
Genshin Impact: Emmy in Teyvat

The world of Teyvat housed many secrets within its numerous corners yet none are capable of uncovering these mysteries and returning to tell the tale. Emmy was a normal kid who lived her days in Mondstadt until one day she had contact with an ancient artifact that completely changed her life. Granting her powers of old and awakened something within her that she never thought she had. Watch as she goes on a journey to document, adventure, and investigate her world's mysteries while making friends and foes along the way. "I shall scale the mountains and cliffs, Fly in the sky and battle against thunderstorms and even time shall not make me yield, I am the one who will seek the truth of this world" - Emmy Edgar Not my photo by the way.

Guardian_Loli · Video Games
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105 Chs

Chapter 101: Operation Light Crawler - Part 2

"Preposterous! For us to do such a thing! We are all dead, there is no place for us to hide anymore." A man who seemed important said as he sat in a room with many other men and women.

"I know. We know! This wasn't right but think of the benefits, hmm? The Kujou clan loses its star heir and now we can rise. Isn't that great hmm?"

The people in the room bustled around in mild anxiety and hope for their future.

The man relaxed somewhat his tone full of mockery as he said, "Hehe, our future? What does it look like?"

"Death! This is your future and it is irreversible!"


Like children being told about the monster under their beds for the first time, the people in the room wailed. One of them even jumped into the air but hit his knees on the table.

He was now groaning in pain while someone who looked to be his relative tried to heal him.

"Who?" A man questioned as he surveyed the dark room but was granted an answer. He flicked his wrist and lit a candle with his pyro vision. He embraced the heat on his skin to calm his nerves only to see a face above it with an extremely furious expression.

The figure who was the Madam smiled, "Boo!"

Their screams pierced through the room and bounced off the walls, the stench of terror clung to their huddled forms when the realization that they were now trapped in a room with the Madam hit them. The Madam's smile dropped and she snapped her fingers which brought light to the room as she floated to the ground

Standing on the ceiling turned was quite tiring it seems. Quite a discovery.

Their screams slowly died down as she approached. The group was torn between two sides, those who still thought they could escape and those who gave up

"Uh... The door? Where's the door?" A woman turned toward the others screeching, "Where's the door!"

The madam tilted her head, "I removed it!"

That gave them a pause.

"Hey hey hey, did you just say you removed it?"



"Yeah seriously. Did you think I would a path for you to escape? Do you take the Kujou family for fools?"

They dropped down in despair and someone even began to pray. The madam kicked that person in the face, a satisfying crunch as their nose broke and they were sent toward the other scum.

"No praying, that person won't be able to save you from me," Her voice boomed and they were oppressed under aura. Her silver eyes glowed with an ethereal color.

"What! What have you done the Shogun won't allow this?!" A man said as he stood up.

"The Shogun?" The madam said questioningly, "Boy, I care not for what your Shogun can or will do. You kidnapped my grandaughter, if the Shogun even dared to tell me to stop I would just fight her on the spot. Even if I were to die, I would make her regret ever fighting me. There are ways to damage others without physical strength, remember this. It's important for you specifically. Don't underestimate me!"

"Haha, lies. All lies, how could a human hope match a god in strength!"

"Who said I was a human?"

The man widened his eyes and the others did too as the Madam began to take a more natural form. At the mere sight, they began to scream and thrash around as if their being was being corrupted and terminated.

Her mere presence damaged their soul as their spirit was slowly being crushed.

She reverted to her normal appearance. Her luxurious black-purple hair, chained them all by their throats.

"Wait. Please."

The Madam grinned coldly, "No."


The Madam slowly exited the hidden room but they stopped as if she sensed something. She dashed to a corner somewhere and broke down a piece of the wall, within was an Anbu agent who was bleeding severely.


"Yes," She kneeled and began to heal him.

The man had silver hair and gold eyes, and a lion mask lay at his side. He breathed heavily.

"How long have you been here?"

"A few days."

"With these injures?" She was surprised but then she watched his torn-up uniform and the insignia on his plam only she could see and then came to a realization.

"What is your name, rank, and profession?"

"Uneq Herult, Captain of the 7th Vision Support Battalion, Chief medic."

No wonder.

