
Genshin Impact: An Author's Coping Method

Well ain't this something The picture used is not mine. I don't have the rights to the picture

ConflictedSHS · Video Games
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Pulls | What ya thinking!? | Below the Chapter

Before we start:


Talk and info= Is

Important text ,Communication/talks through Elio's POV observing Nathan, or Music🎶= "Annoyed"

Game or Book text related= [!]



Nathaniel:"Illuminati [1st skill, Gacha Trix]" saying the words a holographic countdown appeared before me "Thankfully no one is around" he thought feeling relieved that no one was at the premise



Elio:"Think again my guy"

Me: "Holy mother of- *Jumping up in shock* Did you have to surprise me like!?"

Elio:"Well yeah. You know it's fun to get a person reaction from you've sneaked behind for fun~"

Me: "...True"

As irritated as I am at his whimsical sounding remark, I glanced at the holographic countdown which was now changed from the digits of sixty to sixteen.

Me: "Sixteen seconds left"

Elio:"I'm thinking it's gonna be a bad item"

Me: "Oh I see what you mean"

I responded to his comment as the countdown is now at 10. Time to wait a few more seconds causing both myself and Elio to countdown inunison

Elio/Me: ""5,4,3,2,1"" as the countdown showed a big black bold zero

A blinding glow appeared and dropped down something rather small on the floor soon after the light finally diminished

I turned to


7:12 AM | Philippines

Me:"Damn that " I stood up from my bed after blurting those words in an incredulous tone

I mean, just yesterday I created a fanfic story that ended becoming a universe that lets me communicate with my original protagonist (a clone of myself). I also had a chat with him (via one of the skills I gave him he may or may not like other memories I've kept him in the dark) relating to stuff he wanted to know with the predicament he has to face off along with also informing him of an item I gifted which contains a Gacha Trix.

It allows the user to gain an item. It can be any kind of item that can exist in the multiverse. It requires a cerlimited to only being able to use the skill 20 times a day and the value of what he gains depends on his luck solidifying it as a double edged skill. Now here I am communicating and watching Nathaniel holding a coin. A coin he got from

Me: "How the F did you pull that!?"

And it was none lucky item he pulled that I screamed at the top of the lungs feeling quite shocked. Thankfully, my family has a habit of going outside to buy food to restock the shelves of our kitchen every end of weekend and my neighbors are chill about my bad habit of screaming like an idiot. Otherwise, I might get an ear full of damn nagging... *Shudder* Anyways

Nathaniel: "I absolutely have no idea how but I'll take it!!" My created self commented showing a very happy expression on his face, "What a Jackpot!!" He added

Me: "You can say that again" I said to him which he did do but he said it aloud instead

Honestly I don't really mind as I see that it's quite a useful item and what do I mean? What exactly did Nathaniel pull that's special for him to have? Well what he got was something called a Pentecostal Coin an item that belongs to a TV series called Lucifer. Now what does it do? Though does sound like religious kind of item, this coin is pretty much a ticket to heaven or hell or a way to ressurect anyone who possesses it.

Me: "It's indeed a lucky pull you got *Nodding* so can you stop smiling like a goofball"

Nathaniel: "Okay" He blurte as a smile still lingered his face.

Me: "Can you show the entirety of it?"

I asked gaining me a happy turned annoyed face as he sighed for me to see in my point of view

Me: "Hey you know why I want to see it so can't you just do it already"

Nathaniel:"Fine" He whines

Haah, I sometimes question what's this sudden moodswings we get. It's getting on my nerves!!

3 Minutes Later...

Me: "Hmmm" I hummed as I'm sitting down on a chair at the dining table, reaching to a conclusion, "You it looks to me like it's the real thing"

Nathaniel: "Well good that you checked" He sighed sounding as if he waited for a decade, "I mean it appears similar to the series in my perspective but-"

Me: "You can't explain the appearance of it properly with your own words, can you?"

Nathaniel: "Like you're better" He countered

Yikes! To think myself keeps countering like a dunderhead this much. I guess this is what it feels like to be in the receiving end with my own self. Not really much of annoyance just surprisingly pleasant. Good one Nathan

Me: "Touche... Well anyways, while we were having that small chat, I already searched for it's appearance description. Ya wanna hear it" I ended see him nodding from the screen

I then started to monologue the description on the coin's appearance from a wiki website

Me: "Ok so it says that both sides of the coin have "Morning Star" written at the bottom, an allusion to the name Lucifer was called by his mother. One side has words "In God We Trust" on the top, while the other side states "In God We're Damned". On the "Trust" side, the coin has an image of the crucifixion of Jesus within a triangle. The three sides of the triangle are labeled "Father", "Son", and "Holy Spirit". Meanwhile on the "Damned" side, the coin has a goat head within a star and surrounding the star, there are five words written: "Beelzebub", "Serpent", "Dragon", "Satan", and lastly "Lucifer"."

Nathaniel: "That's certainly a neat detail to know." He said showing a calculating expression before smiling m

I blurted 'Yes' while nodding in agreement to his response and I can't help but think after seeing Nathaniel's expression that he's going to do something stupidly dumb but interesting to witness.

