
Genshin Impact: Daybreak has come

The serene day in Mondstadt begins with Klee's usual antics, her eyes sparkling with mischief, hands fiddling with her beloved Jumpy Dumpty. The city, a haven of peace and beauty, buzzes with the day's tranquility, unaware of the looming shadow. Suddenly, the sky darkens. A formidable, unknown enemy descends upon the city. Chaos erupts. Explosions rattle the once peaceful streets, and screams slice through the air. Mondstadt, known for its freedom and breezes, now trembles under an unforeseen siege. Klee, amidst the pandemonium, stands wide-eyed but resolute. Her usual playground of laughter and adventure transforms into a battlefield. With her heart pounding in her chest, she grips Jumpy Dumpty tighter, a determined glint in her eyes. This is no longer a game. The enemies, merciless and cold, bring a terror Mondstadt has never seen. They seek to overthrow the city, to shatter its spirit. Klee, though young, feels the weight of her city's peril deep in her bones. She knows she must act. Amidst the chaos, Klee encounters allies, unexpected and brave. Together, they weave through the city's alleyways, a symphony of clashing guns, flying stray bullets and fiery explosions echoing around them. Each step is a dance with danger, each breath a moment closer to either victory or defeat. The bond among them strengthens with each passing second, their determination fueled by the love for their city. Klee, with her explosive prowess, becomes a beacon of hope, her fiery spirit igniting courage in the hearts of her comrades. But the road is fraught with peril. The enemy's power is overwhelming, their motives as dark as the night. Klee and her allies face trials that test their courage, their strength, and their bonds. Trust is their shield, and bravery their sword. As the battle for Mondstadt rages, Klee finds herself facing not just the physical adversaries, but her own fears. The responsibility weighs heavily on her young shoulders, each decision a potential spark for victory or catastrophe. In this high-stakes game of survival and protection, Klee's journey intertwines with heart-pounding action, gripping drama, and the undying spirit of heroism. Will she be able to save Mondstadt from the clutches of this formidable enemy? Or will the city's light be extinguished under the shadow of this unforeseen threat? In the end, it's a story of courage, friendship, and the unyielding spirit of a hero, all seen through the eyes of a young girl whose love for her city burns as fiercely as her explosives. The fate of Mondstadt hangs in the balance, and Klee's journey is just beginning.

XtremeXecutor · Video Games
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21 Chs

the whole truth

In the shadowed chamber of Jean's commandeered office, the air hung heavy with a silence that spoke volumes. Klee, her small frame dwarfed by the aftermath of battle, moved with a methodical focus. Her fingers, tiny yet deft, rifled through the belongings of the fallen Fatui soldiers, salvaging ammunition with an unsettling ease.

Beside her, Eula's presence was like a stark contrast - tall, poised, the embodiment of the Lawrence clan's grace and ferocity. Her eyes, cold and calculating, scanned the room before settling on the claymore, a secondary weapon to her usual arsenal. With a fluid motion, she reached for it, her fingers wrapping around the hilt in a grip that was both firm and familiar.

The corpse of Erwin, a traitor to the Knights of Favonius, lay sprawled unceremoniously on the cold stone floor. His lifeless eyes stared into nothingness, a silent testimony to the little red mage's lethal prowess. Klee, seemingly unfazed by the morbid scene, continued her scavenging, her movements betraying no hint of emotion.

The silence between Klee and Eula was not one of discomfort but of shared understanding, a mutual recognition of the grim task at hand. Their alliance, forged in the heat of battle and necessity, needed no words. In this room, where allegiances lay shattered like the stained glass windows, their actions spoke louder than any words could.

"Miss Eula... Before we delve into the complexities of the Lawrence clan's intentions and the Fatui's suppression of Mondstadt - and, of course, our mission to save Master Jean - there's something I need to understand," Klee's voice wavered slightly, betraying her inner turmoil.

Eula's expression softened, a hint of sorrow flickering in her icy-blue eyes. "What troubles you, Klee?" she asked gently.

Klee fidgeted, her small hands clenching and unclenching as she gathered her courage. "It's about your past... You are the niece of Schubert, aren't you? The same Schubert who orchestrated the invasion of Mondstadt... Your last name, it's Lawrence, isn't it?" Her voice was a mix of curiosity and apprehension, the weight of history pressing down on her young shoulders. She looked up at Eula, her eyes wide and earnest, seeking not just answers but understanding of a painful legacy that touched them both.

Eula took a deep breath, the history of her family casting a long shadow in her heart. "Yes, Klee, my last name is Lawrence, and Schubert is my uncle," she admitted, her voice steady yet tinged with a hint of sadness. "But please understand, the actions of my family, the mistakes and misdeeds of the past... they are not who I am."

Klee looked up at her, the confusion in her bright eyes slowly giving way to understanding. "I know you're not like them, Eula. But it's hard to forget, you know?" Her words were innocent yet filled with an aching honesty that only a child could express.

Eula knelt down, bringing herself to Klee's eye level. "I know, Klee. And I don't expect you to forget. But I hope, in time, you'll see the person I choose to be, not just the legacy I was born into." Her gaze was earnest, seeking not just forgiveness but a chance to redefine herself in the eyes of a friend.

Klee nodded slowly, a small smile breaking through her earlier apprehension. "I believe in you, Eula. We all make our own paths, right?"

Eula smiled back, a sense of relief washing over her. "Right, Klee. Thank you."

Klee tilted her head, eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Before you joined the Knights of Favonius, how was your life?" Her voice was tinged with a blend of awe and innocence, genuinely eager to hear the story that lay behind the question.

