
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
Not enough ratings
285 Chs


"Thanks for teaching me, Aether!" Ayaka bowed a little and thanked him. Aether laughed.

"Nonsense Ayaka. I merely gave you advice, you brought my advice to life. You're hardworking and talented at the same time, Ayaka-chan. I will definitely see great things from you in the future. " Aether complimented.

" But if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have found out that Haki has a reserve like my elemental reserves. And if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have figured out how to infuse my Haki with my elemental attacks. " Ayaka kept denying Aether's claims. Aether raised his hand and gently pulled Ayaka's cheek.

" Aetwheeerrr!! Stwop dwoing that!! " Ayaka shouted while blushing. Aether smiled.

" Then just accept my compliments. They're all true. No one likes an overly humble person. If I say that you're hardworking, then you're hardworking. If I say you're beautiful, then you're definitely beautiful. If I say marry me, then you marry me. " Aether grinned at the end of the sentence. Ayaka widened her eyes and blushed.

" Aetherrrrrr!!!! "

" Zehahahahaha!!!!! "



" How about we meet at the same place tomorrow? " Ayaka asked Aether. They were in front of the entrance of the Kamisato Estate.

"Sure. At what time?" Aether asked her.

"12 p. m. sharp. I'll complete my work before then." Ayaka promised.

"Take your time, princess. There's no need to rush. But if you are that excited to hang out with me, then I can't blame you." Aether smiled at her. Ayaka crossed her arms together.

"You are my new friend and my mentor now. Of course I'm excited to hang out with you, especially because I can be myself when I'm around you." Ayaka told him truthfully and smiled at him.

" Well. I'm glad things are working out with us. I just hope your brother doesn't ruin it." Aether grumbled. Ayaka sighed.

"I don't care what he says about you, you're my friend and you will always be by my side forever." Ayaka smiled sweetly.

" Are you proposing?" Aether asked while raising an eyebrow at her. Ayaka blushed and shook her head.

"Goodnight Aether!" Ayaka ran away. Aether laughed and shook his head.


Ayaka ran into the house with her face full of joy. She took off her sandals and her socks. She opened the sliding door and entered the house.

She arrived in front of the sword stand. She looked at her sword which was on the stand and looked at Ame No Habakiri on her waist. She sighed.

'If Aether is confident that I can wield both of these katanas. Then I will not let him down. There was also that sudden memory about Kozuki Oden that I received when we encountered The Mountain God. I shall look into this soon. ' Ayaka mused. She walked to the dining room.

"You're late from home." Ayaka turned around and saw Ayato staring at her emotionlessly.

"I was just taking a walk." Ayaka answered with a calm expression.

"That took the whole afternoon?! Don't make me laugh Ayaka. I know you're hanging around a wanted criminal." Ayato scowled at her. Ayaka gritted her teeth.

" Of course you know! You can't and never stop spying on me! When will you realize that I can handle myself!? " Ayaka shouted at him. Ayato slammed his fist into the wall.

"When I'm dead! He is a lowly criminal and someone of your status shouldn't be hanging around those types of people!! What would the public think about this?!" Ayato shouted.

"I don't know what the public would think about it! " Ayaka shouted back.

" This is why I keep an eye on you, Ayaka! It is To not let you do stupid things!" Ayato scolded while his scowl was getting bigger.

" And why did you take the Ame No Habakiri!? You know that is a family treasure right!?" Ayato pointed at Ayaka's waist.

" And who gave you that katana?!" Ayato then pointed at Enma.

" Aether did! He saw that the two katanas worked very well together so he gave Enma to me!!" Ayaka shouted back.

" And you trusted him!? The katana could be a fake!" Ayato asked angrily. Ayaka growled.

" I'll show you fake. " Ayaka unsheathed Enma and sliced at Ayato.



The wall beside Ayato was sliced open. Ayato widened his eyes. "I finally made a friend that doesn't see me as a princess. He sees me as Ayaka! And you have to scold me for that! I don't care if he's wanted and I don't care that he escaped from Ritou! Stop obsessing over every single detail of my life and just let me be myself for once! " Ayaka shouted and quickly walked in anger.


Ayato stopped in his tracks when Ayaka glared at him with angry grey eyes. "Stay away from me, you creep!" Ayaka growled. She glared at him for a few more seconds and walked back into her room. She slammed the sliding door to her room hard.

*Bang!* Ayato flinched.

'One day, you will see what he truly is, sister.... He is a monster who only knows destruction.... '




The next day.....

"Hi Aether." Aether turned around and saw Ayaka slowly walking towards him.

"Hi Ayaka-chan." Aether greeted her with a small smile. Ayaka forced a smile.

"What's wrong?" Aether asked with a frown. He went closer to her. Ayaka stepped back.

"Okay. Something's really wrong. What happened when you returned home?" Aether asked with a serious face.

"Ayato.... He found out about us hanging out." Ayaka whispered with a low tone. Aether sighed.

"Figures.... We did race around the village after all. Did he scold you?" Aether asked. Ayaka nodded.

"He said that someone like me shouldn't be hanging around lowly criminals." Ayaka whispered sadly. She looked up at him.

" Aether, I think we shouldn't hang out anymore—

" Ayaka. Stop right now. " Aether muttered. Ayaka shut her mouth.

" Last night, we promised to be friends forever. Why should our friendship be discontinued because someone disagrees with it?" Aether asked. Ayaka sighed.

" Because the public will react badly about it." Ayaka answered.

" When I became God Of Destruction, not a single person I know reacted badly about it. An illegal friendship is nothing compared to what me and my friends outside of Inazuma have been through. " Aether argued.

" Of course it is! But just think about the consequences—

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence. We can deal with the consequences together. Heck, I didn't see anything related about us in the newspaper today." Aether told her nonchalantly.

" What????" Ayaka asked feeling confused.

"Yeah. The headline is about the ongoing rebellion. There was nothing in that newspaper that spoke about our 'illegal friendship'. " Aether told her with a smile.

" So.... what does that mean for us? " Ayaka asked him.

"Obviously it means we continue to be friends and hang out everyday.....

To be continued...

(Does that argument stray away from Ayato's personality?)