
Genshin Impact: I'll Subdue Raiden Shogun No Matter What

This is the story of a young man who wants to subdue Raiden Shogun at all costs. Even in a cunning way.

JuNn_ · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Ch. 47: Abyss Order, Right?

Charles stood with a cold stare, looking straight at the Abyss Order that stood before him.

Slowly, a glowing purplish energy enveloped his body, emitting a powerful Electro Vision aura. His hand tightened around the hilt of the sword, preparing to launch an attack.

Without hesitation, Charles lunged forward with astonishing speed, leaving a trail of purplish light behind him.

The sound of electrical hissing echoed through the air, combining with the rapid steps that shook the ground.

In his swift movements, blood spurts splashed the air, mixing with the deafening sound of metal cutting flesh.

Charles managed to slash through the Abyss Order's hand calmly!

The hand bounced away, as if it lost all its strength after being separated from its owner's body.

Nimbly, the Abyss Order moved to dodge Charles' next sword swing.

All that remained was the empty wind sweep of Charles' sword swing through the air.

That Abyss Order had anticipated his attack!

Charles paused, tilting his head in confusion. His eyes observed the Abyss Order that was retreating swiftly.

At this moment, Abyss Order stopped fleeing, he raised both his hands up.

As if a powerful force was being released, a sudden rumble echoed out, the ground beneath his feet shook violently!

Losing his balance, Charles tried to find a firm foothold on the ground that was churning like a raging ocean.

Just as Charles managed to stabilise himself, a flurry of stone spears appeared from the air,

Charles calmly swung his Electro Vision-shrouded sword, creating flashes of electricity that struck the stone spears that were still hurtling towards him.

Hissing and popping sounds accompanied each swing, combining with cracking sounds as the spears shattered into pieces.

Until, not a single spear could be fired anymore.

Charles stood tall, staring calmly at his opponent, the Abyss Order. Luminous purplish energy flashed, enveloping his body like a raging thunderbolt. His sword glowed in an electric purple colour, as if electrified by thousands of volts.

Without hesitation, Charles darted forward with blinding speed. The sound of electrical hissing resounded with his loud, echoing steps.

His purple lightning sword swung in a blindly curved swing, aiming for the Abyss Order's neck.

However, nimbly, he twisted his body, evading Charles' deadly slash that only cleaved empty air. Abyss Order managed to dodge!

But Charles stopped there. As soon as his sword swing met the void, without pausing he twisted his body, launching a new slash with equally powerful force.

A flash of fiery purple flashed through the air, followed by a slashing sound that split the wind.

However, no matter how many slashes Charles caused, the Abyss Order always dodged skilfully, avoiding the death slashes Charles threw repeatedly and tirelessly.

At this moment, Charles suddenly went still, no longer attacking.

He did not exhale, nor did he make any suspicious movements. He just held his chin with both fingers, then slowly nodded.

The Abyss Order that continued to retreat observed that movement. He felt that Charles was a dangerous person!

He had a hunch that this man was learning from observation and now understood!

Horrified, Abyss Order raised his hand to the sky.

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed through the sky.

The sound was like a mighty screech, it was like... a dragon!

It was like a dragon on the rampage!

Charles, who was standing still, looked up with a face as calm as a stormless sea. His eyes narrowed, intently observing the scene that unfolded in the sky.

The sky began to darken, decorated with rolling grey clouds.

The air was heavy and tense, as if nature shared the tension that surrounded the moment.

However, there was no fear on Charles' face. His eyes remained awake, calm.

A gust of wind blew through his motionless hair.

The sound of the dragon's roar... roar continued to echo through the air, like a deafening, menacing melody.

However, Charles did not move.

Suddenly, behind a dark clump of clouds, a streak of fiery red light appeared. It... it resembled a giant eye watching from a distance!

However, as quickly as it appeared, the red light disappeared, as if sucked back into the darkness. Charles held his breath, his ears picking up a strange sound, like the hissing of a giant snake threatening to swallow everything. The sound grew louder, echoing throughout, making his hair stand on end.

However, Charles realised, seeing as "It" did not appear, the Abyss Order's attempt had failed!

Charles looked back at Abyss Order.

The Abyss Order that was stared at, felt terror, it slowly retreated, while watching Charles fearfully.

At this moment, Charles stepped out, and now, stood right in front of "him", leaving a trail of lightning where Charles stood before.

He, Charles, did not say anything, he, just let out a long sigh.

Then, cut off his head.








Huh...? I looked around me, right and left, but this was not the last place I still had consciousness. This is not... the ruins of the king's throne.

Ruins... ruins... ruins!!!

Suddenly, something flashed through my head.

My body got goosebumps. Damn it! Is this the afterlife?

I ended up dying from being crushed under a giant rock by that damn Abyss Order?!

I tried to think of this possibility, and I thought to myself that it was somewhat plausible.

However... I moved my fingers, making them dance. Surprisingly this still feels real!

Am I really dead?

I looked around again, and stopped, when my eyes caught sight of a corpse in front of me, or rather below me.


This is the Abyss Order!

Seeing the corpse, I immediately took a few steps back while looking at it sarcastically.

Damn it! This Abyss Order is dead?!

Did my other personality defeat it?

I stopped and nodded. Then that makes sense. That was why I was here.

It was because this Abyss Order had died. In other words, the memory of the past was lost to the earth!

Thinking of this, I nodded in agreement.

After this, I immediately looked at the Quest menu.

I tilted my head. "Then, why is it that even though I killed the Abyss Order, this quest hasn't been completed yet?"


Is this quest not telling me to kill the Abyss Order?

This made me wonder.

However, thinking about this did not solve the problem.

I exhaled, looking around again.

At this moment, my gaze stopped. I saw a chest ahead. The carvings were intricate, decorating the surface of the chest.

It was a chest!!!

Indeed, if there is a boss: Abyss Order, then there should be a chest as a reward!

With a mixed heart, I approached. I was happy and enthusiastic at first. However, that feeling slowly eroded as I took a step, approaching the chest, with a sense of guilt.

Because... how many lives have I sacrificed for this?

My hands trembled as I reached for the lid of the chest. Do I deserve this reward?

I shook my head. No, stop... won't I atone for my sins after leaving this place?

After all, it's not necessarily a gift. A curse, I think would suit me better. I smirked mockingly to myself.

If there was a mirror in front of me, then I would spit on my own face.

How disgusting.

I looked up. Okay, I'm ready. With one long breath, I opened it.

At this moment, suddenly a purplish-purple vapour appeared from within the cheat, it soared up. Dark aura!

I took a step back, observing the aura warily.

Within the dazzling purple glow, there appeared a myriad of creepy skull masks, floating in the air.

I don't know what the skulls are.

Are they symbols? Necromancer, villain?

If it was a symbol, then it certainly symbolised evil... was this gift indeed a curse?

I swallowed. Observed, and waited patiently.

Moments later, the aura slowly dissipated.

I let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, nothing happened.

I approached the chest again. My eyes peered into it.

There I found a ring. That's right, a ring.

Only one.

Carefully, my hand went in, picked up the ring, then, I pulled it out and immediately backed away from the chest.

I had a feeling that the chest would close when I took the prize!

However, it seemed to be just a feeling on my part.

At this moment, I noticed the ring.

Item Name: Memory Loss Ring

Description: When a person is put on by the giver, the person receiving the ring will immediately lose the memory of the giver.

At the same time, another notification suddenly appeared.




Please throw a power stone to keep me motivated!

hope you guys like it. support me with ko-fi so I can upload more :)


This arc is coming to an end, and we will return to Fontaine 🤔