
Genshin Impact: I develop mobile games in mondstadt

Mr. T McCall came to the Teyvat continent and Found out that he had a mobile game creation system! In the city of Mondstadt, a mobile gaming cafe was opened. The mobile game that was available was [Genshin Impact]. “What! I managed to pull Acting grandmaster Jean, as a playable character. I won’t stop pulling now! ” “Jean is not all that good. I heard that someone got Master Diluc in a summon. He is truly impressive. He cuts down enemies like they are nothing! ” “Ah, ah, ah, I want both Master Diluc & grandmaster Jean in my team so much. ” “Ingame purchases? It isn’t to much compared to my monthly salary, I’ll use my extra income all for wishes!” “Are you still pulling for Jean and Diluc? Yesterday, Mr. McCall The game creator, updated the content of the game and launched a new limited character called ‘The poet of the Vortex.’ They seems very powerful. ” “how depressing , I’ve been tricked! This the Bard who often sings in the square? This has ruined my Account! ” “Wait a minute! In this new part is the story, his identity seems to be special!” “Dont tell me he is… ” Venti: “? ? ?” Edit: This is not my original work but I will be adding my own flavour to it as it is a Chinese work and the Translated work on this site has not been updated in months this is my first time doing anything like this so I hope all you readers can be understanding. I do not own any of the characters or the world, except my own OC for the MC.

Sky_eater · Video Games
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


The moment you receive the rewards of victory it is one of the most fulfilling feelings you will have.

"It seems you've been farming talent materials for your own character there Noelle, you're doing a great job." a deep voice suddenly said.

Hearing this voice, Noelle's expression became incredulous. She turned around to see Taylor standing behind her. It was clear that he had been standing there for sometime.

M… Mr. Taylor!?" Noelle was very surprised. Taylor was a well respected figure in mondstadt these days, The developer of the mobile game. Yeah, here he currently was standing behind her watching her play for Archon knows how long.

Noelle started blushing and didn't know what to say. " Mr… Mr. Taylor… I… I…"

" don't be so nervous; i'm just enjoying some downtime," Taylor said calmy. Taylor's voice seem to have a hypnotic charm around it, calming Noelle's nerves considerably. She took a deep breath and then felt compelled to ask. "Um… mr. Taylor, How do you know… my name?"

Clearly for some unknown reason, Noelle Find it hard to comprehend, after all she was just a maid for the Knights of Favonius, she wasn't even a official, full fledged knight. Shouldn't big shots like Taylor be dealing with people like grandmaster Jean or master Diluc? How could he have the time to pay attention to her?

" Please don't go forgetting that the [Noelle] in the game is one of my creations." Noelle put her hand over her mouth, she just realised she had asked a rather foolish question. When the mobile game first started gaining popularity in Mondstadt, someone had told her that there was a character in game that was based on her. Originally she just thought they were joking, but after playing the game herself, she could not believe just how faithfully she been recreated in the game. Absolutely everything from her appearance and actions, to her voice matched her perfectly. This is what lead her to have such complex feelings about the game's creator, Taylor. She admired him as her role model and for his role in saving Mondstadt, yet she was also very curious about why he chose her, a non-formal Knight's maid, as a character for his game.

This complex feeling became a puzzle within Noelle's heart. However today Taylor himself appeared right behind her, leaving Noelle so nervous she could barely speak.

" Let's see Jean, Kaeya, Lisa and Amber, your team composition is quite interesting; all members of the Knights of Favonius." Taylor said.

" Well that's because they're all respected seniors worth learning from, and I think I can learn a lot from them!" Noelle replied.

Taylor smiled and asked. " would you like to hear my advice?"

Noelle immediately put on a serious and earnest expression.

"To become a true knight, Learning from others is certainly important, but improving your own capabilities is the most critical point."

Taylor opened up Noelle's character interface and then clicked on the constellation tab.

" you see, you've maxed out your constellations and have reached your full potential. You now have the ability to be a solo sustain DPS character all on your own."

" Me a DPS character? Can I truly achieve that?"

Noelle was surprised to say the least. She had always thought of herself as just a run of the mill 4 star character in the game.

