
Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

A man who used to review novels dies in an elevator accident and is sent to the world of Teyvat [Genshin Impact] to live his life the way he wants. What will happen when an unknown being like him enters the world of Teyvat? Will the Archons hunt him, or will he hunt them instead? *** Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact nor its characters. My only character is the main OC Yomite Hissha. Covers are also used randomly either from other artists or drawn by myself. So the credit goes to them. My discord server: https://discord.gg/qpDTvSj3TC Please support my Patreon for more releases and faster upload. If it goes well I am thinking of quitting my job and focus fully on writing. That would be nice as my job is really annoying. https://patreon.com/StickSwinger This story is my first wish fulfillment. It will be a little different from Genshin Impact's story, since the game is updated so often and things are added or changed. Currently it's patch 2.3 and I have been playing the game since it came out. So I am following the story closely, but... It will not always be the same story. I'll do my best to get as close to the original as possible with my writing skills. I will primarily focus on adding new things as well. The romance will be slow, but we will get there. Smut is out around chapters 120, mostly to develop romance before going into it. Harem will be expanding, but at a decent rate... I want to develop the characters first before I undergo another harem expansion.

Stick_Swinger · Video Games
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360 Chs

A Dose Of Love

Read up to 18 chapters ahead! Celestia TIER patreons also get to read the first few chapters of my new series:

MHA - Return By Death.

https://pa treon.com/StickSwinger

Chill with us!



The following day was quite intriguing...

Once Yomite woke up, he found out there was an intruder...or two in his bed...

Hu Tao slept soundly by his side, using his left arm as her pillow.

After the party was over, each girl found some sort of spot to sleep at...In this case, it was his bed...


His hand traveled slowly down her back, tracing her spine.

The soft touch felt like heaven, and she sighed softly in her sleep.

Her back was perfectly smooth, with no imperfections and he soon found his objective; her buttocks.

An ample, full butt perfectly in proportion to her body size. It was firm, but felt soft beneath his palm.

As he leisurely squeezed the perfection with his fingers, he felt her bottom flex and jerk, which made him pause and look at her from the corner of his eye.

"Nnn…" Hu Tao groaned, moving her hand on his chest. He leaned against her as he felt her warm breath cascading down on him.

'Cute.' He thought, before he continued his soft massage.

She appeared to enjoy it, as she murmured and rocked her pelvis against him in her sleep.

But she wasn't the only woman in the room who demanded his attention...

By his right side, lay Fischl, who was just like Hu Tao, dead drunk and softly snoring away.

Yep, his bed appeared to be fairly full this morning.

With a faint smile, he once more fondled Hu Tao's rear and then focused all of his attention to Fischl.

He proceeded to play with her long, silky hair by running his fingers through it.

Fischl was an adorable woman, who deserved a warm and loving caress.

Unlike Hu Tao, who preferred roughness, this girl appeared to prefer softness and sweetness, giving him the impression that she was so fragile that he could easily break her if he wasn't careful.

"Yes, Yes...Immernachtreich...It had been so long... Prinzessin ist back..." She muttered in her sleep.

He smiled.

Since Fischl was often a chatterbox, it was not surprising to hear her talking incoherently in her sleep too.

It was often funny to allow Fischl to speak uninterrupted in order to hear the crazy nonsense that would come out of her mouth.

"...Hnn...thou art already dead...thou just haven't caught up yet..." She let out, "This Prinzessin ist most magnificent..."

"Yes, you're so amazing, Prinzessin..." He whispered, kissing her forehead. "How I wish you could see yourself right now, you would be so embarrassed."

He felt her relax against him, as she curled and sighed contentedly.

The fluffiness of her hair, her petite frame, and the timid manner in which she would sometimes speak to him made it difficult for him not to lose himself in her splendor.

Thus, two of his lovers found their way into his bed and fell asleep on top of him, making it impossible for him to move or get out of bed without disturbing them.

However, this did not prevent him from being awake.

He lay awake, reflecting on the previous evening.

About Lumine's revelation, her resolution and determination to start a life with him and create it together. He didn't know how to react at first, simply because he didn't really believe she held those kinds of feelings for him.

As he mentioned numerous times before, after she found her brother, she would leave this world.

That was what he'd initially believed...but after she sobbed in his arms and professed her love for him, his determination to resist her was weakened.

'I wonder if she remembers that she entered my room yesterday. She was dead drunk...' he mused, staring at the ceiling.

Therefore, he hugged them for a few minutes while lying on the bed before deciding to leave the room quietly.

He escaped the two adorable creatures' grasp and was prepared to depart.

Now, the moment he left the room, one of the most unexpected things of his life happened.

As if on standby, Lumine was on her knee before him the second he opened the door.

She was holding a bouquet of flowers and gazing up at him with devotion in her large golden eyes, which he had always regarded as stunning.


He didn't think his smile could be any bigger than she'd already made it, but apparently he couldn't keep from doing so because now even his cheeks hurt and he had to look away from this sweet woman...

'Is she professing her love to me or asking for my hand in marriage...God, It's so adorable how clueless she is about this stuff...'

Usually, men were the ones who proposed to women; they'd say "I love you, I want to stay with you for the rest of my life. Please marry me!" bring out a ring and propose there and then, on their knees.

But no. This was Lumine he was talking about, and she was quite serious about what she wanted after yesterday's confrontation, so the words were all hers so say.

"P-Please accept these!" She managed to stammer, thrusting the flowers towards him, her face turning redder by the minute, "...Y-You have been there for me times and times again... You have always supported me, saved me and gave me a place to stay when I really needed one...you've never asked anything in return, and yet, here I am making this...proposal...not to repay you... I don't want you to think I'm doing it just because of all of this. But because...you're sp...special to me!" she added hurriedly, almost like an apology for her stuttering.

She was still flushed when she finished her speech, and her voice broke on the word 'special'.

Lumine was nervous, but she knew that her heart had already made up its mind, and she wanted him to know how much she meant every word.

It felt as if she had rehearsed these words and sentences multiple times, yet she still failed to deliver...

Thank you, my kind Chinese Billionaires and Sugar Daddies who keep on sponsoring me:





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Stick_Swingercreators' thoughts