Why? Cause I've been noted that I tend to do somethings that are out of the ordinary and it's been kept track by my family. So I ended up deciding to ask my dumb self a question.

Me: "Hey-"

Phone: Get up on the floor~Dancin all night long ~

Oh crud!!! My alarm went off, I need to go prepare now. Wait what was I gonna say again!? Nevermind I I still need to prep pronto!!! Do I have my clothes ironed or prepared already!? I'm starting to panic but I need to inform Nathan before I focus everything else on practice for today!!!

Me: "Nathaniel, I need to go-

Nathaniel: "It's about the practice with Marc and the rest this weekend, right? "

He interrupted and correctly guessed my excuse. I really am both weirded out but glad I don't need to have another explaination monologue.

Me: "Good you know the gist, so see you later when I'm done!!!" I said in a hurry

I headed towards the kitchen with my finished plate, cleaned it, and let it dry for a bit as I took a bath with my communication with him deactivated.

Me: "I guess he will gets good items later if that plot armor will kick in" I thought eyes closed as my body is getting showered. "Cold showers are nice" I added as my thoughts are hoping right now there isn't much practice today while hoping Nathan will do well with his plan


17:42 PM | Fontaine

Me: "Haah talk about my luck" I muttered as I held a complete deck of clean playing cards

It's been a while now since Elio left me to do his practice and while he's doing that, I've been staying at a corner of the harbor, activating my pet's skill, [Gacha Trix] every time it's cooldown is over.

And now I've already pulled a total of sixteen times, which gained me sixteen items including the pentecostal coin. I gained two foods, hardcopies of books, a toolbox, a tea set, another book and the deck of cards on my hand just to name a few.

Me: "Gosh sixteen down four more to go *Sniffle* Now I should get back reading this" I said to myself as water droplets are threatening to fall off my tearducts

Why is that exactly happening? Well, One of the things I pulled were a lot of books and some of them contained one of many specific fanfiction novels I like. Those being reaction FF novels, WMMAP (Who Made Me a Princess) just to name few favs and these books sure are special

+-------------------------------------------------------------------Endless Chronicles: WMMAP

Type: Collection

A book containing endless FF stories of WMMAP. Can switch to show stories in Alphabetical to Chronological to Latest Update. Automatically pinpoints and presents desired story to the reader.




Endless Chronicles: Reaction To []

Type: Collection

A book containing endless FF reaction genre stories. Can switch to show stories in Alphabetical to Chronological to Latest Update. Automatically pinpoints and presents desired story to the reader.


Very special indeed. So as I wait for Illuminati's skill cooldown is back for action, I read these books to pass the time. So it makes me feel so much sadness along with pity to the protagonists being treated in some stories and happy in good ones with a slice of life o comedy in the mix.

Meanwhile absolute rage towards trash characters and ight now I'm reading a story that made me tear up... Cause the it made me project a thought in my head of Athy (Athanasia) saying she's that happiest person as she does in the arms of the trash bastard!!!

???: "Dude, you ok? I didn't expect to see you to look so sad and almost"

Me: "Oh, i's juz you Elio. *Cough* How's the practice?"

Elio: "Great though do I need to rest my body down when I get back home, I'm doing well." He responded sounding rather exhausted, "Lovely Princess Dimension, huh? That's such a good story" He added

Me: "Sure it is" I nodded in agreement with some mixed feelings, "But it's just sad to read"

I can see what he means as it does have nice touch but it's just too much of a tear jerking FF novel to damn read. Seriously the many things WMMAP FF novels have in common is a horrible father named Claude that can't stop giving his daughter an execution

Elio: "Then don't read it"

Me: "Whoa who said that I don't want to read it"

Elio: "I'm just giving you a suggestion besides it's obvious to me you like this kind of story. I mean we've read the entirety this particular fanfic fifty times along with others. It just goes to show to we like to see stories of protagonists pain and development in the story with some cliche sprinkled around it, because it makes us feel better to see cruel situation that can give us ideas of different struggles people face that are far worse than our circumstances"

Crap, myself is having another stupid random instances of inner monologues.

Me looking at the open pages of the book: "Bro chill. You're thinking some of our inner turmoil"

Elio realizing: "Oh my bad hahahaha. Gomen"

He's really trying to apologize with such a phrase

Me: "It's fine. Talk about it with me later but for now let's just chat about what we like."

Elio: "Sure"

Good he took my suggestion now I don't have to hear such uncomfortable thoughts

Elio: "So wanna talk about some HSR x Genshin reaction novels?"

Me: "Ya bet I do!" I accepted enthusiastically as we began a series of conversation.

It's nice but it does raise some concern me that makes me worried. What do I mean? Well asides from me, Elio probably has only less than ten friends


Nathaniel: "I could really go for some four cheese pizza from Greenwich right about now."

3rd Chapter name: Fictional

Got any ideas for skills or characters. Because I'll be making some trial card items

ConflictedSHScreators' thoughts