Eula's gaze drifted to a distant point, as if peering into the veiled corridors of her past. "Before I joined the Knights of Favonius," she began, her voice carrying a reflective note, "my life was... constrained. Growing up in the Lawrence household meant living under a mantle of rigid expectations and strict control."

She glanced down at her hands, as if seeing the remnants of that past life. "Every aspect of my existence was scrutinized and dictated. The way I spoke, how I dressed, whom I interacted with. It was more about preserving the family's image and less about what I wanted or who I really was."

Klee listened, her brows furrowed in a child's attempt to understand the complexities of an adult world.

Eula continued, "Training was rigorous and unyielding. I learned the art of the sword, not as a choice, but as an expectation. My skills were honed not for self-defense or the protection of others, but to uphold the Lawrence name."

"There was little room for warmth or affection. Emotions were seen as a weakness. A Lawrence was expected to be strong, unyielding, and above all, loyal to the family's cause, no matter how misguided it became."

Eula's eyes hardened, "It's this stifling environment that pushed me away, Klee. I yearned for freedom, for the right to make my own choices. Joining the Knights of Favonius was my rebellion, my way of choosing a path driven by my own beliefs and not by the legacy of a surname."

Klee's brows furrowed in thought, struggling to grasp the gravity of Eula's words. "That sounds really, really strict... Here in Mondstadt, we don't have those old-fashioned rules. We're free to be who we want, right? You're much happier with us, aren't you, Eula?"

Eula paused, her voice softer, yet tinged with a lingering pain. "Klee, it's not about holding grudges." She gestured dismissively with her hands, trying to ease the weight of the conversation for Klee's young mind. "You see, my name... it carries shadows in Mondstadt. People often look at me with hidden whispers in their eyes. I've walked into shops where the very mention of my name caused a hush, with storekeepers suddenly 'out of stock' or too busy to serve me."

Her gaze dropped to her feet, a faint shadow of sadness crossing her face. "It's not just not being served; it's the feeling of being invisible, or worse, unwelcome in your own home."

Klee's expression was earnest, her words filled with a child's straightforward logic. "Maybe they're just watching to make sure you don't break any laws or hurt anyone. They're just being careful, right?"

Eula smiled faintly at Klee's simplicity. "Yes, Klee, you do understand in your own way. But for me, carrying the Lawrence title is like bearing a shadow of a villain from a tale, feared and mistrusted. Yet, I stand vigilant, determined to shine brighter in my duty to protect our city. My devotion burns fiercer than any disdain they might hold for me."

Klee's voice rose, filled with a mix of concern and youthful indignation, her small fists clenched as if she could physically ward off Eula's troubles. "Then why do you have to live like this? Why do you have to live with such a bad image!?" Her words echoed louder than intended, a testament to the genuine care she felt for Eula's past and her current struggles.

Eula's voice took on a reflective tone, as if she were recounting a tale from a distant, fog-shrouded past. "It all began with the tyrannical history of the Lawrence clan, once a powerful force in ancient Mondstadt. They were instrumental in building a more structured society for those who escaped the clutches of Decarabian, the Storm God, also known as the God of Storms and Lord of the Tower."

She gestured subtly, as if painting the scene. "Imagine, Klee, a city ensnared in ceaseless winds, its people yearning for the world beyond. Decarabian, in his fortress at what's now Stormterror's Lair, believed his rule just and benevolent. Yet, his people felt trapped, prisoners within walls of howling gales."

Her eyes seemed to reflect the turmoil of that ancient rebellion. "In their quest for freedom, the people rose against their tyrant. Decarabian fell, and with him, the era of his rule. Andrius, the Wolf of the North, chose death over subjugation, paving the way for the rise of Barbatos, the gentle wind spirit who would become the Anemo Archon, embodying the very freedom the people yearned for."

"Yes, this is the freedom we were looking for... And with that, the freedom they sought for a long time now... It's what mondstadt is for." Klee shrugged.

Eula's expression grew thoughtful, her words carrying the weight of lost history. "Decarabian's past, especially his origins, remain shrouded in mystery, Klee. Before his conflict with Andrius, much of his story was lost to time. At the zenith of his reign, his domain spanned across the Brightcrown Mountains and Windwail Highland, with a significant hub around Cecilia Garden."

She gestured with her hand, as if drawing a map in the air. "The ruins at Stormterror's Lair hint at a once-expansive city stretching towards the northeast and northwest. The blocked northeast gateway and the dammed northwest waterway suggest that this city, now isolated, once had thriving connections with lands beyond our current reach. These routes were likely severed when Decarabian raised his storm barrier, a desperate measure during his war with Andrius."

Eula paused, her gaze distant. "It's fascinating, yet poignant — how a once-great civilization can be so thoroughly erased, leaving behind only fragments and echoes of its former glory."

Klee scratched her head in puzzlement. "My mom never mentioned anything about that in the stories," she mumbled, trying to piece together the complex history.

Eula nodded, her voice steady as she delved deeper into the lore. "The strife between Andrius and Decarabian was just one chapter in the Archon War. This era, known in our history as the Age of Kings, saw the two deities referred to as the Kings of Ice and Frost. Their conflict, which stretched over centuries, began more than 3000 years ago, only ending around 2600 years ago."

She continued, her words painting a vivid picture. "During this time, Mondstadt transformed into a frozen wasteland, a testament to Boreas' immense power. Decarabian, in a bid to shield his city from the relentless blizzards, erected a mighty wind barrier. Impenetrable, it kept the cold at bay but also trapped his people within."

