
Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

A man who used to review novels dies in an elevator accident and is sent to the world of Teyvat [Genshin Impact] to live his life the way he wants. What will happen when an unknown being like him enters the world of Teyvat? Will the Archons hunt him, or will he hunt them instead? *** Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact nor its characters. My only character is the main OC Yomite Hissha. Covers are also used randomly either from other artists or drawn by myself. So the credit goes to them. My discord server: https://discord.gg/qpDTvSj3TC Please support my Patreon for more releases and faster upload. If it goes well I am thinking of quitting my job and focus fully on writing. That would be nice as my job is really annoying. https://patreon.com/StickSwinger This story is my first wish fulfillment. It will be a little different from Genshin Impact's story, since the game is updated so often and things are added or changed. Currently it's patch 2.3 and I have been playing the game since it came out. So I am following the story closely, but... It will not always be the same story. I'll do my best to get as close to the original as possible with my writing skills. I will primarily focus on adding new things as well. The romance will be slow, but we will get there. Smut is out around chapters 120, mostly to develop romance before going into it. Harem will be expanding, but at a decent rate... I want to develop the characters first before I undergo another harem expansion.

Stick_Swinger · Video Games
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360 Chs


Panic coursed through the ranks of the Abyss Mages, as they desperately sought to counter Yomite's devastating power. Despite their attempts to keep their distance by hurling long-range spells and elemental projectiles, Yomite's nimble footing upon the sandy terrain rendered their efforts futile.

Closing the distance, his cube ability pulsed with raw power, tearing through the first Abyss Mage's shield and reducing it to a fine mist of elemental particles. The remaining Mages watched in abject horror as their comrade vanished in an instant.

Emboldened by his triumph, Yomite carved a path through the remaining Abyss Mages, his cube ability shattering their defenses and consigning them to oblivion. The once-arrogant Mages now quaked with terror, realizing the futility of their resistance. In their desperation, they sought to flee, but Yomite's relentless pursuit ensured that none would escape his wrath.

As the final Abyss Mage succumbed to its fate, Yomite surveyed the battlefield, victorious yet weary from the repeated deployment of his cube ability.

With no respite, the third wave of adversaries materialized before him – a battalion of colossal Ruin Guards, ancient mechanical titans armed to the teeth with an arsenal of devastating rockets and weapons, which seemed weird in the magical realm of Teyvat.

Yomite darted around the battlefield, evading the Ruin Guards' missile barrages and spinning blade attacks.

He focused on identifying the weak spots on their metallic armor, looking for any opportunity to strike a decisive blow. He also had to be careful with his cube usage, as his energy reserves were dwindling from the previous battle, and he knew there were two more waves after this one, so spamming the cube wasn't the greatest of options.

The moment came when a Ruin Guard's missile launcher malfunctioned, revealing a weakness in its armor. Yomite seized the opportunity, vaulting into the air and striking a devastating blow with his claymore to the Guard's exposed eye. The colossal machine shuddered, its frame buckling under the sheer force of Yomite's attack.

The remaining Ruin Guards lumbered towards Yomite, their metallic forms towering over him menacingly. He gripped his claymore tightly, taking a deep breath and focusing his mind on the task at hand. He knew he had to take advantage of the agility his human form granted him against these colossal machines.

He charged at the first Ruin Guard he saw, leaping into the air and swinging his claymore with immense force, aiming for the joints of the robot's limbs. The blade bit deep into the metal, causing the Ruin Guard to falter and slow down. Yomite quickly followed up with a series of rapid punches to the same weak point, further damaging the mechanical behemoth.

The other Ruin Guards closed in, trying to surround Yomite and limit his mobility. He deftly maneuvered around the battlefield, evading their spinning blades and missile attacks, destroying them in one fell swoop.

He then targeted the last Ruin Guard, using the momentum of his evasive movements to deliver a powerful kick to the robot's knee joint.

The Ruin Guard buckled under the force of the blow, its leg crippled and unable to support its weight. Yomite then swung his claymore in a wide arc, severing the Ruin Guard's arm and disabling its primary weapon.

The last Ruin Guard trembled and sparked, its internal mechanisms grinding to a halt. With a final shudder, the colossal robot collapsed to the ground.

In the hallowed arena, Yomite's breath caught in his chest, a fleeting moment of respite after single-handedly dismantling twelve Ruin Guards. Yet, before the echoes of clashing metal faded, the fourth wave surged forth.

"Great...what the hell are these? Pokemon on steroids?"

Facing Yomite stood a formidable pair of Geovishaps, their massive, armored bodies shimmering in the arena's dim light. Though he'd never encountered these monstrosities before, he recalled Hu Tao's tales of the fearsome creatures that haunted the land of Liyue. The Geovishaps' rock-hard exteriors rendered them near impervious to damage, while their elemental breath attacks—one Pyro, one Cryo—added a deadly edge to the fray.

As the Pyro Geovishap unleashed a torrent of flames, the heat swelled and roared, threatening to engulf Yomite. In the nick of time, he narrowly avoided immolation, rolling away and positioning himself closer to the Cryo Geovishap.

Seizing the moment, Yomite darted in and cleaved at the Cryo Geovishap's legs, his claymore rending through the rock-like exterior to reveal vulnerable flesh. The beast roared in pain and fury, its movements hindered as it unleashed a chilling blast of freezing air in retaliation.

Yomite leaped backwards, avoiding the frigid attack and using the momentary reprieve to plan his next move. He knew that he couldn't afford to focus solely on one Geovishap, as the other would undoubtedly seize the chance to strike him down. As the two lumbering beasts closed in, Yomite devised a strategy to use their own strengths against them.

Dodging and weaving between the Geovishaps, Yomite skillfully baited their elemental breath attacks, causing the creatures to inadvertently strike one another. AAs fire met ice, the ensuing explosion of steam and energy sent both titans reeling, creating an opening for Yomite to exploit.

With adrenaline surging, Yomite charged in, his claymore slicing through the air as he landed a series of powerful blows on each Geovishap. They roared in agony, their once-impenetrable armor cracking and shattering under Yomite's relentless assault.

Yet, despite their grievous injuries, the Geovishaps fought on, their movements growing increasingly erratic and desperate. Yomite was pushed to his limits, his body aching from the strain of battle. He had to end this quickly, before the Geovishaps could land a killing blow.

As the clash raged on, Yomite's agile maneuvers and well-timed strikes wore away at the indomitable creatures. However, they still harbored a fierce determination, becoming more unpredictable in their desperation.


Read up to 18 chapters ahead! Celestia TIER patreons also get to read my new fics:

MHA - Return By Death - 4 chapters

Konosuba - 15 chapters

SOON TM - Nisekoi, League of legends, Majikoi

https://pa treon.com/StickSwinger

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