"Madam... Here is what I found out."

"Hmm?" She was given a small piece of paper that had handwriting in blood.

When she opened it she read:

[The young miss is in danger! It is not of the future but of another greater force that is to be born in the future. A dragon, one who has plagued the son and daughters of wind for thousands of years. Though this dragon will be vanquished, do not be fooled, it will rise again. For the power of the one who surpasses gods is its goal, and the one who plagues the Paragon will aid it. Please kill it or inform the young miss!]

The last two were written in blood but the others were of olden script. Madam wondered how he was able to read it.

As if he sensed her thoughts the man said, "My mother used to let me read books of old and I learned them even when I was illiterate. Hehe, was I a genius? That I do not know and it doesn't matter now. This identity of mine is the only thing that matters, the young miss is the one of concern. None of us matter but her, hahaha."

Uneq laughed as he dragged a bloodied hand across his face a hint of craziness slipped through the gaps in his speech and eyes but the madam's paid it no mind. After giving the man adequate healing, she lifted him up and teleported away.

The letter wasn't left behind either.


Inu ran forward as the lab came into his view and he accelerated inside the shadows leaving behind all his teammates. He didn't concern himself with the trash that was at the front and slipped past them from the shadows.

The only thing on his mind was his young miss who was still in the clutches of that maniac Dottore.

Using his supernatural senses, it was quite easy to navigate through the winding pathways that attempted to sway him in the right direction. However, it would have been easier for him to get lost if he didn't have the magic direction tool the madam had given to him

It tracked where Emmy was at all times.

"Should've given this to all of us from the beginning," Inu grumbled to himself. If he had this before, he would know immediately if Emmy was kidnapped and he would then rush to the scene to help her escape.

Inu shook his head off the self-deprecating thoughts that threatened to take over again, it wasn't the time for that type of thing now.

What he had to do was clear.

Save Emmy!


Esmeralda coldly cut down on the Fatui soldiers who tried to tag team her with his hydro friend. Moving quickly she threw her chakram at the other one but he activated his shield just in time to save his life.

"Tsk!" She clicked her tongue as she dodge an attack from a Fatui assassin. She didn't know their official denomination, she didn't care enough to. They weren't that hard to kill, but they were numerous and somewhat powerful with their cheap elemental weaponry.

The assassin moved to attack, he raised his two blades high and blurred; a symphony of sound later and the man dropped to the ground. Esmeralda didn't even move from her spot. She looked to her side.

"Bother-in-law, that smile on your face is quite terrifying. If Emmy sees you like this, she might cry you know~"

Author huffed and then his body transformed into a cyclone of water blades that he used to rip through the enemy.

Esmeralda smiled as if she was already used to it and then jumped, heading back into the battle.

There was still a bit of anger left to relieve.

Jemma swung her chains around wildly as she hooked someone in the neck with one in her left hand while breaking the bones of a person with the other. She brought both chains together and cracked the skull of a soldier.

In the distance, she could see her father branching off from the main force with his Naginata and with one swipe a mysterious purple aura surrounded the blade. A scratch on five Fatui soldiers later and they all just died.

"What in the...?" Jemma gaped, "So powerful? The [Ode of Calamity] was such a malicious weapon?"

Jemma gripped her [Ocean Splitter], another weapon granted to her family by their ancestors 500 years ago. It was said that one of the members was trapped in the abyss and used this very weapon to split a large dark sea to get back home.

A powerful 5* weapon.

Jemma breathed the scent of death in the air; she started coughing and then headed back into battle. She would leave her child to be saved by those who were more capable, all she had to do now was avenge her baby.


Inu could feel it now, he was getting closer to his target. A little more than 10 minutes had passed since he entered the building. He had bypassed many of the locks and passcodes using the tool the Madam gave him.

Inu dived into the shadows, swiftly; he made a rush for where Emmy was. He was close he could sense it.

A door came into his view and the man barged, his weapon drawn to sever any enemy. But there were none. All there were dead bodies and an Anbu agent who was carrying Emmy with a terrified look on his face.

"What happened?"

The Anbu just shook his head while he looked down at Emmy. He looked at the scientists and Emmy once more then sighed.

"It's a long story," Tanuki said.