
Genshin Impact: A wild Pokemon appeared

Genshin Impact X Pokemon One day, Loki suddenly received a main story quest from his boss. He had to go to a new world and create a foothold so that pokemon can descend. But the new world turned out to be much more troublesome than what he bargained for. The gods of Tevyat were extremely 'unique'. One was penniless. The other was a drunkard. The third was a shut-in who has not touched grass for nearly 500 years. How will Loki navigate this new world and complete his quest? Find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.

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33 Chs

Panda meets Panda

POV: Keqing

Unknowingly, Keqing had spent nearly 3 hours in the store. After bonding with Pichu for a while, Loki gave her a pokeball for her pokemon.

She then officially caught Pichu in the pokeball (and embarked on a path to become the very best).

On the other hand, Pichu seemed to dislike staying in the pokeball and protested immediately after being released. With some coaxing and a promise to not put her in the pokeball anymore, Pichu calmed down and cuddled with her again.

Finally, it was about time for her to leave.

When she inquired the price of the pokedex, she suddenly remembered how she wrote her name and address on a piece of paper because this store did not accept checks.

She had only known Loki for a few hours, but she felt like she understood him very well. Even though he didn't say it, she was sure that he had not created a bank account, only because he found it a hassle.

To create a bank account, one needed to fill out a lot of paperworks, especially when they have no concrete identity that they can present to the bank.

With his carefree and eccentric personality, Loki will choose not to create a bank account, instead of signing through multiple paperworks.

"Loki. I will help you create a bank account. That way, you will start accepting checks, right?"

Hearing her sudden proposition, Loki looked at her with surprise before showing a bright smile.

"You will do that? Thanks in advance I guess."

She simply nodded her head at his shameless attitude.

"I will send someone to deliver the details of your account and your bank card later in the evening. I will also deposit the total amount I owe in it."

For a Liyue Qixing like her, creating a bank account was a simple matter.

With their brief conversation over, Keqing left the lounge and returned to the store. Then she remembered her own dillema.

As she looked at the 10 bags full of berries placed besides the counter, she pondered on what to do. Should she take a few with them first and arrange for someone to bring the rest.

At this moment, Magica quitely arrived besides her and spoke. "Keqing, do you need help with your grocery?"

Keqing turned her head and looked at Magica. She didn't have to think too deeply before accepting her help.

"Thank you. I appreciate your help."

"No problem, aren't we friends?" Magica showed a big smile. Keqing also smiled.

"Indeed. We are friends."


Keqing left the store with a bright smile on her face. Pichu was on her shoulder, looking around the streets of Liyue with a curious and fascinated look. Magica was floating beside them, alongside 10 bags full of berries.

The two pokemon gathered a lot of attention from passerby. But none of them dared to disturb them, especially when one of them was the Liyue Qixing.

It took nearly an hour before the three of them reached a small mansion on Yujing Terrace. This was her home.

Keqing invited Magica into her home and served her tea. During this time, they conversed about the various topics related to Liyue.

After a while, Magica left to wander around the city. Keqing also left for the Jade Chamber shortly after.


The meeting with the Liyue Qixing lasted for several hours. All of them had the same reaction as her when they heard about the pokemon that will descend into Tevyat in a few months time.

But with their god vouching for the owner of the store, all of them still accepted the information. They were still going to contact Rex Lapis to confirm the truth though.

Keqing then explained the information about pokemon and pokedex to them. They didn't have much reaction towards the mysterious creatures but they were a lot more interested in the unique features that the pokedex offered.

In the end, they decided on the approach they should take against the Pokemon Studio. For now, they chose to let the store run normally.

After the meeting was over, Ningguang pulled Keqing to her private chamber for a simple conversation between friends. They talked about Pichu (who fell asleep in her lap during the meeting), and the impression of Loki and the various pokemon in the store.


POV: Xiangling

(In the Afternoon)

The duo of Xiangling and Guoba walked into the store as if it was their own home. The two of them were a frequent customer and they had already met all the residents of this Pokemon Studio. They were technically a close friend to everyone by this time.

Xiangling directly walked towards the counter and greeted the stoic clerk.

"Good afternoon, Frost. How are you doing?" She spoke with a smile. Guoba also waved his hands in greeting.

"I am doing fine, Xiangling, Guoba." Frost responded in her melodious and soothing voice.

"This morning, Loki told me to come in the evening for a surprise. Do you know anything about this?"

"I know."

Xiangling immediately leaned forward with interest. "What is the surprise?"

"I will not tell you. You should go and ask Loki. He is waiting for you in the lounge."

Xiangling wasn't discouraged as she nodded and walked towards the lounge. She opened the door and immediately saw all of the residents, except Magica.