Eula's eyes seemed to reflect the story's tragedy. "Decarabian, though not inherently evil, was disconnected from his people's desires. He saw himself as a benevolent ruler, providing a safe haven from the frost. Yet, in reality, he was a tyrant who micro-managed every aspect of his subjects' lives, even dictating where they lived and what music they could play. His love, though sincere in his eyes, was a twisted version unfamiliar to his people."

She sighed softly. "Decarabian's downfall was his blindness to the human heart. He mistook his people's bowed heads for reverence, not realizing they were merely bracing against his stormy domain. His tale is a poignant reminder of how a ruler's love can become a cage if it's not grounded in understanding and empathy."

Eula's voice took on a solemn tone, "Around 2600 years ago, the smoldering discontent under Decarabian's reign ignited into a full-blown resistance. The rebels, operating under his ever-watchful eyes, adopted the 'Windblume' as their clandestine emblem of unity and defiance. This symbol of hope and solidarity marked the beginning of a profound change."

She painted the scene of the uprising with her words. "The rebellion's roots deepened and spread, eventually blossoming into an outright revolt. A diverse group spearheaded this uprising: the enigmatic Nameless Bard, a mysterious wind spirit, Decarabian's spurned lover Amos, a valorous knight, and a wandering Red-Haired Warrior. Together, they embodied the diverse facets of Mondstadt's longing for freedom."

Eula's gaze seemed to drift to a distant past. "Years before this revolt, the Gunnhildr Clan had abandoned the city, disillusioned by Decarabian's oppressive regime. Outside, amidst the relentless blizzards, they found solace in a fledgling wind spirit. This spirit, possibly Barbatos, responded to Gunnhildr's fervent prayers, providing them a sanctuary from the storm. Their faith in this spirit grew, fueling its power in turn."

She concluded, "When the rebellion's flames were kindled, the Gunnhildr Clan didn't hesitate to join the cause, aligning with the rebels in their fight for liberation."

Eula's narrative took on a poignant note, "In a crucial twist of fate, somewhere between the Gunnhildr Clan's exodus and the rebellion's inception, Andrius faced a profound realization. He understood that his icy powers, though formidable, stifled life in Mondstadt. Believing he couldn't be the guardian humanity needed and refusing the mantle of Anemo Archon, Andrius embraced death. His physical form vanished, his essence merging with the land, calming the relentless blizzards that had tormented Mondstadt. Whether Decarabian knew of his adversary's demise remains uncertain, but his storm barrier persisted as the rebellion ignited."

She paused, letting the gravity of the moment sink in. "The rebels, fueled by years of oppression, ultimately triumphed. In a climactic confrontation, Decarabian fell, his tower shattering in a cataclysmic explosion. As the God of Storms drew his last, the barrier that had caged the city dissolved, unveiling the vast, clear blue skies. For the first time, the rebels and the city's inhabitants witnessed the world beyond their confines."

Her voice softened with sorrow, "But such victories often bear a heavy cost. Amos and the Nameless Bard, two pillars of the rebellion, perished in the struggle against Decarabian. Their sacrifice marked the end of a tyrannical era and the dawn of a new epoch of freedom."

Eula's tale reached its crescendo, "With both gods of Mondstadt fallen, the humble wind spirit ascended, becoming Barbatos, the Anemo Archon. Embracing his divinity, he chose the form of the Nameless Bard, a tribute to the boy's musical legacy. It's said he may have also adopted the bow in memory of the valiant Amos. The Gunnhildr Clan rejoiced in Barbatos' rise, but the Red-Haired Warrior, perhaps disillusioned or seeking a different path, parted ways with the nascent god."

She gestured expansively, "Barbatos, now a god, set about remaking Mondstadt's land. His winds swept away the eternal snow and ice, breathing new life into the landscape. In a grand act of creation, he and his followers founded a new Mondstadt by Cider Lake, leaving behind the ruins of Decarabian's city, a ghostly reminder of the past."

Eula concluded, her voice tinged with reverence, "Thus, the land was reborn, transformed by the will of Barbatos and the indomitable spirit of its people. The city we know today, vibrant and free, grew from those bold, tumultuous times."

Klee's expression turned to one of concern and anger, her youthful innocence now touched by the complexities of history. "So the Gunnhildr clans, the Lawrence clan, and others fought together against Decarabian... But then, in our new Mondstadt, the city of freedom, it was the Lawrence clan who turned bad, trying to control everything... And now, with the help of the Fatui, it feels like the history already repeat itself." Her small hands balled into fists, reflecting her distress.

Eula nodded solemnly, her voice tinged with a mix of regret and resolve. "That's precisely why I needed to share the story of the Lawrence clan with you, Klee. The legacy I inherited became tainted in the years following Decarabian's fall. It's a burden I carry." She looked at Klee with a shared understanding. "I see your feelings of vengeance, Klee... Our paths are intertwined, both marked by struggles against those who wronged us."

Eula's tone became more reflective as she delved into the history of the Lawrence clan. "When the new Mondstadt rose from the ashes of the old, it was Venerare Lawrence who led our clan. Under her guidance, the people erected a statue in the central plaza, a tribute to Barbatos' descent. Inscribed upon it was an oath, penned by the leaders of all the clans, a symbol of unity and devotion."

She continued, painting a picture of the era. "In those days, Mondstadt's people revered both the Anemo and Time gods. The Lawrence clan, embracing their heritage, would reenact their triumph over the harsh, frozen lands that once encased our city. It was a display of resilience and strength."

Eula's eyes seemed to reflect the grandeur of the past. "Noble hunts were organized, not merely as a show of prowess but as an act of benevolence. The spoils were shared with the populace, a gesture rooted in the traditions of our clan. This practice was influenced by our history and culture, guided by royal mages who chronicled our past and instilled virtues in the nobility."

