
Genshin Impact: Cursed Spirits

Jujutsu Sorcerers, individuals tasked with the responsibility of removing cursed spirits from the world. A certain young Jujutsu Sorcerer in training has found himself in quite the predicament. While on a mission to investigate the abnormal collection of cursed energy, he finds himself flung into an entirely different world! And it seems that the job of a Jujutsu Sorcerer is never over. After all, negative human emotions can be found anywhere humans are.

AegisStigma · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The World Known As Teyvat

As you have probably figured out, this is a fanfiction crossover of Genshin Impact and Jujutsu Kaisen. To make a few notes, the first being that I may boost the power of Jujutsu Kaisen entities. Also, this story is a HAREM story. So, if you don't like that, then I apologize. Was originally writing this story on Wattpad, but decided to move it here.

Anyway, I also wanted to say that will follow the original Genshin Impact story progression, but there will eventually big changes along the way due to the involvement of Cursed Spirits and more. Not sure when, just that it will.





Cursed Spirits.

Entities that spring forth from the collective negative emotions from human beings, which have taken form based upon what those emotions sprang from. Jujutsu Sorcerers, talented individuals that utilize cursed energy to combat these entities through the use of cursed techniques and more.

Dating back many many decades, all the way up to the present time. It is their duty to exorcise these malevolent creatures after all. "What the heck are these things...?"

Well, that wasn't exactly the case at the moment as a certain young Jujutsu Sorcerer could be seen fighting against an army of strange creatures. The young man appeared to be around sixteen and had a lean muscular physique, along with fair skin and a rather charming calm expression.

He had straight smooth black hair and a pair of dark royal blue eyes. His clothing appearing to be pretty casual, consisting of black sleek pants, a dark blue hoodie over a white t-shirt, and black wristbands.

[Appearance Image]

This young man was Setsuna Kusanagi, a young yet powerful Jujutsu Sorcerer in training, currently attending Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. A school that acts as a normal school, but also mainly focuses on training its very very few students in the arts of Jujutsu Sorcerers.

Well, he was supposed to be at school at the moment, but we'll come back to that in a few moments from now. The creatures that he was fighting, probably around forty or so, surrounded him as he had found himself in this grassy rocky terrain area.

The creatures that were attacking him appeared to be humanoid, and they all seemed to be wearing strange tribal-like masks. The reason for Kusanagi's confusion was that they weren't Cursed Spirits, the amount he could sense from them was honestly pathetic.

Every living being has cursed energy inside them, whether or not someone has enough would decide if they were to be Jujutsu Sorcerers or not. On the other hand, Cursed Spirits were made from pure cursed energy, and these strange creatures certainly weren't.

So, the question was what the hell these things were. Luckily, they were honestly very weak and he would probably only grade them as grade 4 strength, the lowest on that totem pole at least. He didn't really even need to exhaust any of his cursed energy to defeat these things as he just punched and kicked them, defeating them after a few blows.

He did have what appeared to be a katana sheathed on the left side of his waist, though he didn't even need to use it. Along with the katana, he was carrying around what appeared to be a rather large black and blue backpack over his right shoulder.

As the monsters charged at him, he easily dealt with them as his movements were swift and precise, striking them in the vital areas, causing great damage. A number of his punches broke their bones, along with sometimes even punching holes into their bodies and also dislocating limbs.

What weirded him out was that they seemed to seemingly disintegrate soon after perishing, leaving no trace afterward. It looked kind of similar to when he exorcised Cursed Spirits, though they didn't explode into blue and purple flames as Cursed Spirits did. Despite having the backpack on, it didn't obstruct him too much as he continued to mow all of these strange beings down.

"Hyaa!" With a final powerful punch, not even empowered with cursed energy, he sent the final one flying away a few meters as it soon disintegrated. He gave a small sigh as he cracked his neck, not at all tired as he looked around at the area around him. It was honestly just a vast grassy rocky plain.

"Alright, so where the hell is this?"

This was the question he was trying to answer for himself, though he had been interrupted by those creatures as he started looking around. He had been sent to exorcise a Cursed Spirit that had been detected, though he hadn't expected this to happen when he went off to do his job.

He remembered being dragged into some kind of portal vortex, to which he found himself flung out soon after and into this place. He could literally be anywhere on the planet, and he certainly knew that no places looked like this anywhere near where he was in Japan.

Maybe he was in another country? Maybe some unknown area? He wasn't sure, and maybe he might even be in another world! It may sound crazy, but it really isn't that hard to accept the existence of other worlds when you deal with Cursed Spirits on the daily basis.

Whether or not he is in another world is yet to be seen.


It had been around an hour or so as Kusanagi began traveling across this foreign land, and he hadn't found any other humans. He did end up coming across strange slimes, some were even on fire, it was truly an interesting sight to behold. Though, they were weak, weaker than those masked creatures.

Speaking of which, he had come across their camps as well where a number of them had set up some structures as homes along with campfires. This easily told him that they weren't just trash in fighting, since they just swing randomly. But, that they actually had intelligence to a pretty good degree if they were able to accomplish such things.

Unless they stole it, though using it requires some intellect as well...

