
Genshin Impact: Emmy in Teyvat

The world of Teyvat housed many secrets within its numerous corners yet none are capable of uncovering these mysteries and returning to tell the tale. Emmy was a normal kid who lived her days in Mondstadt until one day she had contact with an ancient artifact that completely changed her life. Granting her powers of old and awakened something within her that she never thought she had. Watch as she goes on a journey to document, adventure, and investigate her world's mysteries while making friends and foes along the way. "I shall scale the mountains and cliffs, Fly in the sky and battle against thunderstorms and even time shall not make me yield, I am the one who will seek the truth of this world" - Emmy Edgar Not my photo by the way.

Guardian_Loli · Video Games
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105 Chs

Chapter 27: The Race.

Emmy stretched as she recalled what happened when she was at the lake yesterday. She still couldn't believe she had agreed to race against that guy, Lynx.

"Hah~ Can't believe I agreed to race against a twerp like you," an annoying voice said. Emmy looked around and saw Lynx walking toward her, "Why don't go pick up some roses to sniff instead?"

"I would rather not converse with an individual of your limited intellect," Emmy frowned, crossing her arms and looking at him in the corner of her eyes. "But—it isn't every day I get to flex my might against a wooden dummy, they'd make themselves scarce by now. So I commend your courage."

Lynx scoffed as he said "As if I would be scared by a little girl like you! Why don't you go and make some clothes and cook me my breakfast," Lynx placed his hands in his pocket fiddling with something. Emmy narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "Because that's where an overconfident little girl like you belongs."

"Hey! why don't we all just about start please get to your positions," Andre said as he broke up the fight between Emmy and Lynx, he continued saying, "If it was up to me. I would have come here myself and raced you. Beating you into the ground but since the Boss wanted the pleasure of crushing you I could only resign myself to be a referee, starting the race."

"As if that would beat my friend Lynx, he's going to beat her into the ground and she will cry and mope like the little girl she is, while I don't like having to make little girls cry, I'll make an exception this time," a friend of lynx, Jason said as he went to stand with Andre at the start line.

"I wouldn't count me out just yet, I think you'll be surprised to see that your boss will be the one going around apologizing to every single person he bullied," Emmy cold-heartedly said her deal for the bet, she watched in satisfaction as links and his friend Jason's face turn the blue at the thought of apologizing to everyone they bullied.

Emmy continued to deliver psychological damage to her opponent saying, "I can't wait to see the mighty bully crumble and cry before me as he apologizes to every single one of his victims and before you even think of going out on his bet I already told most of your victims are here to watch the race."

Yes, most of the victims that Lynx and his friends had bullied were here to watch the race and would testify to him losing if he lost. The surprising thing was it wasn't Emmy's idea in the first place it was Aries's idea.

He said that he wanted insurance just in case the body wanted to go back on his dept, so in a reign of mischief and cruelty, he had every single one of the group members go around Mondstadt telling all the kids to find the ones that were bullied by Lynx and told them that she was racing for their honor.

While the last part of that wasn't true, it didn't mean that it couldn't be true. All Emmy had to do was say that she was fighting for their honor and most of them will come along easily and support her in case Lynx tries to go back on what he owed them.

An apology.

Noelle herself was also at the end of the bridge waiting for her big brother's boss to come out on top.

"Every one of these kids is waiting along the streets. I can't wait to see them and what they will do to you and how you would feel on being on the receiving end of being the one with no power," Emmy said as she sent the last sadistic taunt at Lynx.

She enjoy how nervous he looked, but this wasn't the end.

She still has to win this race after all and teach him a lesson about never bullying and pressuring others again. Emmy wasn't naive enough to think that he was the only one either, she still hadn't seen Fischl's bullies around.

Lynx was unlucky enough to stick his neck out to get chopped. Emmy was going to happily make an example of him.

It wasn't because she felt that Mondstadt was boring as hell and there was nothing to do other than race against a bully.

"Ok boss you've done enough damage to him I think he might break before even starts to run the race," Andre scoffed as he looked at lynx and his crew secretly relishing the fact and the terror they showed on their face.

They probably never expected that they would have a day like this. The thought of having to apologize to every single one of their peers that they bullying and pressured and domesticated, it was clear that they didn't want to do it and Andre could see why.

It would be extremely humiliating for him to do this and he even had to bow his head as he apologized to the ones that he bullied and pressured Bow before him before.

It would be too much for a kid his age to handle but Andre suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in his heart. It wasn't like he had any motivation or liked him enough to console a bully. He was the one who issued the challenge in the first place and his boss was just the one to deliver his punishment.

"Ok, it's time to start the race. are you guys ready? the race will begin in 3, 2, 1 one go!" Andre shouted, watching the two runners speed away. He tilted his head, faintly looking at the kids behind him.

"Crush him, boss," Andre said as he looked at the disappearing figure of his boss and her opponent.


