
Genshin impact : Cosmo Of Teyvat

ATTENTION!!! My English is very very bad and Terrible. because what I learn is just Simple word, I'm so sorry if you need try hard to read this. Update : Random

Noaether · Video Games
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38 Chs

: City ​​Of Freedom

In a room, in bed. There was a dark magenta hair man who slowly opened his eyes which was the same color as his hair. He got up and sat on his bed and looked around.

"Oh my head... Everything is fuzzy..."

When he rubbed his eyes, everything became clear. after that he can see that he was in a wooden room with some Antique relics on the wall

Like the Sign written by the chisel, some big cupboards with books. When he looked outside he could see an amazing sight.

'Wow... Th-this... Really medieval era!!, What a beautiful view of the city' thought the man.

"But where is it?" Said the man while looking around. He tried to get up and did some stretching which caused some of his muscles to rattle.

'Shit, how long have I been asleep for?' thought the man.

When, he stretched the door open and revealed the lady who had purple clothes with the model like a witch.

"Ara~Ara. You finally woke up, Mister Guest. How are you?" Asked the Woman.

"A-ah, yeah... That's... Trying better, I guess?" The man replied nervously.

"Ufufufu, Drink this... (Holds a glass of water) I'm sure you'll feel better after that" The woman said.

The man took the glass.

"Thank you *gulp**gulp*... Uaah, yup I feel better now" said the man.

"By the way. my name is Lisa Minci, I am a member of the Knight of Favonius. You can call me Lisa" said Lisa gracefully.

"A-ah, my name is Ashen Jefferi. Nice to meet you," said Ashen.

"Hmm?, only that?. Where are you from?" Said Lisa with Confused.

"I don't remember, all I know is that I fell from the sky saved by a beautiful blue-haired woman and was unconscious after that" Ashen said with a lie.

'Well, I don't want to say that I'm from another world. Obviously, there would be a drop in confidence if I mentioned it. After all, this is my new world, now it's time to move on from my old world' Ashen thought.

"Ara~Ara... You have amnesia, right... I'm sorry... I hope you can remember what happened in your past" said Lisa sadly.

"Miss Lisa--"

"just Lisa, sweetie" said Lisa.

"Ah yes, by the way Lisa. Where am I?, This is hospital?" Ask Ash.

"Ufufufu no~, you're in the City of Freedom Located in the northeast of the Teyvat Continent. The city that worships Anemo Archon, Mondstadt. The city that was ruled by the Knight Of Favonius, and now you're at its headquarters," said Lisa.

"R-Really!?, Sorry for troubling you guys!" Said Ashen Worriedly.

"It's okay, Honestly there are a lot of empty rooms in this place. And I'm pretty sure Jean will let you stay until you have enough money to rent a place to live" Lisa said sincerely.

'since Grand Master Varka went on the Expedition And Hasn't Returned since almost half a year ago. Lots of empty rooms and I think it's okay to borrow just one room for this cutie, even Jean can keep an eye on this kid for being in the castle most of the time' thought Lisa.

"T-Thank you... but what should I do after this? I don't have any money, and I even borrowed a place to live with you" Ashen asked.

"Hmm?, How about Registering as an Adventurer in a Guild. You can complete Missions and Receive some Money, You Can stay here until you can buy a house and I'm also happy to see a cute boy like you in this cursed Place, ufufufu~" Bargained Lisa.

"Thank you again, that sounds good... I also want to go around this city, so I can memorize every ins and outs so I don't get lost" Ashen said while scratching his cheek and smiling wryly

"Well, I've guessed this so I'll introduce you to someone. Before that let's visit Jean, she is the Grand Master of the Knight Of Favonius. This organization moves on her orders. She now wants to meet you" said Lisa.

'Hmmm like the leader of a nation huh... This I really should not look suspicious. And if I'm lucky, I might be able to get some useful information' Ashen thought.

Ashen just nodded and followed Lisa out of the room. On his way out he could see that most of the Castle was a library. Which made Ashen's eyes sparkle, and Lisa only received a soft laugh when she saw Ashen's reaction.

'uaaaghh!, Old world knowledge!, I'm getting excited! This is what I need the most!' Ashen thought.