Eula's voice carried a note of regret as she described the clan's downfall. "Over time, the Lawrence Clan's perception of themselves transformed. From conquerors, they began to see themselves as overlords, and eventually as kings. This shift marked the start of their descent into moral decay, ushering in the Late Aristocratic Period."

She detailed the symbolic acts that represented this change. "In a blatant rejection of their past vows, they demolished the statue of Barbatos in the plaza, erasing the oath that once symbolized unity and honor. The royal mages, once keepers of history and virtue, abandoned their noble duties. No longer did they speak of our history or the sacred oath."

Eula's expression turned somber. "The clan's martial traditions also changed. They forsook the bow, a weapon deeply ingrained in our heritage, and shunned the spear as well. In their eyes, these were the tools of commoners and gladiators, not befitting nobility. Only the sword was deemed worthy."

She concluded with a hint of disdain, "The gladiatorial games, once sacred ceremonies, were twisted into mere spectacles of blood and entertainment for the nobles. It was a perversion of our traditions, a reflection of how far the Lawrence Clan had strayed from their noble origins."

Eula's story continued, her voice taking on a tone of deep respect. "When cries for Barbatos echoed through the land, witnessing the tyranny of those he had left in charge, he returned. In his quest to restore Mondstadt's freedom, he allied with Vennessa, a slave who would become a symbol of revolution. Together, they ignited the flames of rebellion among the people."

She explained a cunning strategy used by Barbatos. "In a daring move, Barbatos crafted a false decree, proclaiming the sale of Mondstadt to Morax. This ruse caused the Lawrence Clan's soldiers to fear their own enslavement. Abandoning their masters, they joined Vennessa's uprising, leaving the Lawrence Clan severely weakened."

Klee's eyes lit up with recognition. "Oh, I know a bit about Vennessa! She was the first Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. After her, other ancestors continued to protect Mondstadt. Grand Master Varka was in charge before he left on his expedition. Then, Master Jean took over. There was this really bad time when someone tried to bring back the old aristocracy during the invasion. We were all so worried about the aristocrats taking over again."

Eula shifted her stance, signaling a return to the historical narrative. "Continuing our story, Klee, let's go back to a time before Vennessa led the rebellion. During the Ludi Harpastum festival, she was out gathering herbs for her ailing sister, Lind. That's when she crossed paths with Venti."

Her voice took on a storytelling cadence. "Venti, having angered Barca Lawrence, the son of the ruling Lawrence, sought refuge. In a twist of fate, he hid behind Vennessa, whose formidable reputation forced Barca to hold back his wrath. However, the incident didn't end there."

Eula's expression darkened. "Barca's father, in a spiteful move, bought Vennessa and her entire clan. Vennessa, the future liberator of Mondstadt, was then thrown into prison by the Lawrence family."

Eula's tone became more solemn as she recounted the critical moments before Vennessa's rebellion. "On the eve of her final battle, Venti visited Vennessa in her cell, forging an unexpected friendship. He promised to help free her and her people, igniting a glimmer of hope in her heart."

She continued, "Pleased by Vennessa's resolve, Venti disappeared into the night, scheming a plan to aid her. But the next morning brought a harrowing revelation. Vennessa was aghast to discover that not only she, but her entire clan, including the young and old, were to face Ursa the Drake. Lord Lawrence cruelly declared that if she could defeat this monster, he would grant her people's freedom. To enforce this, his archers were ordered to kill any clan member who tried to flee the arena. As the commoners rioted against this blatant injustice, Lord Lawrence, in a show of overconfidence, added the control of the city to her promised rewards."

Eula's eyes reflected the drama of the tale. "Despite feeling the weight of her dire circumstances, Vennessa's spirit remained unbroken. She valiantly fought against hilichurls under Ursa's command and then faced Ursa itself. At the brink of despair, Barbatos, in his angelic form, intervened. He enhanced Vennessa's abilities, helping her to drive the fearsome Ursa away. With her part of the deal fulfilled, Barbatos demanded that Lord Lawrence relinquish control of the city."

Eula's narrative reached a triumphant note, "With the overthrow of the aristocracy, Vennessa didn't just stop at liberating Mondstadt. She spearheaded the city's reconstruction and founded the Knights of Favonius. As their first Grand Master and the inaugural Dandelion Knight, she laid down principles to guard against future tyranny."

She paused, reflecting on Vennessa's enduring legacy. "Though various tales recount different aspects of her life post-rebellion, they all converge at the end of her extraordinary journey. Legend has it that the gods, recognizing her valor and selflessness, granted her ascension to Celestia. The place of her ascension, Windrise, is marked by a majestic oak tree — known as the Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero. It's said that this tree sprouted and grew from the very spot where she ascended, a living testament to her enduring legacy."

Klee's expression softened with concern as she broached a delicate topic. "So, before I was even born, and before i came to Mondstadt, your family moved to another place, right? But nobody seems to know where exactly. I heard they often clashed with the locals, and even when the Knights of Favonius tried to step in, things didn't really get better."

She looked up at Eula, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and empathy. "How did you manage to deal with all that, Eula? After Vennessa's rebellion a thousand years ago, the Lawrence name... it wasn't looked upon kindly. It must have been really hard, being judged harshly just because of your family name, especially when you don't even agree with what they stood for."

Eula's voice carried a tinge of melancholy as she delved into her past. "My history, Klee, is a harsh one, filled with burdens you're fortunate to not bear. Being a descendant of the Lawrence Clan means facing constant stigma, seen as a social threat, a reminder of a painful past."