At the present time, Kusanagi could be seen sitting on top of a small relatively flat rock as he was seemingly fishing. He had gotten a fishing rod from one of those camps that he raided, along with other things, though he left most of what he found behind as they seemed pretty useless to him.

Especially those primitive weapons.

His backpack was thankfully pretty big, so he was able to fit most of what he collected inside of it, along with a few fruits that he picked from trees. He had found a number of animals running around, such as rabbits, lizards, boars, and more. He didn't kill any since he wasn't hungry at the time he saw them.

Plus, carrying around that meat would be disgusting, he would prefer to kill them then prepare them straight away instead of later. That was why he was in the middle of catching fish, he had already caught quite a number of them. Some were cooking already as he was just catching more as he waited for them to finish.

"Man, just where the hell am I...?" Kusanagi sighed as he patiently watched his fishing line. "I feel like sensei is going to give me a real good scolding or whatever if I ever see him again, or he's going to make fun of me, I don't even wanna know..."

There wasn't much Kusanagi could do until he found some kind of human settlement, that will allow him to get some information. Only then can he decide his next main course of action, and perhaps find some method of returning back home.

"Hm?" Kusanagi blinked his eyes in confusion when he noticed that there was far more resistance when he tugged the rod. Far more than before. "Huh..?"

Kusanagi tugged harder upwards, though he was not prepared for what was revealed at the end of the fishing line. He seemed to have hooked what appeared to be a small human, female from appearance. They looked like a human child.

However, Kusanagi had doubts that that was the case.

He quickly swung the creature into the air using the fishing rod, to which the creature then landed headfirst into the sandy beach near where he was sitting. He placed the rod down before walking over and looking down at the creature with a confused look, he pulled the creature out before looking at it with a curious look in his eyes.

As he placed it back onto the ground, he noticed that the fairy-like creature also appeared to be in a daze, evident from the swirls in its eyes.

"A fairy...?" Kusanagi muttered with an uncertain look. That was the only thing he could assume aside from a human child. "Oi, you okay there?"

"Awawawa~." The creature trailed on as it started to sit up, though its head was shaking back and forth as both of its hands clutched its head. Kusanagi just frowned as he saw that the entity wasn't at all responding to his words. Probably hadn't even registered anything he had said.

'Hmm...' Kusanagi looked around at the area before looking towards the smaller flat rock that he used to keep all of the fishes he caught on, the ones that weren't cooked yet at least. He nodded before walking over and picking one up. 'This might work.'

Kusanagi turned back towards the strange fairy, and he saw that it was still in a complete daze while swinging its head back and forth. He then walked over before raising the fish upwards, soon bring it down right on top of the fairy's head.

"OWWwwww~!" The fairy cried out as its eyes comically popped out before the fairy soon fell back down onto the ground and began rolling side to side while clutching its head in agony. The creature then soon turned its head around and glared up at him. "Why'd you hit Paimon?!"

"Sorry, sorry. You weren't paying attention, so I needed to get your attention." Kusanagi chuckled as he chucked the fish back on over to the rock. The creature just deadpanned at him, there were probably better ways to go about getting its attention, but the reaction was worth it. "Anyway, I'm Setsuna Kusanagi. Just call me Kusanagi."

"Hmph! Very well, Paimon's name is Paimon!" The fairy was obviously still upset with being fish-slapped, but Kusanagi just chuckled at her. He also noticed the quirk of how Paimon was speaking in a third-person point of view. "Kusanagi, huh? That's an interesting name. I think people from Inazuma have names like yours, are you from there?"

'Inazuma? As in lightning?' Kusanagi couldn't help but frown and raise his eyebrow slightly as he heard it. From the way Paimon spoke, this Inazuma was a town, city, or something similar. Maybe even a country. "No, I'm not... Ever heard of Japan?"

Might as well ask. Paimon here was the only individual he had come across that could actually communicate with him, so he would see if he could get as much information from her as he could. If she knew how he could get back to Japan, then all the better.

"Japan? What's that? Food?" Paimon asked dumbly as she tilted her head to the side with a confused look on her face. Kusanagi's jaw hung a little as he heard this. While he knew that not everyone was good at geography, the majority of people know of the existence of Japan. "Does it taste like fish? Oh, what about chicken?!"

"This is ridiculous..." Kusanagi rubbed his temple with a sigh as he heard what Paimon was spouting. Maybe he was just in a very isolated part of the world, a place that hadn't even been discovered yet. Though, he kind of had his doubts. "No, it's the place I'm from."

"Really? Paimon can't say that Paimon's ever heard of Japan though..." Paimon muttered with confusion as she heard Kusanagi's words. Paimon's nose soon twitched. "Well, why don't you tell Paimon about this Japan then? Also, Paimon's hungry! Let's eat those fish you caught!"

"Sure..." Kusanagi sweatdropped at the drool that seemed to be coming down from Paimon's mouth. He could already assume that this little fairy was some kind of glutton. Kusanagi narrowed his eyes though as his ears slightly twitched. "Do you hear that?"