She walked towards the table where Loki was reading something from a book. When she looked down, she found that it was a manga about pokemon.

"Is this the manga you were talking about?" She asked curiously.

Loki had told her about how he was going to sell manga and novel books to introduce pokemon to the people of Liyue. Looks like the books have finally arrived.

"Yes. You should also take some of them with you."

He placed the manga on the table and looked at her. Xiangling could no longer hold back her curiosity as she asked.

"And what is the surprise? Come on, tell me. I can no longer wait."

Loki smiled and patted her head. He had to admit. Her bubbly and straightforward personality was really amusing to look at.

"Stop it."

After patting her head until she made a pout and pushed his hands away, he stopped teasing her and laughed for a while.

She was still looking at him with an 'angry' expression. He amusedly opened his drawer and took out a pokeball. He then placed it in her hands.

Xiangling widened her eyes as soon as she she saw the pokeball. Her annoyance at Loki disappeared immediately as she held the pokeball tightly, as if her life depended on it.

"Is it a pokemon? For me?"

"Of course. Congratulations. You are a pokemon trainer from this moment on."

She began to shake with excitement. During the past 2 days, she has stayed in the lounge and learned a lot of things about pokemon and the pokemon world. She was always fascinated with the concept of pokemon trainers. And now, she was one of them.

"Go on. Open the pokeball and meet your pokemon."

With the reminder from Loki, she slowly touched the button on the pokeball and pressed it.

The pokeball opened and a red light drowned her sight. This red light curved and fell to the floor.

In a matter of seconds, a guoba lookalike emerged from the light.

This pokemon looked at the excited Xiangling, then at Guoba. One ancient god and one pokemon, widened their eyes at the same time.

"Auuu" "Baaa" They pointed at each other in a dramatic pose, and made their surprise known.

Loki began to laugh loudly. He has chosen this pokemon for Xiangling just because it looked like Guoba. But he had never expected to see a reenactment of the famous meme.

A laugh also came from the direction of the sofa. Joker was looking at this scene and laughing his lungs out. He soon fell from the sofa and rolled on the floor laughing.

The two laughed for a couple more seconds and they barely calmed down when the two 'spiderman' stopped pointing at each other.

At this moment, Xiangling bent down and carried her pokemon in her arms. She addressed him with an excited voice.

"Nice to meet you, little panda."

Her pokemon greeted her politely, with a smack on her face. She immediately dropped him and held her sore nose.


She felt like this pokemon was too naughty. First, he did the weird pose with Guoba and then he smacked her nose.

She was annoyed but when she looked at the big round droopy eyes, her annoyance quickly disappeared. She kneeled down and began to pat the soft head, full of yellow fur.

Her pokemon leaned into the touch and cried out in satisfaction. "Auuu." Seems like he loved her petting.

As she bonded with her new family, Loki walked to her side and handed a pokedex to her. She took the pokedex in her hands and pointed it towards her pokemon. A robotic female voice soon emerged.

"Stufful. The Flailing pokemon. Stufful hates to be hugged or touched in any way. It will squirm, thrash, and resist with amazing power."

Xiangling listened to the voice and looked at the image of Stufful with confused eyes. She looked at Loki for the answer.

"Why is my Stufful different from the one in the pokedex?"

"Well." Loki began with a smirk. "Some pokemon have different colors than the rest of their species. They are called 'Shiny' pokemon. You are in luck because your Stufful happens to be a shiny."

Xiangling looked back at her Stufful with a look of surprise and excitement. "Oh, aren't you special?" She then resumed to spoil him with pats.


Xiangling stayed for a few hours in the lounge, bonding with Stufful and learning more about pokemon trainers and the like. Guoba and Stufful got along with each other. In fact, they just clicked together and quickly became friends.

As the sun was beginning to set, Xiangling got up to leave the Studio.

"I am going to leave now. I have to go to the restaurant." She spoke her farewell to Loki.

Loki simply waved his hands, seemingly engrossed in the manga he was reading. As she was heading towards the door, he suddenly addressed her.

"You should bring your friends to the Studio tomorrow. I will prepare some pokemon for them as well."

Xiangling immediately widened her eyes. It took a few seconds for her to completely register his words and she spoke with an excited voice.

"Really? I will bring them. I will bring them to the Studio even if I have to drag them from their work."

To know that her friends will also become pokemon trainers like her, she was really excited that she could no longer wait.

"I will go and talk with them now."

She said as she rushed out of the lounge. The sun was setting so she just had to go to their home to find them. If not, she should meet them in her restaurant.

Guoba and Stufful awkwardly looked at each other, then looked at Loki, who pointed towards the door with an amused smile. They finally realized the situation and began to run after Xiangling.

Of course, with their short legs, it was impossible for them to catch up with their owner.