She looked away momentarily, her gaze distant. "Before I joined the Knights of Favonius, the sins of my family weighed heavily on me. Mondstadt viewed our past crimes as unforgivable. Meanwhile, many of my clan members harbored a deep-seated grudge against the city, feeling betrayed. They couldn't see past their own sense of injustice to understand the harm they had caused."

Eula's expression then shifted, showing a hint of resolve. "It's a difficult legacy to inherit, one filled with conflict and resentment. But it's a legacy I choose to face head-on, seeking a path of redemption and understanding, rather than perpetuating the cycle of bitterness."

Eula's tone was reflective, tinged with a hint of sorrow. "Even as times changed, the oppressive nature of my family's rule remained a dark shadow. The royal family's control was not just strict, but often cruel, a tradition that gradually faded but left its mark. As children of the noble Lawrence family, we were subjected to rigorous training in class and etiquette. It was an expectation, not a choice, to uphold the legacy of our powerful ancestors."

She paused, her expression somber. "Every Lawrence, including myself, was molded to fit this predetermined role. We were raised to embody the grandeur and prestige of our lineage, often at the cost of our own desires and identities. This traditional upbringing was more about maintaining appearances and less about understanding the responsibilities that come with power."

Eula concluded with a sense of finality, "It was a burdensome heritage, one that I've had to learn to navigate and redefine on my own terms."

Klee's voice carried a mixture of empathy and insight, understanding more than her years would suggest. "So, all that fancy etiquette and those high-class manners in your family... it was all just for show, wasn't it? You mentioned just having to smile and nod, like you were part of a play you never wanted to act in. You were forced to learn all that by heart, even though it wasn't really you, even though you didn't want to be a part of it."

Her expression was one of genuine concern, reflecting her growing comprehension of the burden Eula carried. "It must have been really tough, pretending all the time, being something you're not." Klee's words were tinged with sadness, recognizing the harsh reality of Eula's upbringing. "They drilled into you to be the perfect woman at every turn, but there was no real pride or sense of worth in that. It was all about preserving the family name, even if it hurt you."

Eula's posture slumped, her response laden with a mix of resignation and insight. "You're right, Klee... Striving for perfection is an impossible task. It's a path that only led me to harm myself. The pressure to uphold an unattainable ideal, to constantly be flawless, it was more about the Lawrence image than my own well-being or happiness."

Eula's expression turned wistful, reflecting on her isolated childhood. "I wasn't allowed the simple joys of childhood, like playing outside or mingling with children not of royal descent. The slightest error in my behavior was met with severe punishment. Grounded, confined to my room, I learned early that even minor mistakes were unacceptable."

She sighed, the weight of her words heavy in the air. "My childhood was shaped not by freedom or joy, but by what was deemed 'noble obligations' of a Lawrence. I was rigorously trained in the arts of nobility, not for my own growth, but to display the strength and prestige of my family name to the world."

Eula's tone hardened slightly. "The resurgence of the Lawrence clan today, in the aftermath of the invasion, is done under the guise of etiquette and tradition. But it's just a facade, a way to regain control and power. That's the legacy I was born into, and the one I am determined to change."

Eula shook her head, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and resignation. "I was trained in every domestic skill to perfection – cooking, cleaning, you name it. And while they praised my cooking, saying the meals were prepared just right, I couldn't find any joy in it. It was another task, another expectation to meet flawlessly."

Klee's face softened with sympathy, her voice gentle and earnest. "I feel really bad for you, Miss Eula. But imagine if you could make something fun, like a fishy toast with blasted fish! It might be a small thing, but it would be wonderful. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just making it would be great... Maybe, could you try making one? For me, as a friend?"

Eula's laugh was tinged with a sympathetic warmth. "I'll take you up on that fishy toast, but only after we've rescued our friends and saved Mondstadt," she said, her laughter fading into a more serious tone. "It's not just about the process of cooking itself, but what it represents. Those lessons were part of a larger picture — another chapter in a long history of pointless attempts to uphold the outdated laws of aristocracy."

She looked off into the distance, her expression contemplative. "Cooking, like many things I was taught, was never about joy or creativity. It was about maintaining an image, a tradition that lost its meaning long ago. Maybe it's time to create new memories, ones that are meaningful to us, not just echoes of a rigid past. In fact the culinary teachers were dreadfully strict. Any minor miscalculation in my cooking was met with severe reprimands. Imagine being scolded for something as trivial as adding two grains of sugar more than what was instructed."

She mimicked the stern look of her teachers, "The slightest deviation from their exacting standards, and I would immediately face their fierce discipline. It was less about learning to cook and more about adhering to an impossible standard of perfection. Every lesson was a high-pressure situation where even the smallest error was unacceptable."

Klee offered a gentle smile, her words filled with encouragement. "Maybe there are other things you can enjoy, Miss Eula. Things that bring you happiness, not like those joyless cooking lessons. In Mondstadt, we believe in doing what we love, freely. You don't have to be perfect in everything. Just doing your best and finding joy in it is enough. There must be something you enjoy, something just for you."

Eula's expression softened, a rare glimpse of vulnerability showing through. "Well, Klee, amidst all the strictness, there was one thing I found solace in – dancing. It's the one hobby, the one thing I chose for myself. When I dance, it's not about being perfect or upholding the family name. It's just me, expressing myself freely. That's where I find my joy. Just before I join the knights of favonius."

Eula's voice took on a reflective tone as she delved deeper into the cultural significance of dancing within aristocratic circles. "Dancing is highly esteemed among the aristocracy, seen as a celebration of the beauty and grace of the human form. It's often referred to as the 'second soul.' There's one dance in particular, known as the 'Dance of Sacrifice,' that holds immense historical significance. It's a powerful and intricate dance, one that predates even the founding of the clans of Mondstadt."