'Well, I don't have to worry. With his current state I can allow him to enter special access that the general public can not do mondstadt' thought lisa.

After a few minutes of walking the two people entered the room which had a sign on it that said "Grand Master's office" and when entering, Ashen could see two girls there.

One of them sat in a chair with a table filled with signed paper documents. The woman had blonde hair tied into a ponytail and blue-grey eyes.

Beside him stood a girl who had long dark brown hair, golden eyes, and white skin. He wore a jumper-like outfit consisting of dark brown leather shorts, a red hoodie-like top, red stockings, and white thigh-high boots adorned with gold lining and symbols.

Her accessories include a leather belt with two small bags, and attached Pyro Vision, gloves, a small belt on her right thigh, and gold-rimmed glasses.

Its most distinguishing feature is the headband with a large red band located on its head, resembling the shape of a rabbit's ears. In addition, his Vision had two red feathers stuck to its bottom.

"Ah we finally meet, my name Jean Gunnhildr. I am currently the Grand Master of the Knight Of Favonius. Nice to meet you" said the blonde woman after standing in her chair.

"My name is Ashen Jefferi, nice to meet you too, Miss Jean," said Ashen.

"A-ah, you don't need to add the Miss. Just Jean," said Jean with a smile.

"Ah!! Ah!!, And I Am Amber I am Outrider Of Knight Of Favonius!, don't add madam or miss just amber! My job is to patrol the Border Between Mondstadt and the territory of other Nations. Nice to meet you Ashen-san!!" Amber said with her energetic action.

"Nice to meet you too Amber" Ashen said.

"Well, after your introductions are over, I'll just get to the point. Ashen here... has an amnesia problem. He can't remember anything that happened to him before he was saved by Miss Eula" said lisa which surprised Amber and jean.

"I can't remember where I live, and how I came to be. I know some common knowledge in this world and I also only know my name, maybe I lost my background but I didn't lose myself" said Ashen while wearing a sad expression.

Amber and Jean could only smile sadly feeling concerned about Ashen, while Ashen himself was still standing thinking about something.

"So, the name of my savior is Miss Eula, I owe her thanks. I hope to meet her" Ashen said.

"Don't worry, for now she and his Investigation Team are on an investigation mission about where you came from because it's our job to help you remember where you came from because you are now our Guest. And you will meet him soon. By the way, I'm quite feel sorry for what happened to you. That's why you can stay here" said Jean.

"T-Thank you, but instead Let me cook for you. And I will try to provide the best dish I can cook" Ashen said sincerely.

"Okay, I'll leave breakfast, lunch and dinner to you Ashen. By the way Amber is here. I specifically called to accompany you to go around the city, she herself has completed her task and this task probably won't burden her" said Jean.

"A-ah I see, then please help. Amber" Ashen said with a sincere smile.

"Sure!, I will introduce you to every part of our beloved City!!, Let's start our Tour!!" Amber exclaimed while pulling Ashen's hand and the two of them quickly left the room with Jean and Lisa Remaining.

"Ufufufu you naughty girl, just stealing such a handsome man" said Lisa annoyed.

"Y-Well, anyway I can confirm what he said is true... His gaze was completely blank, as if the poor guy was confused about where he was going. I couldn't bear to let him stay here" said Jean with a gentle smile.

"Well, this kid also has an interest in reading... Will you allow him access to that part of the library?" Lisa asked.

"I don't mind, the current situation is a person who has lost his memory from nowhere and has a calm nature. I trust him that person is not a member of the Fatui or Abyss order. Even we can see that the man has no vision" said Jean.

There is a possibility that Ashen fainted and had his belongings stolen by some bandits. However, Jean couldn't help but put those thoughts away because Eula herself was the testimony of Ashen's appearance from the sky.

"Ara~Ara... Having a handsome boy in this castle is also necessary... I'll be content to play with him ufufufu" Lisa said with a weird smile on her face.

"P-please don't do weird things to him" said Jean while looking at Lisa's perverted face with a flat expression.

Back with Amber and Ashen....

"W-wow, what's with that big statue?" said Ashen in amazement.

"Hehehe, that is the statue of the Anemo Archon who became the god of freedom in our city. This city itself worships him sincerely, he is Barbatos. One of the 7 Archons, he is the controller of the Wind" said Amber.