Some players had also tested out Noel and found her damage output to be relatively lacking, And her support abilities were not amazing. They believe she was not a character worth fully investing in. Compared to Diluc, Noelle seems more like a basic reference character. But now, Taylor was telling her that a maxed out constellation Noelle had the ability to become a solo sustain DPS character! Taylor was the game creator and who would be able to better understand the game that it's creator? Therefore, Noelle Didn't doubt Taylor's words, but rather questioned herself, wondering if she truly had that much potential.

" my dear Noelle, if you don't believe in yourself, how can you ever expect anyone else to believe in you?" Taylor's words were like a match that lit a flame deep within Noelle's heart, her eyes had a new light in them.

" Mr. Taylor, I understand, thank you!"

Taylor nodded.

In fact once Noelle Was fully built with maxed constellations, her damage output would rival that of many five star characters. In her elemental burst state, her attack range was also outstandingly far, And she had high defence with her shield that was provided by her elemental skill. She could even provide healing for her and her teammates, Making her a versatile character, sometimes referred to as the " "human Mecha". Taylor had also pointed Noelle In the right direction for her character growth.

" thank you for your tutelage!" Noelle got up ready to bow to Taylor. However, Taylor stopped her.

" There's still one more thing" Taylor pull out the letter from his left pocket. " This is a recommendation letter from acting grandmaster, She believe you do have the qualifications to become an official knight in terms of experience and skill, but there are still areas of your character that need improvement first.

"Jean is worried that by becoming an official knight you will become even busier an might even be made vulnerable to exploitation."

Hearing Taylor words, Noel's heart starts to swell up in a whirlwind of emotions. She realised that Jean had been watching over her all this time, and out of concern for her own safety, Which was the whole reason she wasn't allowed to take the official Knight evaluation. Noelle subconsciously clenched her skirt, She knew she had to work even harder now. She couldn't let Down Jean, Taylor or herself. However, Taylor's next words caught her off guard.

"… So, Jean has recommended you Work for me as a member of my staff at the new branch of my mobile game café she hope you can gain character experience here."

Working in Taylor's mobile game café! This was something many people in Mondstadt dreamed of doing, and Noelle Never thought she would have the opportunity. Her heart started to race, being able to work alongside someone like Taylor was beyond her wildest fantasies. She took several deep breaths trying to calm herself down.

" Mr. Taylor, I… I am more than willing!" Noelle was already immersing herself in her role as a store maid. From then on Taylor's second branch had the most diligent maid on board.

Every day, Noelle Diligently cleaned every corner, Including cleaning up after players right after they finish their sessions. The care of the hall and balcony plants also also fell under her responsibilities. She kept the three story building clean and tidy. She even took charge of providing three meals a day, Afternoon tea and late night snacks. Truly, she was the most versatile maid ever. And at least for now, she had to become Taylor's exclusive maid, and Taylor fully intended to nurture her further in a direction of strength and mental maturity until one day she could fierce a horde of ruin guards alone without feeling the need to back down or retreat. She would grip her greatsword tightly and say, " as a Knight of Taylor, fear Me!


" Taylor, that Noelle seems highly capable."

" yes, even all the players recognise the high-quality of Noelle's Work."

After finishing their dinner, Taylor returned to his room, While Eula Silently cleaned up the dishes. These days, Taylor had been busier than ever before, and even that casual chat during dinner had a reduction in time. Perhaps it is because the new store had opened, And Taylor had to divert his attention, Unable to focus on one store now. At least that's what Eula thought.

On the other hand, Noelle's Work was utterly impeccable, And her reputation in Mondstadt was already excellent. Players who visited the shop greeted Noelle Warmly. As for herself, perhaps it was due to the Lawrence family name's prejudice. The players didn't mind being around her, but they didn't show any great enthusiasm about it either. They were simply willing to see her as an employee of the mobile game café which gave her better treatment than she ever had before. In the game, there was a Noelle character, A four star character, but many players had created a maid themed team, making both the character Noelle and the real life one very popular.