She paused, her expression thoughtful. "This elegant dance isn't just a mere performance; it's a tradition reserved for the most illustrious families. It serves as a majestic tool, a way for them to showcase their heritage and nobility. Performing the Dance of Sacrifice is about embodying the legacy and prestige of one's lineage."

Klee looked at Eula with eyes full of admiration. "I'm sure of it, Miss Eula... The way you dance, it's incredibly beautiful. It's more than just a hobby, I think. It's like your own special way of expressing yourself, something really unique. Maybe not many know about this side of you, about your dancing. It could be like a secret talent you have." She shrugged, a small smile on her face, conveying a mix of wonder and encouragement.

"It's nice to think that amidst all the strict rules and traditions, you found something that's truly yours, something that lets you be free and happy. That's what's really important, right?"

Eula's expression became a mix of pride and pain. "As the eldest daughter, my role in our family's signature dance was crucial. I was trained relentlessly, the expectations placed on me were immense."

Klee's eyes widened with curiosity. "So, did you teach yourself, or did your family bring in the best dance teachers from the aristocratic world?"

Eula nodded slightly, her tone a mixture of respect and wistfulness. "It's true, my family spared no expense. They hired the most renowned dance tutors they could find. But the training was incredibly demanding. The dance recitals were grueling and often lasted for hours. I would end many days with my feet bleeding and aching, the pain lingering for days."

Eula's voice softened, revealing a hint of vulnerability. "Many of the teachings I received from my family left deep scars, but dancing... dancing was my sanctuary. It became a means of escape, a way to momentarily free myself from the harshness that surrounded me."

She took a deep breath, a look of resolve crossing her face. "Now, as I've grown and gained more perspective, I want to leave that oppressive past behind. I wish to redefine my life on my own terms, to find joy and purpose beyond the rigid confines of my family's expectations."

Klee's smile was laced with admiration and a touch of concern. "You know, as a Spindrift Knight in the Knights of Favonius, your incredible talents really shine through. The way you move in combat, with all those spins and fluid motions, it's like watching a masterful performance. You're so graceful and elegant, it's almost as if the battlefield becomes a stage for your art."

Her eyes sparkled with genuine respect. "It's amazing how you've turned your skills into such powerful and beautiful combat techniques. It's like you're dancing, but in a way that protects Mondstadt and its people."

Eula's eyes softened with appreciation at Klee's words. "Thank you, Klee. It means a lot to hear that. In combat, I've found a way to blend the discipline of my training with the freedom of my dance. Each movement, each spin on the battlefield, it's not just a technique; it's an expression of who I am."

She smiled, a rare and genuine warmth in her expression. "Transforming what I learned into something that can protect and serve Mondstadt, it's been a journey of reclaiming my skills and using them for a cause I truly believe in. It's one of the ways I'm leaving my past behind and crafting a new identity, one that's truly my own."

Klee's expression turned somber, her voice laced with sympathy. "When you were old enough to be on your own, I heard from Master Jean about the hard times you faced in Mondstadt. People weren't kind; they looked at you with a stern attitude because of your family. Store owners even refused your payment, making you fend for yourself. It's so unfair, the way they treated you just because of your family's past."

She shook her head, saddened by the thought. "It must have been really tough, dealing with all that hostility. It's like the mistakes of your family members cast a long shadow over you, making things unnecessarily hard."

Eula nodded slowly, her gaze reflecting a mix of resilience and acceptance. "Yes, Klee, those were challenging times. The weight of my family's past hung heavily on me. Many in Mondstadt saw me not as an individual, but as a symbol of the Lawrence clan's oppressive history."

She sighed, but there was a strength in her voice. "But it taught me resilience. It drove me to prove that I am not defined by my family's mistakes. I wanted to show Mondstadt that I could be different, that I could be someone who contributes positively to our city. Joining the Knights of Favonius was my way of doing that, of turning a painful legacy into a force for good."

Eula's expression firmed with determination. "It hasn't been easy, but I believe in the values of freedom and justice that Mondstadt stands for. I'm here to defend those values, no matter the obstacles I face because of my lineage."

Klee's eyes brightened at the mention of Amber. "You've met Amber before, right? I bet she was the first one in the Knights who really understood you, even before you joined us!"

Eula's expression softened, a hint of fondness in her voice. "Yes, Amber... she was the first to call me a friend here. We did a lot together, and her friendship meant more to me than I can express. She saw past the Lawrence name and saw me for who I am."

Klee's excitement was palpable as she jumped up and down. "Yes, because Amber is so cheerful and friendly! She makes those amazing Amber bunnies that can either explode or not. She's the best at bringing joy and fun wherever she goes!" Klee's arms waved enthusiastically, her admiration for Amber clear in her jubilant expression.

Eula nodded, acknowledging Amber's help. "Amber often helped me by purchasing items, lessening the locals' hostility towards me. Her presence made a difference. But now that she's imprisoned, it's up to us to free her," she said, scratching her head thoughtfully.

Klee, with her arms spread wide, offered a candid observation. "You know, Miss Eula, your attitude still needs some work. Sometimes your mannerisms and way of thinking can cause misunderstandings. It's easy to see how people might have trouble trusting you."

Eula raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her tone. "So, you think I'm still a cause for trouble? A transgression to avenge, perhaps?"

"Hey!!" Klee exclaimed, a little startled.

Eula quickly waved her hands in a calming gesture. "Relax, Klee. I'm just joking. I promise, I have no intention of turning on anyone."

Klee, hands on her hips, didn't hold back. "But you know, your snooty attitude and wanting to be all by yourself, that's been a problem, Miss Eula."

