A simple story about a certain person that took the role of sixth harbinger, a slot that has been open for as long as everybody can remember. This certain person will have to soon partake in a mission with a particular harbinger that they never got along with.
'I suppose their are now three people who know of my element...' I thought as I looked over to the closed bathroom door. I could hear the running water which told me Arlecchino was showering.
In all honesty this was all my fault. I was stupid enough to begin fiddling with my electro in a room Arlecchino had access to.
I was just trying to focus on something other than that bastard Phanes.
My fist clenched and my nails dug into my palm leaving a slow stream of blood from them.
How can that fucker call them self The Primordial One when they took over this world!
They stole this world and I swear on my life I will kill them with my own two hands!
A splitting pain filled my head and a sound like nails or a chalk board or knives going along a rough metal resounded through out my body.
I brought my hand to my face covering my hand and using my index finger and thumb to rub each of my temples.
Memories of the past filled my mind and I could do nothing to stop them. They wrapped around me like a python hunting its prey.
I was trapped...
Memories I could never forget attacked my mind...
It felt as if a tendril of evil had pierced my skull and begun exploring my mind bringing out all of my worst memories which I fought with all my might to keep deep down... Never to be seen again..
I slumped back onto my beg and writhed in pain as I could do nothing to stop the tendril from encroaching all of my echoes of pain and suffering.
Flashing before my eyes was the gruesome scenes of the beings I considered my family dying over, and over and over.
I tried to scream, let out all of my anger, pain and suffering.
But nothing came out except a weak breathe...
I brought both my hands to my head as I tried to stop the memories from flooding in...
I clawed at my face all the way down to my neck leaving trails of blood and red, raw skin.
A deep, dark crimson filled my vision as blood began to cover my eyes. I used my arms and wiped away the blood. I the look down to my hands which were covered in the same deep crimson.
Next, I noticed my breathing was extremely accelerated and shallow.
Realising what had happened I tried to take deeper, slower breaths to calm my self down.
As I was calming my self Arlecchino came out the bathroom with a towel on her shoulders. She was in a thin t-shirt and really short shorts.
I watched as her gaze went towards me and then towards the blood that covered me and the bed.
Her mouth fell, agape. Her eyes widened and she ran over to me dropping the towel that was on her shoulders.
She stood in front of me and brought her hand to my face bending down slightly to get a closer look. I quickly looked down towards my bed and away from her.
She held my chin and forced me to look at her. Her crimson eyes gleaming in not anger...
But worry..
"What happened..." her voice seemed to shake ad she spoke. But I couldn't talk I I want to tell her what happened.
"Noctis! I swear! Tell me what happened now!" her voice was instantly injected with wrath as her eyes pierced into my soul ready to detect ant falsehoods.
"It was just some bad memories..." I said my voice soft, a depressed whisper of what it used to be.
Too my surprise she wrapped her arms around my head and pulled me into a tight hug resting my head against her chest and her head on top of my mine.
After what felt like eternity she pushed and held both of my arms not allowing me to shift away from her.
"Please... Tell me what caused this.." She said in a lower, softer voice which was very rare to hear from her. Her gaze also softened not piercing through my like a well-sharpened dagger.
For a while I kept eye contact with her. However, I wasn't focusing on her. In my mind a battle took place as I wondered if I could tell her.
The battle was at a standstill. I couldn't decided whether to tell her my origins, who I was and even about my family.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity I decided I was ready to tell her everything about who I was.
I tried to speak out, but before I could..
A loud knock resounded on the wooden door of the hotel room and I instead said.
"You should probably get that..." my voice was still a low whisper but I ignored it and motion to the door.
Arlecchino let out a sigh and walk towards the door.
She slowly opened the door and from where I was sitting I couldn't really see who it was. But, I could tell it was a melusine.
'Why would a melusine show up at our door?' I thought to myself as I watched Arlecchino speak to the Melusine.
Eventually she walked back over to me and I looked up at her cordially, trying to be less depressed looking.
"It was a Melusine, they informed me that Monsieur Neuvilette has accepted your meeting request."
I felt as a smile crept its way onto my face. "That's good to hear."
"Now, Are you going to tell me why this Happened?" Her voice was soft and as I looked up into her eyes I noticed that the demonic authority they normally held was no where to be seen.
I shifted slightly wiping some blood from my face, "I'm not ready yet." Arlecchino's gaze seemed to sadden slightly but then shifted into a gaze of acceptance.
"I understand.." she stated simply, keeping her eyes fixated on me. "You need to clean up though..." I nodded in agreement. My face and hands were all covered in the same deep crimson shade.