"Hm?" Paimon blinked in confusion as she started listening intently to the surroundings. As she did, the sounds of what sounded like clashing metal seemed to sound from the distance, along with screams and yells. "Yeah! What is that?"

"Only one way to find out." Kusanagi voiced simply as he picked up his backpack before dashing off towards where the sound came from. Seeing this action, Paimon panicked as she looked back and forth between Kusanagi and the fish that was starting to slightly burn from the fire.

Paimon then quickly grabbed three of the fish that were impaled with carved sticks as she soon made chase after Kusanagi.

"W-Wait for Paimon!"


Both Kusanagi and Paimon had quickly made their way towards where the sounds were originating from, and the area seemed to be in an open spot within the nearby forest. It didn't take them long before they finally arrived at the destination.

"Kusanagi, look!" Paimon shouted, though her voice was a bit muffled due to the fact that she was chowing down on the last fish that she had grabbed before running on after Kusanagi. The place Paimon was pointing towards was the open space just below them. "It's a whole bunch of hilichurls!"

'So, they're called hilichurls?' Kusanagi made a note in his mind as he heard Paimon's words. He saw a bunch of those masked creatures, they were all attacking a blonde girl that was probably his age. 'Not bad skills... Though, definitely could use some improvements.'

A loud rumble was soon heard as both Paimon and Kusanagi blinked in surprise, the girl did the same as she finished off another three of the hilichurls. Only a few of those masked creatures were left, the girl had managed to take out quite a number of them.

When Kusanagi looked towards what made that rumble, he was rather surprised to see a creature easily four times or so larger compared to those hilichurls. It had a fury black large build, along with wearing a similarly designed mask. Along with having large horns and wielding a large wooden shield.

"Th-That's a mitachurl, they're really dangerous!" Paimon stuttered with some fear in her tone as Kusanagi narrowed his eyes at it. He didn't need to be told that that the creature was far stronger compared to those hilichurls, it was very damn obvious. "Shouldn't we help her?"

Kusanagi didn't respond, he just quickly jumped down from the elevated area of the forest they were in as he landed on the ground where the battle was taking place. He quickly dashed towards the massive mitachurl, rushing past the girl, who widened her eyes in surprise at his sudden appearance.

Kusanagi quickly arrived in front of the mitachurl, who was also surprised by his sudden intrusion onto the field. Kusanagi punched forwards towards the mitachurl, which is quickly reacted and held up its shield to block. When his fist made contact, the mitachurl skidded back a meter or so.

"Hoh~, you're definitely much stronger." Kusanagi mused as he then rolled to the side as the creature then smashed his shield down onto the ground where he stood, causing a crater to appear as rubble was thrown around. "Pretty strong too, I would say you're probably as strong as a lower or average grade 3..."

Kusanagi then did a straight kick to the mitachurl's side, causing it to stumble to the side, almost falling over as it composed itself before quickly turning to glare at Kusanagi. Kusunagi didn't really bat an eye though as he stared at the beast with complete composure.

Paimon and the blonde girl stared at the scene in surprise, though the blonde had to take her eyes off as she was soon attacked once again by the remaining hilichurls, which she soon quickly got back to killing the masked creatures.

"K-Kusanagi, are you sure you can take that thing on?!"

"Don't worry, Paimon. I'll be fine." Kusanagi responded to Paimon's concern with a relaxed tone. He also saw that the blonde was easily dealing with the hilichurls, so there was no need for him to be concerned about her for the moment. "Alright, let's see if you can deal with this then."

He wanted to test how much this thing could take, so he coated his fists in some cursed energy, which appeared like faded blue and black flames. He then dashed forwards before he began punching away at the mitachurl at rapid speeds.

The shield didn't take long to break as after only a few punches coated with small amounts of cursed energy, it had shattered completely. The punches didn't stop though as Kusanagi then began pummeling the mitachurl, leaving it no chance to counter-attack.

While he knew that he wouldn't need to unsheath his sword to defeat this thing, he was kind of expecting a better fight. Though, this thing was probably only as strong as lower or average grade 3 Cursed Spirits. If he had decided to coat his hands in a good amount of cursed energy, he could have killed this thing in a single punch.

It didn't take long before the mitachurl was completely broken as Kusanagi delivered one last punch, blasting a hole straight through its stomach. He watched as it crashed down onto the ground before beginning to disintegrate away.

"That was amazing, Kusanagi!" Said person turned around to see Paimon flying over with a big smile as he dismissed the cursed energy on his hands. The blonde girl also walked a bit nervously behind as she followed after Paimon. "How did you light your hands on fire like that?! Do you have a Pyro Vision?!"

'Wait, Paimon can see my cursed energy...?' Kusanagi didn't express it on his face, though he was surprised on the inside. Only those with enough cursed energy are capable of even seeing it, and he could tell that Paimon didn't have nearly enough at all. "What's a Vision?"

"Eh?! You don't know...?"

"No..." Kusanagi frowned as he heard this. While he knew the general definition for the word, the way that Paimon utilize the word suggested that it was something else entirely. He then noticed the blonde girl standing just behind Paimon, fidgeting a bit. "Oh, you okay there? What's your name?"

"...It's Lumine."
