
Genshin Impact: I Am the Snezhnaya Envoy.

As the newly appointed Twelfth Harbinger, [Instructor], Bai Luo feels a bit anxious. The Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya has given him a task: to go to Inazuma as the envoy of Snezhnaya. As a transmigrator, he knows all too well what could happen if he goes to Inazuma—he’d likely be struck down by the Raiden Shogun. But if he doesn’t go, the Tsaritsa herself might do the same to him. In the end, faced with the choice between the Tsaritsa and the Raiden Shogun... he chooses the Mirror Maiden. ____________________________________ this is just a translation the original work : 原神之我是至冬使节

TheNovelExtraFan · Video Games
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59 Chs

Chapter 51: Eula Lawrence

Mondstadt still had noble families, such as the Gunnhildr family, the Ragnvindr family, and the notorious Lawrence family, the villains of the old aristocratic era.

Compared to the other two families, the Lawrence family was undeniably the most disgraceful in Mondstadt's history. However, after the Lawrence family's rule was overthrown, the Knights of Favonius chose not to completely eradicate the family's lineage, allowing their bloodline to continue.

Despite their noble heritage, the remaining members of the Lawrence family couldn't accept their downfall and continued to cling to their outdated authority. However, this so-called authority only extended within their own family. Should they dare to flaunt it in Mondstadt, they would face the wrath of the city's residents.

Traditionally, noble families were always invited to high-profile banquets like this one. For example, the host of tonight's banquet, Diluc, hailed from the Ragnvindr family. Another invited guest, the Dandelion Knight Jean, belonged to the Gunnhildr family.

As for the Lawrence family... as descendants of the old nobility and former oppressors, they no longer had the privilege of attending such celebrations of freedom. There was only one exception.

The Spindrift Knight, Eula Lawrence.

Eula, the captain of the Reconnaissance Company of the Knights of Favonius and the renowned Spindrift Knight, spent much of her time patrolling the wilderness, earning numerous accolades. The knights stationed in the mountains and valleys were often targeted by monsters, but Eula was known for her swift support, resolving crises with unparalleled efficiency. She frequently led her troops on the offensive, dismantling Abyss Order strongholds and preventing their plots before they could take root.

Yet, Eula's background was complicated—she was the last descendant of the Lawrence family, a name synonymous with treachery in Mondstadt. Many viewed her as the embodiment of her family's sins.

Years ago, she severed ties with her family and joined the Knights of Favonius. Initially, she had no intention of joining the knights, having been raised to harbor hatred and a thirst for revenge. She knew that the fall of the Lawrence family was due to the efforts of the Knights of Favonius. If not for the teachings of a certain knightly mentor, she might have succumbed to the cycle of vengeance.

However, Jean's warmth and sincerity offered her a new perspective, leading Eula to tentatively accept an invitation to join the knights—an organization that had once been her family's sworn enemy.

Eula's enlistment caused quite a stir, with ordinary citizens petitioning the Knights to withdraw their decision and the Lawrence family causing a ruckus at the Knights' headquarters.

If it weren't for Grand Master Varka and several other knights standing firm, this conflict would have been hard to contain.

Eula didn't disappoint either Varka or Jean. Within just a few years, through sheer determination and skill, she rose to the rank of captain of the Fourth Company—The Reconnaissance Company.

Even so, she was never fully accepted by the citizens of Mondstadt. Even those who had benefitted from her protection saw her more as an outsider rather than truly welcoming her into their hearts.

This underlying tension was particularly evident at tonight's grand banquet. While the knights treated her with respect, the merchant guild elites largely ignored her, keeping their distance.

Understanding her place, Eula quietly retreated to a corner of the banquet hall, drinking alone. It wasn't that the knights were deliberately avoiding her, but her many years of experience had led her to build an invisible shield around herself, making it difficult for others to reach the warmth hidden within her icy demeanor.

"Miss, drinking alone? Care for some company?" Bai Luo asked, approaching her with a casual smile.

Truth be told, Bai Luo might be the best person to approach Eula.

He's not from Mondstadt, so he doesn't care about the locals' resentment toward the Lawrence family. To him, this girl is just an ordinary woman. To him, she was just an ordinary girl.

And with girls, well, a little flirting never hurt, right?

"At a time like this, you should address me as 'knight,' not with such a feeble term," Eula replied, setting down her drink. There was a slight haze in her eyes, a sign that the alcohol was affecting her, yet her tone remained as sharp as ever. "How dare you call me something so delicate... unforgivable... I'll remember this grudge."

Even though Bai Luo had prepared himself for her harsh words, he was still taken aback. Still, knowing her well enough, he didn't take offense. Despite her harsh words, her tone suggested that she wasn't entirely displeased by his approach.

In this case, it was the perfect opportunity to charm... or rather, flirt with her.

"My apologies... my friend here tends to say strange things after a drink or two. Please don't mind her," a fiery-haired young woman suddenly appeared by Eula's side.

"Only a few drinks, and you think I'd be drunk? Amber, how dare you underestimate me... I'll add this new grudge to the old ones and repay you tenfold!" Eula retorted, her voice filled with mock indignation.

"Alright, alright! If that's the case, I'll cook you something extra tomorrow to make up for it. You can punish me however you like!" Amber replied with a grin.

"I don't need you to tell me that."

"Alright, alright, whatever makes you happy. I was only gone for a little while, and you're already drinking. Did you forget what I told you? Always eat something before drinking."



"I need to go to the restroom..."

"...Go on your own!"

Watching the sweet interaction between the two, Bai Luo didn't feel the least bit awkward. He picked up his glass and downed the wine, letting the slightly sweet and herbal wine coat every corner of his mouth.

Compared to the strong, fire-water of Snezhnaya, this dandelion wine tasted almost as bland as water.

As the renowned adventurer and one of the founding members of the Hexenzirkel, Alice, once said: Everything has a price. From the Abyss, you can gain whatever you desire, but at the cost of something equally valuable.

As a Harbinger of the Fatui, Bai Luo had gained immense power and influence, along with a prestige few could imagine. But in exchange, he had lost the warmth and trust of others, the connection one might have with ordinary people.

He could feel it during his time in Inazuma. If not for his clever manipulation of people's perceptions, he might never have been able to walk openly in the sunlight.

Justice is not the same for everyone. Even though the Fatui believe they are acting justly, others may see it differently.

As someone aligned with chaotic evil, Bai Luo's reputation among those of lawful good will always start at -500.

Take Amber, for instance—the most lively and friendly of all Pyro users, looked at him with caution and wariness.

It's truly heartbreaking.

Though he said it was heartbreaking in his mind, Bai Luo's face showed no signs of disappointment.

Indeed, starting with 100 points of favorability would make the game too easy, wouldn't it?

It's the nightmare difficulty that makes a game truly fun.

Except in battle, of course.