Although Eula had long learned not to care about others opinions, She couldn't help but feel a bit lost and sad in this comparison. The main reason that she was worried about Will there come a day we're even Taylor thinks that Noelle's abilities have surpassed her's and choose to move to the other side. Although Taylor still treat her the exact same way as he did before, Eula knew she really shouldn't entertain such thoughts. But in her idle moments she could not help but wonder. Perhaps this is the kind of worry that young girls in their 20s can never escape from.

Lately in their conversations! Taylor revealed to her his plans to promote his mobile game café in Liyue and open up a branch in Liyue Harbour. This Move could be considered quite bold, but Eula believes that with Taylor's abilities, it would probably become reality sooner rather than later. However, this would mean even less one on one time alone with Taylor, right?

In any case, Eula Has been feeling a bit anxious lately. It's late at night, and Eula Is currently lying in bed, looking at the moon and stars outside, feeling somewhat restless. She sat up, Put on her list pyjamas and suddenly, As if almost possessed, she opened her door and walked across the hallway to Taylor's door.

A faint glimmer of light shines through the crack under the door. She wonders if Taylor is currently asleep. Her hand hesitates before knocking the door. She then scratched her head and her dishevelled blue shoulder length hair made her look a bit untidy. Suddenly she feels like she shouldn't disturb Taylor this late hour, no matter the circumstances— weather as an employee or as a friend.

She sighs and as she's about to return to our own room, Taylor's door suddenly opened.


Taylor looked quite surprised to see her up at this hour.

"Uh… I…"

Eula was just thinking about how to give an explanation to why she was here, but Taylor grabbed her hand and pulled her into his room.

"Taylor… what are you… doing…!?"

Eula's heart started to race. She wasn't prepared yet…!

"Eula, come here and experience your character quest."

" pardon…!?"

Eula was momentarily stunned. She notices the phone in Taylor's room, displaying content from his test server. On the screen, she sees herself holding a sword with both her hands, raising it behind her back. The text on the screen reads, [Aphros Delos Chapter, act 1: The Spindrift Shall Never Return to the Sea].

'So Taylor brought me in here for this…'

'Huh? Why do I feel a little disappointed?'

Eula put her hand on her chest, to try and calm the surging feelings. She's shifted her focus to the character quest. Previously, Taylor mentioned casually that he was planning to add her as a character to his mobile game. And now she already has her character quest! Eula's heart couldn't help but tremble. It seems that Taylor has always had a place for her and his heart.

With a heart filled with so much emotion, Eula started her story.

At the quests beginning, The Traveler and Paimon arrived in Jean's office to ask about a commission they accepted from Jean.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Honorary Knight. I know you must be busy."

" well, To make a long story short, There's a particular matter at hand that the knights requires your assistance with."

" I have recently received multiple reports from the Knights of someone within the Lawrence clan have close dealings with the Fatui."

" Though we have yet to obtain any solid evidence, The reason you here today is to ask you to help us further investigate this matter."

The subject of Jean's Investigation was Schubert Lawrence. In Eula's Impression, He had always been a scheming uncle. If he were truly involved with the Fatui, Eula would not be surprised.

Following the mission instructions, they found Schubert by the northern walls of Mondstadt.

" Hello, We are here to…"

As Paimon was in the middle of greating him, Schubert abruptly interrupted.

"Hmph… "hello"?"

" yeah, What's wrong?" Said The Traveler.

" "what's wrong"? Did you just say "what's wrong"?"

"Hmph! I suppose you think you can simply strut up here and greet me in such an ignoble and vulgar manner?"

" Given that I don't recognise you, I can only assume that you were a traveler of some variety. I'll have you know that you were speaking with Schubert Lawrence, A blood descendent of the magnanimous nobility."

" if you wish to address me, You'd best consider your words words more carefully. Such nonchalant manners are in admissible and will never do."

" now, If you're somehow capable of understanding anything I have said, Then you will get down on your knees, Apologise for your negligent actions, And give me a proper introduction. That is the appropriate etiquette!"

The Traveler and Paimon we're both stunned. Watching from the screen, Eula let out a smile in mockery. This was undoubtably her uncle's character, always clinging onto the ways of the old nobility and considering it more sacred than anything else.

