
Genshin Impact: I'll Subdue Raiden Shogun No Matter What

This is the story of a young man who wants to subdue Raiden Shogun at all costs. Even in a cunning way.

JuNn_ · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Ch. 53: Self-Satisfaction

The morning sun shone upon the glistening water's surface. The faint aroma of fresh bread from the bakery on the street corner mingled with the scent of hot coffee wafting from the cafe across the river. The gentle ripples of the water and the footsteps of passersby provided the morning's soundtrack.

I took the Magic Wish Machine out of my pocket. I gazed intently at the object resting on my palm. Its precious metal surface gleamed under the sun's rays.

"Two left..." I murmured softly, caressing the Machine's surface. Only two magical wishes remained to be granted.

Then, slowly, the device evaporated from my hand, leaving behind mere particles. I had transferred the Magic Wish Machine to my inventory.

I decided to use those two remaining wishes only when truly desperate.

Puffs of smoke billowed from my mouth. I leaned against the iron railing, savoring the delightful taste of tobacco.

After a few puffs, I extinguished the cigarette and tossed the butt into a nearby trash can.

I drew in a long breath, then slowly exhaled the last plume of smoke from my lips.

As I strolled along the bustling sidewalks of Fontaine that morning, I noticed an elderly woman struggling with her heavy-looking grocery bags.

I approached and greeted her, "Excuse me, Ma'am," offering a smile. "Allow me to help you with those bags."

The old woman raised her face, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, thank you, young man! You're so kind."

Taking the laden bags from her, I inspected the woman's face. "Ma'am, wouldn't it be better to use a trolley when shopping? It would be much easier."

I wondered, did Fontaine actually have shopping trolleys?

"Hahaha, you're right, young man. But why buy a trolley when I have you to help?" She laughed heartily.

If her response was like that, I had to assume trolleys did indeed exist in Fontaine.

We walked side by side along the shop-lined path. Not far ahead, a young child suddenly tripped over a rock and fell, wincing back tears.

The old woman and I hurried over to help.

I helped the child up while gently inspecting the minor scrape on their knee. "Look, just a little scratch." I blew softly on the wound.

"Thank you, Mister!"

The old woman chuckled softly at my interaction with the child. "Young people these days are so kindhearted." I simply returned a small smile.

Upon reaching the old woman's home, I handed her the grocery bags. "There you are, Ma'am. Home safe and sound."

Though I didn't actually know where her house was, so she had to guide me there.

"Thank you so much, young man. You're truly a good soul." The elderly woman patted my shoulder with a warm gaze.

I nodded in response.

After helping the old woman, I continued strolling through the streets of Fontaine.

It had been so very long since I last wandered my hometown.

The reason I considered Fontaine my hometown was because this was the first city I settled in upon initially arriving in Teyvat... I murmured to myself, listening to the trickling sounds of the Fountain in the town square, adding to the solemn ambiance there.

I walked along the rows of buildings, occasionally inhaling the appetizing aromas from the bakeries and cafes that were open.

Not far ahead, I spotted a young child holding a pink balloon. The balloon slipped from the child's grasp and began floating upward.

"Oh no, my balloon!" The child cried out in panic.

I dashed after the balloon as it became tangled in the branches of a nearby tree.

With my current Agility, it was easy enough to chase down the balloon.

Of course, I limited my speed somewhat to appear normal to onlookers.

One could say I restricted my running pace to that of a top athlete.

I nimbly scaled the tree trunk. Stretching out my hand, I grasped the fluttering pink balloon amidst the dense foliage.

After securing a firm grip on its end, I jumped back down.

"Here's your balloon, kiddo," I said, handing it back to the teary-eyed child.

"Thank you, Mister!" The kid beamed widely.

At first, the child simply stared at me with a puzzled look. But then, they tilted their head slightly, as if recalling something.

"Ah... You're the Mister from the newspaper!" The child exclaimed suddenly. "You're Miss Charlotte's friend!"

I placed my hands in my pockets and slightly lowered my head.

I fell silent for a moment, regulating my breathing. Then I nodded and offered a faint smile.

Well, I knew this would happen eventually. I would be recognized for having aided Charlotte.

Soon after, a middle-aged woman, presumably the child's mother, hurried over, breathless. "Thank you so much, Sir! My son dearly loves that balloon."

I simply nodded and gave a small smile in acknowledgment of her gratitude.

After they left, I brushed off the dust on my clothes from climbing the tree earlier.

Tidying my appearance once more, I continued exploring the streets of Fontaine.

I strolled along the busy sidewalk, surrounded by the aroma of coffee and freshly baked bread wafting from the rows of cafes lining the street. The ringing of church bells accompanied my steps amidst the city's hustle and bustle.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the crowd – it was Charlotte, hurrying toward me with quick strides. Her hair danced in the gentle spring breeze of Fontaine.

"Ah, there you are!" Charlotte flashed a brief smile as she smoothed back her slightly disheveled bangs.

"Where have you been all this time? I even..." Her words trailed off.

Her expression turned somewhat anxious. "Ah, apologies, it seems I must be going. An urgent matter has come up."

I furrowed my brow in confusion.

Without waiting for my query, she turned and hurried off, disappearing into the crowd of passersby.

I stood still, gazing at her retreating back as it vanished amid the throngs.

Stroking my chin, I pondered for a moment. Something must be happening. Whatever trouble had befallen her... it seemed misfortune plagued not just me.

I walked, following Charlotte's trail while keeping a discreet distance to avoid being noticed.

I weaved through the crowds, trying not to stand out too much and attract unwanted attention.

My gaze remained fixed on Charlotte's back as she hurried along up ahead.

Now and then, I had to squint to keep from losing sight of her amidst the city's commotion.

Suddenly, from the side, someone bumped into me rather forcefully.

My shoulder was jarred sideways by the impact.

I sighed... why can't people watch where they're going?

I almost toppled forward but managed to regain my balance.

"Pardon me, my apologies!" The person who bumped into me called out while covering part of their face with a hat.

I frowned, studying that figure. A young woman.

I swallowed hard... She seemed to be in disguise. Quite a conspicuous outfit – French-styled clothing complete with a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. At a glance, I thought I recognized the silhouette of her frame and the bluish-white hair peeking from beneath her hat.

Furina...? I murmured inwardly, though unable to make out her face clearly.

Why would an Archon walk amongst and breathe the same air as her followers?

Whatever, I turned and swiftly continued on, striving not to lose Charlotte's trail. But then, suddenly, her figure vanished from sight amid the city's bustle. I glanced left and right, trying to locate her within the surging crowds. But to no avail, Charlotte had seemingly disappeared without a trace.

I exhaled a long, frustrated breath.

How could I have lost her trail that quickly? Where was she even headed?

I turned around, scouring the area in hopes of finding Charlotte, or at least a clue as to which direction she went. But I found only throngs of unfamiliar faces passing by.

Nor did I spot any sign of the woman who had bumped into me earlier – no trace of Furina or that disguised figure.

Alright, I gave up.

Feeling unsure of what to do next, I decided to stop by one of my regular sweet shops.

"One serving of Fontaine-style pudding," I ordered from the confectioner's stall.

I pulled out a handful of mora from my pocket as I received the packaged pudding. Without counting, I handed over the mora.

"Sir, here is your change!" The vendor called out.

But I simply waved my empty left hand dismissively. "Keep the change," I stated flatly.


Please throw a power stone to keep me motivated!

hope you guys like it. support me with ko-fi so I can upload more :)
