
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
Not enough ratings
285 Chs


"Good Morning Princess. I have cooked you breakfast. I hope you enjoy it." A red Abyss Mage bowed and a table and chair set appeared in front of Lumine.

Lumine who was sitting on her throne with an emotionless face widened her eyes in a little excitement.

" You're cooking again Enjou?" Lumine asked the red colored Herald. She stepped down the throne and sat on the chair.

"Yes. The other Heralds noticed that you enjoy my cooking more than theirs. I will be in charge of cooking duty for the foreseeable future." Enjou answered. He wrapped a napkin around Lumine's neck. He took out a giant cloth and wrapped it around the table.

Enjou then proceeded to snap his fingers and a tray of food appeared in front of Lumine. In the tray were a variety of foods like C

"Enjoy. Princess." Enjou bowed. Lumine picked up the fork and knife and started to munch on the food like an animal. Like brother, like sister.

"Mhm! This is good!! Thank you Enjou." Lumine said while munching the food. Enjou nodded in satisfaction.

" I'm glad that you like it, Princess." Enjou bowed. Lumine stopped eating.

"C'mon Enjou. Sit with me. It's not right for you to stand there and watch me eat." Lumine said and a chair came out from a portal. Enjou shook his head.

"No, your majesty. Standing here is fine. You need not worry about me. " Enjou replied respectfully.

" Then as princess of the Abyss, I order you to sit with me. You can't disobey my orders right? " Lumine said smiling a little. Enjou bowed.

" Then I shall sit with you. But I'm not sure about the size of the chair." Enjou looked at the small chair in worry.

" My bad then. There you go. " Lumine teleported the chair away and out came a bigger chair that came out of a portal. Enjou slowly sat down.

"Thank you, Your Grace." Enjou bowed while sitting.

"It's nothing special. Now I order you to summon Herald here." Lumine ordered Enjou. Enjou bowed again.

" Not to question your orders princess. But is it wise to summon Herald here when he's in the middle of a reconnaissance mission in Mondstadt? " Enjou questioned. Lumine shook her head.

" I'm sure it's fine. He won't mind. " Lumine said waving her hand. Enjou nodded and snapped his fingers again. Herald appeared out of nowhere.

He looked around confused.

" Hmm? " He turned to see Lumine and Enjou. He immediately bowed.

" Princess. What are your orders?" Herald asked Lumine. Lumine summoned another big chair.

" Sit. " She ordered. Without question Herald sat on the chair. He was sitting in front of Enjou while Lumine sat between them. Lumine continued to munch on the food Enjou cooked.

"So? What did you find? And please, both of you can speak freely. And please do speak your mind. We are in private." Lumine beckoned Herald and Enjou. Herald nodded and started speaking.

"The dragon has failed." Herald reported. Enjou huffed.

"That was expected. He's too full of himself." Enjou said. Lumine nodded.

"Who was he defeated by? Is it my brother?" Lumine asked curiously. Herald nodded.

"From what I gathered in Mondstadt. It was indeed your brother, the knights and some vision wielding adventurers who took on the dragon at the start. Then later, they used some technique which tired all of them. Your brother took them all away and went on to face the dragon alone. " Herald explained.

" No offense but is he insane? I mean he is the brother of her majesty and all but didn't you say that he just woke up months ago and lost most of his powers? "Enjou questioned. Herald held up his hand.

" I haven't finished yet. May I continue, Princess? " Herald asked for permission. Lumine who was slurping some spaghetti waved her hand.

" Your brother faced the dragon alone. He almost died. " Herald dropped the bomb. Lumine coughed a little. Enjou patted her back with his big hands.

"Thank you Enjou. Is Aether okay? Please tell me." Lumine said looking at Herald with concern in her golden eyes.

"Not to worry princess. Your brother is okay. Yes he did suffer major damage from soloing the dragon but the Anemo Archon Barbatos appeared and healed him. " Herald continued his story. Lumine narrowed her eyes.

"Why now? " Lumine asked Herald. Herald shrugged.

"Don't know. The people couldn't find out why either. Well, after Barbatos healed him, they fought the dragon with a guy named Diluc and Kaeya from Khean'riah. They won." Herald finished up the story. Lumine raised an eyebrow.

"Kaeya? How is he doing?" Lumine asked.