The first meeting ended on a terribly unpleasant note. The Traveler and Paimon had no way to communicate with Schubert due to their lack of knowledge about noble etiquette.

Upon returning to the Knights of Favonius headquarters, they happened to run into Amber. After briefly recounting their situation, Amber offered some advice.

" however, There is one exception among the Lawrence clan. My good buddy — Eula."

"B… buddy!?" Paimon questions.

" that's right! Not only is she from the Lawrence Clan, but she is also captain of the Knights of Favonius 4th Company."

"Eula is special! She's not quite like the other members of our clan. She has her own belief and it shows."

With Amber's advice the Traveler and Paimon head to stormbearer mountains to find Eula.

While they hadn't found Eula yet, but near a watchtower in the area, they discovered a group of Fatui causing trouble. The battle began quickly and ended just as quick.

However, the travel seems to have overlooked the fact that at the top of the watchtower, A hidden Fatui Pyroslinger Bracer (the ones that use guns) was aiming their musket at the Travelers back.

At the moment when the traveller had just finished their battle and had their guard down, The gun fired out there back.

But in the instant The shot was fired, A blue figures in between the traveller and the shot.


A beautiful great sword blocked the shot.

As Eula's complete figure was shown on screen, elegant music began to play. The Fatui Pyroslinger Bracer seemed to realise that this was a challenging opponent. Without any hesitation, he continually fired a hail of shots.

Accompanied by the elegant background music, Eula displayed incredible gymnastic posture, swiftly advancing forward while evading all the shots from the Fatui Pyroslinger Bracer.

Once she reached the watchtower she use the wooden platform to swing herself to the top of the tower. Her eyes covered great sword reappeared in her hands.

A silver crescent or cut through the air. The Fatui Pyroslinger Bracer was immediately knocked backwards into the air. He aimed forward once again to try and get a shot on Eula but she was gone, she had jumped above him and slashed at him in the air defeating him. This series of elegance movements akin to like a dance left all Who buried witness in awe. Even Eula subconsciously thought that she looked really cool. She was well aware that this was the special entrance Taylor had prepared for her. She could feel the warmth thoughtfulness of this gesture.

" you don't think twice before reaching for your sword, Do you? Ugh… do you have any idea how long I've been tracking these targets?"

"…And now you get a stake a claim. Hmph, you think you're stronger because you got to them first? Ugh… mark my words, Vengeance will mine!"

"So you must be Eula?" The Traveler said.

They travel then explain their purpose for being there. In the story, Eula agreed to teach the Traveler the etiquette of the Lawrence family as part of the investigation into her uncle.

So they began their training in the statue Square. however, even a simple grading turned away to be extremely complicated and complex even after a half of instruction, they couldn't quite get it.

"Um… perhaps be better if you… gave some real life demonstrations."

Although momentarily hesitant Eula accepted the proposal and began randomly selecting some passerby in the square for demonstration.

" oh… you're Eula of the Lawrence clan right? This can't be good…" Norman said in a sceptical tone.

"Ahem! You there, Lowly labourer. You stand in the presence of a member of the illustrious Lawrence clan. I have words for you."

" please acknowledge the glory bow upon thee by the nobility, uhh… what comes next…? Oh, right! By solemnly kneeling to the ground with upmost sincerity."

Norman narrowed his eyebrows. "Huh? Can't make heads or tails of anything you're saying!"

"Ugh, is everyone from the Lawrence clan so strange?"

" The days of the Lawrence clan's tyranny of long passed. I don't care what you're trying to do, just beat it.

" I think you misunderstood her, She's just giving us a demonstration, that's all" the Traveler tried to explain.

Unfortunately, it didn't help, Norman refused to engage with them any further. In fact, Norman was considerably polite compared to the next ones they tried.

"Hey! Stop bothering me, Or else I might say something you wouldn't like to hear!"

" then again, I've got no words for anyone from the Lawrence clan."

The third person even blatantly pointed out Eula and her family, saying in a fed up tone:

"*sigh* I know she's a Knight of Favonius, i'm the knights wouldn't misplace their trust, Bad Brains carries too much weight with it."