Eula nodded in acknowledgment, a thoughtful look crossing her face. "There's no need to worry, Klee. Amber's grandfather played a significant role in shaping my perspective. He taught me to be more open-minded, helping me steer away from the narrow mindset I developed during my years in nobility. It's been a journey, unlearning some of those ingrained attitudes."

She stood a bit taller, a sense of purpose in her voice. "That's a big part of why I chose to join the Knights of Favonius. I wanted to break away from my past, to contribute positively to Mondstadt. And now, with Schubert's tyranny threatening our city, it's more important than ever to stand against it and protect what we all hold dear."

Klee's expression turned serious, showing her grasp of the complex situation. "Your decision to join the Knights faced a lot of backlash, didn't it? Not just from the people of Mondstadt who remembered your family's past, but also from your own family. They still dream of restoring the old ways of aristocracy."

She shook her head, her tone conveying a sense of injustice. "It's like they want to enforce this unfair fight between those with power and wealth and those without. In their eyes, it's a world where the strong, or rather the rich, lead, and the weak, or the poor, simply have to follow. It's not right, the way they see things – it's just creating more division and unfairness."

Klee's gaze briefly fell on the lifeless form of Erwin. "Your family sees you as a traitor for joining the Knights, just like Erwin here..." She pointed at Erwin solemnly. "We view him as a traitor because he helped your uncle try to bring back those old, strict rules of etiquette. Those outdated ways that your family clings to."

She looked up at Eula, her expression resolute. "But here in Mondstadt, we believe in freedom, in moving forward, not backward. We're not going to let ourselves be dragged back into those old ways, repeating the same mistakes of the past. It's about choosing a better path, one that's right for all of us, not just a few."

Eula looked at Klee, her expression a mixture of gratitude and determination. "You're right, Klee. My family does see me as a traitor, but I've come to terms with that. If standing for what's right in Mondstadt means betraying outdated and oppressive traditions, then so be it."

She glanced solemnly at Erwin. "His path was different from mine. He chose to cling to the past, to an era of inequality and control. But we in Mondstadt, we cherish our freedom, our right to live without the heavy hand of tyranny."

Eula's stance was firm, her resolve clear. "I joined the Knights to be part of that change, to protect the values that make Mondstadt what it is today. No matter the judgment from my family or anyone else, I'll stand by my decision. We won't go back to those dark times; we'll keep moving forward, together."

Eula, her brows furrowed in concern, questioned Klee's source of information. "But Since when did you learn about all this, Klee?"

Klee's expression was serious, a rarity for the usually cheerful girl. "I overheard them, Eula. I was sneaking around and I could hear their conversations, even from the conference room. I saw members of the Fatui and the Lawrence clan together, plotting. I heard bits and pieces of their plans in the corridors too."

Klee's eyes were wide with the gravity of her discovery. "When I sneaked into the headquarters, I saw just how much the Fatui have taken over. I made it to a room on the fourth floor, Eula. It was an armory, but not like anything we have in Mondstadt. They're using modern military equipment, way more advanced than our traditional weapons and magic. Look," she said, gesturing to the piece of equipment she had with her.

Her voice grew more solemn. "They're trying to outmatch us, to put us at a disadvantage. Did you see the missile that hit the statue of the Anemo God? That was Fatui technology, Eula. Pure Fatui. They're not just occupying our headquarters; they're turning our own home against us with their advanced weaponry."

Eula listened intently, her expression hardening with each word. "This is serious, Klee. They're not only infringing on our territory but also undermining our defenses with their technology?"

Klee's voice carried a weight of understanding far beyond her years. "You know, when I said the rich lead and the poor follow... now it's like your family, with the Fatui's help, is pushing that even further. Just think about it. We in Mondstadt, we have our traditional weapons – swords, bows, magic – things we've always used to defend our home. But these invaders, these rich people teaming up with the Fatui, they've brought in advanced military equipment. I saw it in the armory; they've turned it into a military barracks."

Her expression turned serious. "It explains why the Knights of Favonius are struggling. We're outmatched, outgunned, and outranged by technology that's being imposed on us. Our traditional ways of fighting... they're being challenged by this new, overwhelming force."

Eula nodded solemnly, absorbing Klee's words. "You're painting a clear picture, Klee. It's not just a battle of ideals anymore, it's a technological disparity. Our traditional methods, as honorable as they are, may not be enough against such advanced weaponry. This isn't just a fight for Mondstadt's freedom; it's a fight to adapt and overcome a completely different kind of threat."

Klee, with a sense of urgency, leaned her newly acquired assault rifle towards Eula, showcasing the stark reality of their situation. "Look at this, Miss Eula. This is what I'm using right now to infiltrate our own home, to rescue our people from this oppressive invasion. It's the kind of technology your uncle and his allies are using to try to take over Mondstadt."

Her voice was tinged with disbelief and frustration. "They even have sidearms, advanced ones. It's unbelievable that the aristocracy, in their quest to regain power, would resort to buying modern military equipment. It's like they're trying to ensure their victory by outdoing us in firepower, to force Mondstadt back under their old rule."

Klee's face showed determination, tinged with a hint of caution. "The city, it's swarming with Fatui and Lawrence clan members. I knew I had to be sneaky, Eula. Taking them on directly? That's an impossible task right now. These people... they're tougher and more ruthless than anything I've ever seen."

She pointed to her left, her gesture underlining her point. "I had to move carefully, keeping to the shadows, always staying one step ahead. We can't underestimate them. They're well-equipped and clearly prepared for a serious confrontation."

Eula listened intently, a mix of admiration for Klee's bravery and worry about the gravity of the situation evident on her face. "You've been incredibly brave of you, Klee."