"He is doing very well for an outsider. He has made a lot of friends and is strong. He is the one of the Captains of the Knights of Favonius." Herald answered Lumine. Lumine nodded.

"I must ask. How strong is Aether?" Lumine asked will eating some cake.

"Strong enough to create a giant human that has three heads and six arms, throw meteors from the sky and can absorb the soul of the dragon. " Herald replied. Lumine nodded.

" Soon enough he will be at his original power. Then we can rebel against them. " Enjou said happily. Lumine smiled.

" Thank you for this wonderful meal Enjou. " Lumine thanked. Enjou bowed.

" No need to thank me Princess. I live to serve and I am happy to serve you. " Enjou bowed. Lumine drank her wine straight from the bottle.

"Oh I forgot. " Herald suddenly said. Lumine looked at him.

"What did you forget Herald?" Lumine asked him.

"I forgot a part of the report. May I speak? " Herald asked for permission.

" You have the stage. " Lumine said and drank her wine.

" From what I can gather, it seems that your brother also has gathered a harem of some sorts for himself. And Barbatos is in that harem." Herald said. Lumine who was drinking the wine did a spit take and spat the wine back in the bottle.

She slammed the bottle on the table and looked at Herald angrily.

"Care to say it again, Herald?" Lumine asked angrily. Herald sweat dropped.

"Your brother has a harem and that Barbatos is in that harem, princess." Herald said again. Lumine growled.

" Has he forgotten about me?! " Lumine muttered fuming.

" I doubt that he has, princess. " Herald tried to calm down Lumine.

"These distractions will only weaken him! I can't believe Aether would do that!" Lumine muttered to herself.

"Also, he seems to be very happy around his harem and friends. I don't think he has forgotten about you at all. I think he's just enjoying life right now. " Herald said and Lumine kept quiet.

" Did I overstep my boundaries, princess? " Herald asked with a hint of worry in his voice. Lumine sighed.

" You didn't. And Herald. " Lumine called Herald.

" Yes, Princess. " Herald bowed to her.

" Is Aether g-g-gay? " Lumine asked fumbling the g word.

" No he is not, princess. Your brother is straight as an arrow. It turns out that the Anemo Archon is a woman hiding her true gender." Herald explained. Lumine sighed.

"Thank you for explaining. I have to gather my thoughts for a while." Lumine said and saw something flowing down from the sky.

"Oh? A dandelion again?" Herald asked. Lumine picked it. She held it close to her chest.

" Observe.... " She whispered to herself.

" Hey Lumine. How are you? Are you eating well? Did you make friends of your own? I miss you a lot. But it's a shame you can't answer all these questions. I hope I find you one day. Once we reunite I think that we can stay in Teyvat for the foreseeable future.

This world is so beautiful and nice. Aside from the Archon wars and me fighting dragons. I swear that we will reunite again..... It's a promise that will happen. Hope you have a wonderful day. Good bye, sister. " Lumine heard Aether's voice from the dandelion.

She smiled. Herald and Enjou just stayed quiet. Lumine decided to do something.

" Hey Aether. I am very well. I'm eating a lot of delicious food. I'm sure you would love to eat with me one day. I also miss you a lot, it's very lonely in here. Although I have friends here I still need you by my side.

I don't know about us staying in Teyvat when we reunite. This world is full of evil and death that I do not even want to be in her for a second. But if you think about Teyvat like that I'll consider it once we reunite.

I promise that we will reunite as soon as possible after all of this is done. I miss you Aether. We will reunite.... That's a promise.

Good bye Aether. "

Lumine thought. She crushed the flower in her palms. She them opened her closed palm again and from her hands it bloomed a flower, the same flower that's on her hair.

She blew on it and it flew away. It flew up into the sky and was never to be seen by her again.

She smiled a little. She then looked at Herald and Enjou.

"Shall we go up to the ground again? I want to sightsee for some time before we get back to business." Lumine suggested. Herald got up from the chair and kneeled down in front of her.

Lumine got up onto his shoulder and Herald got up. Enjou got up as well and stood beside Herald as a bodyguard.

"Shall we go, princess?" Enjou asked Lumine. Lumine smiled and nodded.

"Yes we shall." Lumine said and they went in a portal created by Herald.

To be continued.....

(Last chapter before resting for five days. The rest starts Monday so this will be the last chapter I will release for a while. Good bye.)