" even to this day, The descendants of the Lawrence clan are still scheming to reclaim Mondstadt and reinstate their aristocratic rule."

" and if that wasn't enough, Here you are purposefully using your awkward way speaking just to put on an Act? You care for the feelings of us ordinary folk?"

Eula sighed. Whether in the game or in real life, This was her reality. This pastor buys were already being very polite. He said words behind her back were 10 times worse.

After giving up on the demonstration, Paimon apologised to Eula, " actually, Paimon Things we should apologise for asking you to demonstrate for us. We had no idea the feelings between the Lawrence clan and the people of Mondstadt Were so bitter."

"Haha, what can we do? The Lawrence name is already a dirty word among every household in Mondstadt. Even three-year-olds, know the story. I see this kind of attitude all the time." Eula said matter-of-factly.

" and someone you still manage to brush it off with a laugh?" The Traveler sighed.

" don't worry, What with me being a Knight of Favonius, they're usually willing to speak a few words with Me."

" perhaps my aristocratic manner of Speech provoked them today. Believe me, it's not a big issue."

" so this is the way things are normally for you? There's no need for them to direct you personally." Paimon sad with sincerity.

" That's the way things are. Perhaps it's just fate for those who made mistakes. Accepting punishment is only fair, right? But when your family has committed atrocities, i'm afraid there's no easy path to reconciliation."

" as memories are carried in the city breeze, The faults of such grievances are passed on from one generation to the next. It is not my turn to bear this burden."

" at least I have a means of living a relatively normal life compared to the elders of my family. I have nothing to be discontented about."

In this rare moment, Eula Had her true feelings laid. In fact, during her time with Taylor, She had occasionally confided him about some troubles. However Eula didn't want Taylor the bear any burden so she never said much.

But unexpectedly, this passage of text so clearly expressed her state of mind. Eula had never felt so deeply understood before. It was as if her heart was being cradled.

" Taylor…"

Turning around, she could no longer control herself a moment longer I'm through herself into Taylor's arms. Tears started flowing like waterfalls, releasing years of grievances and injustices.


" It's alright, It's alright, You shouldn't be too easy to cry, Dear Eula, this does not seem like the Eula I've come to know."

Taylor calmly rubbed Eula on her back, comforting her. After about 10 minutes Eula wiped away the last of her tears with the tissues that Taylor handed to her, she took a deep breath, and sighed. The outburst of emotion had only been a momentary release, and now she had calmed down. She felt her great sense of relief and relaxation in both her body and her mind.

" thank you, Taylor…"

" Then let's continue with the story quest. If you feel that there's anything not quite right, please do let me know before I update it."

"Ok, Taylor!"

Eula's training in Noble etiquette was not over yet. They had only covered the aspect of conversation, which was a little emotional.

The pursuit of proper etiquette required repeated training. They arrived at a mountain path near Dragonspine. Even though the game has not had the dragonspine update yet, A small area of it was temporarily accessible only during this quest.

The reason Taylor was going to release Eula's story quest early was because he considered that the game café would soon open up a Liyue branch, and the story Would also open up the Liyue Related Story. , the presence of Mondstadt would become temporarily lower. At the same time he also wanted to use Eula's Story quest as an opportunity to somewhat dispel the strong prejudice and baseless accusations against her by the people of Mondstadt.

Along the mountain path, The Traveler passed the etiquette training for dignified conduct. Next time to prepare a cordial gift for Schubert.

With everything ready, The Traveler met Schubert again and gained his trust through the aristocratic etiquette taught by Eula. They also infiltrated a Fatui Secret base as Schubert's "guest" after some negotiation, With Schubert guarantee, the Fatui temporarily set aside their suspensions of the Traveler and began their trade.

" now, To the Matter at hand. Did you bring the diagram of Mondstadt's Defences as promised?"

" of course, You needn't worry about that. Don't forget what we agreed upon, The flag of the Lawrence clan will fly above the Knights of Favonius headquarters." Schubert stated.

" Yes, yes, we both will profit from this agreement. no use haggling over the details." The Fatui dealer responded.

It seemed that the Fatui I've reached an agreement with Schubert. However, to the credibility of this simple agreement was unknown.