"I see, well, the wind itself does represent freedom because they can go wherever they want in this world" Ashen said.

"That's it. Come with me, to the holy place in Mondstadt City!!" Again Amber pulled Ashen's hand, Ashen who was pulled could only smile.

Ashen and Amber arrived in front of a building that looked like a palace, only it was bigger than the Knight Of Favonius Headquarters.

"And this is Favonius Cathedral. This is where people worship the god of freedom, Archon Anemo, Barbatos" said Amber

"Yup, it's very beautiful. Archon Anemo must be a very wise person. Then how about things?, Is this Archon Anemo Dead?" Ashen asking.

"No, the citizens of Mondstadt believe that God Barbatos is currently among the people and has not appeared for some reason. Just like other Nations like Liyue. Their gods, Morax or Rex lapis. Every year will descend to greet the citizens who worship him and give they are guidance" replied Amber.

"Heeh, Liyue huh..." muttered Ashen.

'mondstadt itself is taken from German which means city of the moon. While Liyue is a word from Mandarin which means a mirrored moon. So it is certain that every nation in this world represents the country in my previous world' thought Ashen.

"Well then. Let's meet Barbara, Grand Master Jean's sister!!" Amber exclaimed happily while pulling Ashen again.

When entering into the cathedral. Ashen can see that the interior is similar to cathedrals in general, only that the area is quite large, giving a beautiful impression with some art ornaments on the walls.

"Hello there?, Do you need anything?"

"Ahh!!, Barbara!. Well I'm just on a date and ask him around hehehe" Amber said with a grin.

"Who are you fooling, this is the first time I've heard of a dating person coming to this place" said the blonde girl with a frown.

The girl called Barbara had a rather small build with ash blonde hair tied in a pigtail and blue eyes. Which reminds Ashen of Jean but it's more like the Alternative version, well Ashen doesn't have a problem with that because after all Jean and Barbara are sibling.

She wears a white skirt that opens at the shoulders and a large white and blue bow in the front along with white tights, white boots, and a blue and white hat. Her vision was attached to a gold-embellished spell book with a light blue cover and a small cross amulet hanging by its side.

"No she's right, I'm not from the city of Mondstadt and we decided to go on a date while taking me around the city and greeting some people" Ashen said with a sincere smile.

Barbara just wore a soft smile expression while Amber. She was really surprised and her face was red because Ashen easily admitted that this was a date in front of her friends.

"S-So it's true, well, welcome to Favonius Cathedral then. This cathedral itself is run by the Church of Favonius which is part of the Knight of Favonius. The staff on duty here have dedicated their lives to keeping this place safe" said Barbara.

"Well that's good. This place is also very clean a sign that you take good care of it. I'm pretty sure Barbatos will give his blessings to all of you" Ashen said.

"Hehehe, thank you and I hope you also get the blessing, this cathedral itself is divided into 2 floors, namely the interior where we are now and the basement where the Holy Lyre Der Hemmel is strictly guarded there. The holy harp is the most precious relic from God Barbatos to the people of Mondstadt ' said Barbara.

"Holy harp huh, well then What work are you doing here?" Ashen asking.

"Well, I have the position of Deaconess of Favonius Cathedral as well as Shinning idol. I have the ability to singing and Well, people say my voice is beautiful and Makes them entertained. With this Cathedral we Help and care for the poor, weak and injured people from a battle" Barbara said.

"It's a noble activity and I didn't think you were such a prominent person in Mondstadt. I hope I can hear you sing sometime" said Ashen with a smile

" *Blush* o-of course and I hope you enjoy it when that time comes" Barbara said with a sincere smile and a blush on her cheeks.

"Okay, I and Amber will say goodbye now there are still many places we will visit. Thank you for your time Barbara" Ashen said.

"No, I'm also happy to help you," said Barbara.

However, Ashen was surprised when Amber didn't pull his hand this time and when he saw amber. She was still pensive with a blushing face. Ashen just sighed and held her hand.

"W-wait!... This... Ugh~" Amber made a cute growl but still didn't refuse to hold Ashen's Hand.

"Well, then let's continue our date, Amber~" Ashen said with a grin that made Amber even more embarrassed.