all, Elysia's strength was formidable. Speaking of Elysia, it had been a long time since Jean had seen her. She wondered how Elysia was doing. If she had the time, it would be nice to visit Klee.

Takarou smiled slightly. Zhongli's "old friend" was obviously Venti, but Zhongli didn't explicitly say it. If he did, with Jean's intelligence, she might guess something about Zhongli's true identity. But since Zhongli didn't mention it, there was no need for Takarou to reveal it either.

"Mr. Zhongli, what is your opinion of the Geo Archon?" Jean suddenly asked, surprising Zhongli.

He pondered for a moment before answering, "'From my perspective, the Geo Archon has governed Liyue for many years. And Liyue has become more prosperous than ever before.'"

"I personally believe that the Geo Archon could set aside his status and explore Liyue. To see what it has become," Zhongli continued. "However, deities are incredibly powerful, and perhaps the Geo Archon is watching over Liyue at any moment."

"Then, Mr. Zhongli, did the Geo Archon really meet with foul play?" Jean inquired. "After all, he is a deity. Who could possibly assassinate the Geo Archon?"

Although Takarou had mentioned this possibility, that the Geo Archon might not be dead, Takarou was not from Liyue. Jean still wanted to hear Zhongli's thoughts as a Liyue native.

"We, as mortals, have no knowledge of whether the Archon met his demise," Zhongli replied. "Perhaps this is a test for the people of Liyue from the Geo Archon."

"Similar to the God of Wind in Mondstadt, who hasn't governed the city for many years. Yet, look at how well Mondstadt has developed," Zhongli added.

Zhongli didn't explicitly state what happened to the Geo Archon. Instead, he used Mondstadt as an example for Liyue.

Upon hearing Zhongli's words, Jean's eyes lit up. If that were the case, perhaps...

"Zhongli, I understand," Jean said. "You mean that even if Liyue loses the Geo Archon, they shouldn't stop there and should continue moving forward, right?"

"That's right," Zhongli confirmed. "Perhaps when Liyue can no longer progress, the Geo Archon will reappear."

"Such matters are unpredictable."

"Zhongli, I have a question I'd like to ask you."

Takarou smiled and said, "Mr. Owner, do you have a question?"

"If one day in the future, I open a manga store in Inazuma, and if the Raiden Shogun finds out, will she come after me?"

"Generally speaking, the Raiden Shogun seeks eternity. If your manga store poses a threat to eternity, then the Raiden Shogun will naturally take action. So, you should be careful when that time comes. After all, Inazuma is currently a closed nation."

"Alright, I understand," Takarou nodded.

Although he possessed the power of the Void Tears and was invincible as long as he was in the manga store, he still needed to be prepared before going to Inazuma. If he were to leave the manga store one day and walk the streets of Inazuma, he wouldn't want to be discovered by the Raiden Shogun. Dealing with her would not be good.

However, to be honest, he did want to go to Inazuma and meet Raiden Shogun. He also wanted to try some delicious food in Inazuma.

Afterward, the three of them continued to explore various places in Liyue Harbor, and Zhongli introduced Acting Grand Master Jean and Takarou to the local cuisine around Liyue Harbor.

Takarou looked at the time and realized that it was almost noon.

He suggested, "Acting Grand Master Jean, since you've come all the way to Liyue, why not taste the local cuisine?"

"If you're looking for a place in Liyue that is down-to-earth and reasonably priced, then Wanmin Restaurant is the best choice."

"I'll leave it to you, Mr. Owner."

Jean didn't refuse Takarou's invitation.

"Mr. Zhongli, how about joining us?" Jean asked.

"Mr. Owner, Acting Grand Master Jean, you go ahead. I have to return," Zhongli replied.

"Ever since I obtained a Biyomon, Hu Tao, the Director of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, comes to visit me every day. She even reminds me to take good care of the Biyomon," Zhongli said, somewhat amused.

Upon hearing this, Takarou pursed his lips. It seemed that Zhongli had found something to keep himself busy with the Biyomon. After all, when Zhongli had no business, he would listen to plays, storytelling, and drink tea and so on. The expenses for those activities would either be recorded at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor or in the Bank of Liyue. It seemed that Zhongli rarely went out after obtaining the Biyomon.

Hu Tao, the Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, probably felt very happy when she saw this scene.

"Well, since Zhongli can't join us, let's meet again another day," Jean suggested.


With that, Zhongli left, and Takarou and Acting Grand Master Jean headed to Wanmin Restaurant.

"Mr. Owner, welcome!" the chef greeted as they arrived.

"This person... should be the Windborne Knight from Mondstadt, right?" the chef asked, looking at Takarou. He then glanced at the person next to Takarou with confusion.

"This is Master Moa, the owner of Wanmin Restaurant," Takarou introduced. "Master Moa, this is Acting Grand Master Jean, the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius."

"Since you're the Acting Grand Master, Mr. Owner and Acting Grand Master Jean, please have a seat," Master Moa invited.

Upon hearing that they were guests from afar, especially a Grand Master, Master Moa became even more enthusiastic.

"Master Moa, please bring us your signature dishes. By the way, why haven't we seen Xiangling?" Takarou asked.

"That girl, she went out to find ingredients again," Master Moa shook his head.

Although he didn't get angry, there was a hint of worry on his face about his daughter's safety. After all, she often went out alone. If she encountered any trouble outside, it wouldn't be good.

"Master Moa, don't worry. Xiangling is very capable, and she has Gouba with her. You don't need to worry," Takarou assured him.

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