" Once this is over, I shall stand the top the Favonius headquarters and rebuke their pathetic rule over Mondstadt. Then, The city and all its people once again be under the rightful and wavering rule of the Lawrence clan!" Schubert while envisioning himself standing on a high platform, as though to symbolise the Lawrence clans resurgence.

Seeing Schubert so enthusiastic, The traveller decide to no longer play along. They removed their mask.

" no need to keep up appearances!"

" that's right! It's the honorary Knight and their trusty companion, Paimon! We are here to crush your evil schemes into dust! Dust!!!"

Schubert was stunned, and even more infuriated. " so this was all just a ploy to deceive me!"

" it's your own fault, Who put so much trust in someone based purely on their manners?" Paimon rebuked.

" after so much planning, This is how it ends!? we'll see about that!" then Schubert run off.

The Fatui dealer looked helpless. " just as I expected. I knew I should've never trusted this foolish aristocrats."

Schubert's escape route with a dead end, so there was no need to chase after him immediately. They decided to first deal with the Fatui in the secret base. After all the city defence diagram was still in their possession.

Within the secret base, The Traveler's strength was more than sufficient. That's why they dared to reveal their true identity.

The few Fatui Members were quickly defeated, and the city defence diagram was recovered. The other side Schubert's escape attempt reached it's conclusion.

Eula and her reconnaissance team had already captured Schubert. When the traveller arrived, Schubert seem to have finally have an understanding of the situation.

"Aha! I see now, So you're the one that taught them our etiquette? And I thought you despised such pleasantries!"

" Furthermore, There is a rule in our family. Such traditions are never to be taught to outsiders!"

Facing Schubert's questioning tone, Eula appeared completely indifferent.

"Ah yes, rings a bell. So what? I had no reason not to teach them."

"Y— you have brought shame to our family and ruined my plans! It's all for naught now!"

" I know that you have bored great effort into these plans, Uncle. But you were well aware that it was not the right thing to do. As a Knight of Favonius, I could not overlook your actions." This sharp attitude seem to have completely enraged Schubert.

"Knight of Favonius!? let's get one thing straight. I am your uncle, And you are a member of the Lawrence clan! Should strive to restore your family's glory!"

" you still have a chance. Defeat every Knight of Favonius here, and leave with me!"

" I shall play with the family to spare you and give you a new beginning!"

" so just to be clear, You want a Knight of Favonius To attack the Knights of Favonius?"

" I shall say this one last time. You are not a Knight of Favonius. You are a descendent of the Lawrence clan!"

" The blood of the Lawrence clown flows in your veins! You must comply with the will of the family!"

" since when have I ever complied with the will of the family?"

Eula's Expression finally changed Underneath her cold calmness, There was now a hint of anger. It was like magma beneath the iceberg showing signs of an eruption.

"Wh — Why you… you unruly maid!"

Schubert was beside himself with anger, And his eyes seem to spew fire.

He couldn't understand it and he couldn't comprehend it.

Why was Eula, Who was also a member of the Lawrence clown, preventing the family's resurrection? Without the Lawrence name, what was she?

" if anyone should be angry, It should be Me."

Eula's gaze Darkened. She didn't shout or yell like her uncle did, She didn't lose her temper, But instead she used harsh words to state pure facts.

" as a member of the Lawrence clan, Knowingly plotted against the city of Mondstadt And threatened it safety."

" how do you ever stopped to consider the trouble it would bring to so many people? How do you considered how many enemies you would make trying to keep the plans under wraps?"

Schubert was shocked in his eyes Eula had completely rebelled.

"Y—You dare lecture Me!"

" that's right, In the name of the family that used to dearly revere, uncle Schubert."

" I've never experienced the age of "glory" you always speak of, and I've never understood our families incessant pursuit of it."

" I am capable of discerning right from wrong, And I deeply understand what "freedom" means to the people of Mondstadt."

" The Lawrence clan should never and will never become what you've dreamed it to be!"

Schubert was so angry that he started to cough.


Sorry, this one took so long as This has been the longest chapter I've done to date Got really tired when I was halfway finished yesterday.