Klee's face was etched with horror, her voice trembling as she shared the harrowing details. "But the most terrifying thing I saw... they were using hostages for target practice. They placed apples on their heads and shot at them, treating these innocent people like pawns in some cruel game."

Klee's frustration erupted like a small, furious storm. "And what's worst of all, look at these!" she yelled, her voice tinged with anger. In a swift motion, she flung an envelope towards Eula.

Eula carefully examined the papers, her expression turning increasingly grim as she absorbed the contents. The weight of their implications was not lost on her. "So, these are the documents that they were discussed in the meeting," she murmured, her voice laced with anger and disbelief.

Klee's head leaned forward in frustration. "These aren't just ordinary papers; they're essentially the permit holder for a drastic change in Mondstadt's governance. The detailed plans here outline how they intend to completely overhaul our city, reinstating aristocratic rule under the Lawrence clan, with the Fatui's backing."

She scrutinized the documents further, noting the legal terminology, the official seals, and signatures that lent an air of legitimacy to the plans. "It's a blueprint for domination, Miss Eula. A structured, calculated plan to enforce their rule over Mondstadt."

Understanding the seriousness of the situation, Klee's expression hardened. She swung her arm emphatically, as if cutting through the air with a blade. "These aren't just theoretical plans. They're a catalyst for a political shift that could irreversibly change the fate of Mondstadt."

Catching it deftly, Eula's eyes widened in shock as she scanned the documents inside. "This... these details, they're planning to reinstate the aristocracy?!" Eula muttered in disbelief.

Klee, her face a mask of indignation, shouted, "Yes! And that's not all, Eula – the Holy Lyre is taken!"

Eula's expression transformed from shock to outrage. "What in the blue moon?! Have they lost their minds?!" Her voice echoed the gravity of the situation, a mix of disbelief and a rising sense of urgency.

Klee's voice was thick with worry, her words tumbling out in a rush. "Yes, it's true! Your uncle has control of the Holy Lyre! They're planning to use it with some device to bring back the aristocracy. We have to hurry, Eula – if we don't act before noon, everything will be lost. Our free Mondstadt as we know it will be gone. They're planning to activate the Holy Lyre connected to a device on an airship, hovering right above Mondstadt. We can't let them succeed."

Eula's voice held a mix of reverence and determination. "That's right, Klee. We value our culture, the culture of a city that values freedom above all."

Her expression hardened with resolve. "And we must strive to preserve that. The oppressive traditions of the past, ones I've thankfully never had to endure, must never return." Klee's small frame shook with emotion, her voice rising with conviction. "We can't let them bring back those horrible traditions! We can't let them turn Mondstadt back into a place of aristocracy and strict rules. This is our Mondstadt, the city of freedom, not the city of chains!"

Klee's frustration was evident as she pointed emphatically towards the door, leaning her head towards Eula. "I just don't get it, Miss Eula. They occupy our city, and that's bad enough. But then, they go and set up a casino just for the rich Lawrence aristocrats. It's like they don't care about anyone else. What really makes me angry is their obsession with being perfect in everything. It's so... disrespectful to what Mondstadt stands for."

Eula nodded in agreement, her own sense of indignation aligning with Klee's. "You're absolutely right, Klee. Their actions are a blatant disrespect not only to our home but to the values we cherish. The establishment of a casino, particularly under these circumstances, is an affront to our community's principles of equality and freedom."

She continued, her voice firm and resolute. "This perfectionism they strive for – it's an unattainable ideal that only serves to oppress and control. It's a mindset I've long rejected and one that has no place in Mondstadt."

Klee's eyes were alight with determination as she spoke, outlining her plan. "And I've got an idea that might just turn the tables on them. But first, we need to focus on rescuing Master Jean and Amber. Time is running out, Miss Eula. Dawn is approaching, and by noon, they plan to use the Holy Lyre with that device. If they succeed, they'll change everything in Mondstadt to how they want it. "

Eula pondered Klee's words, the challenge apparent in her expression. "But how will we find them? And more importantly, how do we fight back? If they truly have superior resources, reclaiming Mondstadt and rescuing our friends won't be easy."

Klee's face lit up with a spark of inspiration. "Maybe we can use their own weapons against them. I have another plan forming, but for now, our priority is to save them before sunrise. We're in a race against time to stop this from escalating. You're ready to show that you're nothing like your family, aren't you, "

"For this city, our cherished home, and for the freedom that courses through its streets like a mighty river... We will stand as unbreakable guardians. They will not strip away our equal rights, not as long as we draw breath and stand guard. We are the bulwark against their tyranny, and we shall not falter. Miss Eula? So, are you with me?"

As she spoke, Klee expertly reloaded her assault rifle, her actions reflecting her readiness to leap into action.

Eula's resolve solidified, her voice steady and confident. "I'm with you, Klee. Let's save our friends and protect our city. I'm ready to prove who I truly am, for Mondstadt and for what's right." She prepared herself, her stance mirroring Klee's readiness for the task ahead. Together, they were a force united by a common goal – to save their friends and safeguard their beloved city.

Klee swiftly tossed a submachine gun to Eula, along with a supply of ammunition. Eula caught them with practiced ease, giving Klee a nod of acknowledgment.

The sound of the gun's metal clinking against Eula's armor rang through the air as she caught it. She quickly got to work, the distinct clicking sound of ammunition being loaded into the weapon filling the room. Each movement was precise and fluid, a testament to her training and readiness.

As Eula snapped the magazine into place, the final click signaled that the weapon was ready for action. She gave it a quick once-over, ensuring everything was in order, her focus and determination evident in her sharp movements.