I looked into the small and derelict mirror above the skink. My face was littered with scratches and blood from the top of my head to the bottom. My pure white hair was stained with a invasive scarlet, the same scarlet which dyed my fingertips.
I released a deep sigh as I flicked the hot water tap on. I allowed the water to wash away most of the blood on my hands before picking up the bar of soap, which was left on the side of the sink, and scrubbing my hands making sure to get rid of all the blood.
Finishing with my hands I applied more soap to my hands and then began to put the warm water and soap on my face. As the water cleaned me it drained away leaving dilute red stains in the sink.
After a lot of washing and scrubbing I looked into the mirror, I was able to get a of the blood out of my skin but I couldn't get it out of my hair with just soap. So, I stood over the shower and washed my hair out. It took ages to get all the blood out but I did it.
'I'm just amazing like that!' I thought while mentally puffing out my chest.
I look closely in the mirror to all the cuts in my face, they were no longer bleeding but still visible.
"This won't do.." I said as I looked at all tje cuts covering my face. I closed my eyes for a second and then opened them again, looking back into the mirror.
While looking back into the mirror I watched as the cuts and scratches healed before my eyes. Not even 30 seconds later it seemed as if nothing had ever happened. My skin was back to being perfect.
I pushed the bathroom door opening it to see Arlecchino sitting on the edge of her bed reading her book. Once she noticed me she put her book down beside her and stood up.
She began walking towards me her expression still carried a small amount of distinguishable concern. "you're all cleaned up?" she grabbed my chin and began to examine my face. "Not a single cut or scratch?"
"I heal pretty fast and I guess they weren't too deep.." I spoke simply to me it was no big deal to heal minor injuries such as these.
"Weren't too deep?" her face contorted in confusion. "There was blood everywhere!"
I stayed silent for a moment before speaking, "I guess they looked worse than they were?" Her eyes narrowed as if she was passed off but to my own shock, she didn't push me any further and just went back to her bed.
Taking in a deep breathe I slowly walked over too my bed. Honestly I was exhausted, I guess panic attacks do that to people. "Arlecchino? What's the time?" she looked over to me confused slightly but answered nonetheless.
"it's 5:30pm, Why?"
'Only five and I feel this tried...' I thought to myself before asking another question .
"Did that Melusine tell you what day the meeting will be?" She seemed to get a bit angry, I have no clue why, before speaking. "two days from now."
"That's great news."
"So, What do you plan to talk about for this meeting with Neuvilette?" I smiled slightly before answering her question. "Well, you are going to talk about ways the house of hearth can help Fontaine in case of the prophecy actually happening." I could the confusion bubbling up inside her and I already knew what her next question would be.
"I thought you wanted the meeting because you wanted to speak with him?"
"Not really, I just wish to observe Neuvilette something about him feels different." I watched as Arlecchino's expression transformed from curious to puzzled. "No need to go into specifics, I'm sure you wouldn't mind your part in this meeting so it doesn't matter."
Arlecchino stiffened and acted a bit more serious before speaking, "I will play my part. But, only because it will be good for Neuvilette to know that the house of hearth will help prevention of the prophecy and even if necessary host rescues."
"Very good then."
"I want you to remember when you're ready please tell me what caused that panic attack. Or, whatever it was." I let out a deep sigh, "Fine, after the meeting with Neuvilette I will tell you what caused that attack."
"Thank you, for trusting me." She said with a small smile which apparently wasn't as rare as I thought it was.
"And here I thought seeing you smile was a rare occurrence." I said with a teasing smile. Arlecchino's face straightened and it felt like the temperature just dropped by a few hundred degrees. "What was that?" she asked her voice carry an aura of death and misery.
"Eh-heh... it was nothing!" the aura seemed to slowly dissipate but Arlecchino still seemed passed off.
"Good I don't want to hear anything from you for a while so shut up and go to sleep or something."
'Seems I really struck a nerve when I mentioned her smile. That's good to know'
I sat down on my bed and before laying down looked over to Arlecchino. She had gone back to reading her book and I decided this would be a good time to get some shut eye.
I shuffled into the bed and under the covers which had each corner tucked into the frame making it harder to move it about. It kind of felt comforting so I decided to leave the corners tucked in and eventually I felt drowsiness over taking me.
My eyelids became heavy and I moved my head around finding the perfect spot on the flat, cheap hotel pillow. I took a deep breathe and blacked out straight into the realm of a comforting sleep.
(A/N) Happy New year everyone.
I hope you all enjoy the chapter and had a great new years eve!
I had a great new years drank a bit too much. but im fine, hopped online with some friends, and finally finished off this chapter ending my night at 5:20am.