
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs

Mondstadt Pt. 20

"Can I even defeat Noelle?" Aether thought while walking to the 24th hilichurl camp that Kaeya marked for him.

"And is Kaeya part of the Abyss? Cuz if he is. I'll tell him to say hi to my sister." Aether stepped on the spinning fire wheels he created and floated towards the camp.

"And why the fuck did I I tell him I had sex and my other element. Simple, one is to make him feel jealous. The other is to have a good fight. Those are stupid reasons. But he doesn't know that I can get other elements as I go on my journey and how I get them. That's also bullshit." Aether said spotting the camp in his sights. He created two explosive balls on both of his hands. Aether jumped off the wheels and they flew straight to the camp. He threw the two balls in mid air and the balls exploded on collision to the ground.


" But I think telling secrets is what makes us human." Aether said creating another pair of wheels. He looked at the camp.

"Aiya. There's not even a Mitachurl in the camp. Guess I'll just have to find a bigger one. " Aether muttered creating two fire clones. He created them by using imagination and precision. He can't count how many times the clone didn't turn out right or exploded when he created them.

"You guys go to these regions. They mostly have hilichurls only. If you encounter a Mitachurl just straight up dip and go to another place. You can't use magic. You only have my sword and spear skills. Once you've run out of energy dispel. " The clones nodded emotionlessly and ran to other directions.

" I think I take it back when I said that I'm at the level of the Spindrift Knight Eula. I think I'm closer to Bennett to be honest. I gotta push myself harder. Damn every time I say that I don't improve that much! " Aether stopped in his tracks. He breathed in and out.

" To be the strongest you have to have obstacles in front of you. Or else you will get cocky. After this is done I'll tell Kaeya to up the training even more. " Aether got on his wheels again and flew to the next camp. When he arrived at the new camp. "Damn they have huts and everything." Aether thought. He got off the wheels and walked in the camp.

One hilichurl noticed him and charged at him. Aether stabbed him in the head with his spear. Another ran towards him. It was holding a shield. Aether focused on his Anemo element and stabbed straight through the shield and piercing the hilichurl's heart. It kneeled down and dropped to the ground.

Aether ran towards a group of hilichurls. They immediately swung their clubs at him. Aether breathed and wind came out of his body. Their clubs were about hit his body but it was torn to shreds by the wind. Aether calls this "Cutting Armor."

Aether then made his spear disappear and created an exploding ball. He threw it in the middle of the hilichurls.


"ROOOOOAAARRR!!" Aether looked to the side and saw a Mitachurl swinging it's giant axe at him. Aether jumped out of the way. The axe was stuck to the ground. Aether took this as a chance. He leaped uo into the sky with the help of his Anemo element. He summoned his spear. He covered it with the Anemo element. It was now glowing green. He spun himself like a drill would and shot down to the Mitachurl. The Mitachurl quickly pulled out his axe but Aether was too fast. The spear was drill into the Mitachurl's head.


*Gussshhh splasssshhhh*.

Blood splattered everywhere. It got onto Aether who was gritting his teeth in anger. "Even Mitachurl's are easy to defeat now. But I'm still weak compared to the other Knight's." Aether muttered. The surroundings got dark.

" Huh? Why is it snowing and raining—" Aether stopped talking as ice covered his whole body. Rendering him immobilized. Just then the ice began to melt

The ice turned into hot water in seconds. Aether looked at the Samachurls who did it.

"Die Gnomes." Aether muttered and rings appeared on his hands. He threw it at them. It hit them in their chest. It spun so fast blood was splashing out non-stop. Then he guided the rings to fly up. It split the Samachurls open.

An electric arrow was flying towards him. Aether dodged and created a wind spear and threw it at the electro archer. It pierced it through the head.

" That's all of you. So why do I feel like something's missing?" Aether said getting on guard. Reinforcements might arrive.

"Gohus, Chiso Vomph!" An Abyss Mage appeared out of nowhere. Aether grinned.

"Finally! A good challenge!" Aether screamed. It was a pyro mage so his own pyro magic was out.

"Waahhh!!!" The mage fired a fire ball towards him. Aether dodged. It fired again and again.

"Physical attacks won't do shit against him. So elemental it is." Aether said and used his fire wheels to let him float on the sky.

He created wind drills and shot towards the mage. It didn't do shit so Aether kept drilling.

"What will an explosive ball do to it?" Aether thought. He created it and threw it at the mage.


"Gaaaahahahahahaha!!" The mage came out unscathed. Suddenly three dragon heads were summoned in a triangular position and shot fire towards Aether who was in the middle.

Aether dodged easily. He then created 20 wind swords from his hands and shot it towards the Mage. It hit. He created more and shot it again. It hit.

"One final shot." Aether thought and created six spinning wind wheels and shot it towards the Abyss Mage. Just as it was about to hit the abyss mage disappeared and reappeared in another place.

"Hahahahahahaha!!!" It laughed proudly. But then the rings hit it's shield again. It spun fast, so fast that it made cracks around it's shield.


The shield broke and the mage fell down to the ground. Aether can use fire attacks now.

"Explosion." Aether muttered and shot two explosion balls towards it.


The abyss mage exploded into pieces. All that was left was a dead ley line branch.

Aether picked it up.

"Hmmm. What did I learn from that battle? That I'm still weak. Next time I see a pyro mage I will defeat it in two minutes. I need to move faster. 50 camps is my goal. I don't know how many camps my clones destroyed but let's hope that they have destroyed enough." " Aether thought and left the camp.

To be continued.....

(Most shit chapter is this one. Mostly because of criticism from the last chapter.)