"3, 2, 1," time seemed to stop as the timer quickly went down and counted down to the start of the race, she closed her eyes and calmed her breathing so she could be in tip-top shape as she raced against Lynx.

A cold feeling settled in her gut as Andre stood and counted down to the last number, she was beginning to wonder why she even participated in this race as she had. Was it because of honor? or was it because she wanted to put Lynx in his place for pushing people around as if no one could stop him?

She didn't know and she didn't have to care. Since she was already here, she was going to win.

Emmy didn't bother to think anymore as she felt a surging heat rise in her and her energy coursed through her body. She would only use this as a last resort to win and she didn't see it fair that she would use external sources of power that wasn't available to the opponent against him.

If he were to cheat too she wouldn't mind using all of her cheats and even the system to crush him and completely humiliate him, Emmy knew she wasn't one for using her cheats for such trivial matters but if they had the guts to cheat then they had the guts to take her on at her full strength.


At last, Emmy ran with Lynx and they both sprinted through the streets. Looking straight ahead Emmy noticed the children along the pathway from the church. She barely looked at the kids along the way and was slightly amazed at how many of those kids Lynx had got his hands on.

Or maybe there was a smaller number, she wouldn't know.

'This is not the time to be concerned with this, I should focus on the race. Anyway if I win, which I will, I will find out soon enough how many he had laid his hands on,' Emmy as she spent through the streets bypassing all that was before her.

At least she noticed that she was almost at the fountain where the alchemy man was. She was on the side coming off the stairs behind the good hunter.

Noticing this she sped up and bypassed Lynx who was beside her most of the way. She was quite impressed by him to see his level of speed at his age without outside interference. It was a pity he decided to challenge her while being a bully.

Emmy ran and ran until she was almost at the fountain. Faintly she heard the cheers that erupted for her as they chanted her name and then the negative reception Lynx received as he ran as well.

Luckily for him, they didn't throw any trash and other substances opting to wait for him to receive his defeats naturally.

Emmy began to approach the fountain, increasing her pace as the wind whipped her face; she kept a few steps ahead of Lynx, and just as she was about to turn the corner to go into the fountain area. At that moment Lynx seemed to "accidentally" swing his arms in her direction.


She was hit in the eyes with something, it seemed that at some point lynx had come side to side before he discreetly threw something into her threw something into eyes.

Emmy began to slow down as a result of the thing in her eyes, her eyes blurred with tears as she looked a Lynx, seeing him smirk before he went on his way.

"Dammit! I should have known a snake such as you would think of something like this! Don't even think of getting away with something like this. I will pass you, you ugh!" Emmy rub her eyes furiously as tears began to gather in her eyes, likely a result of whatever substance lynx threw into them.

Emmy slowed down significantly as Lynx ran ahead of her by several steps and he was beginning to gain but there was nothing Emmy could do about it as she couldn't see for the time being.

Emmy debated on whether to use the system as lynx revealed that he had cheated and so it would be fair game to cheat as well but she didn't want to. Using that much against a snake like him would take away all sense of victory for Emmy.

But this was no moment to be indecisive and so she resigned to her fate. Just as Emmy was about to use the system for assistance she heard a voice.

"Emmy! You can do it!"

It was Fischl and she was shouting at her, to see the princess herself shouting so loudly. She couldn't exactly let down her friend.

"I can't see!" Emmy shouted as she touched the wall of a building, "Fischl can you tell me where to go?" she asked her friend facial who no seem to be beside her, it was seen that several of her friends are also running along with them and that lynx were already at the approaching the adventurers guild.

"I'll guide you ok," Fischll grabbed her hand and rushed Emmy to the right place before she said, "Just run straight with all your strength hurry Lynx is already at the gates and he's going too fast."

Emmy approached, placing her hands on the ground. Her energy spun faster in her body and small flames seem to erupt from her hands and feet, burning her clothes somewhat. She wouldn't use the system but that didn't mean she wouldn't boost herself.

In truth, Emmy didn't know if this would help but she did remember the system saying that it gave her boosts. She winked at Fischl who nodded and then she took off.

Emmy ran— blasting away from her previous position sending ferocious wind flying in every direction. She quickly bypassed the adventures guild, she didn't know where she was but she could faintly feel the ground under her feet turn to—dirt before going back to stone again.

She felt the general elevation level of the ground beneath her rising steadily, the wind whipped her hair wildly and even if she wanted to open her eyes now—she couldn't. But there was one benefit to this and that was Emmy knew where she was, the bridge.

Emmy ran quicker and felt as if she was flying; her feet seem to not touch the ground and she felt the elevation seemingly go lower; then she was suddenly in contact with a strange cloth-like line which was bypassed easily.

She heard cheers all around and what sounded like Lynx screaming and a large thud, it sounded much like a hard object hitting the ground.

Emmy sat in the middle of the crossroads, looking around in her blurred vision, and mumbled, "Did I win?"

Yes, you did baby.

So did it feel good, this chapter? I feel like it was missing some intensity but anyway.

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