A simple story about a certain person that took the role of sixth harbinger, a slot that has been open for as long as everybody can remember. This certain person will have to soon partake in a mission with a particular harbinger that they never got along with.
Childe and I had arrived at the Wansheng funeral parlour. This is where Hu Tao apparently works, or should I say directs?
Well anyhow, she is the director here. I find it quite shocking her being the owner at such a young age, either means she's a genius in business, or the role was handed to her due to the death of family.
Drawn out of my thoughts by a two annoying voices I turned around to see Childe and Hu Tao yapping about something.
I looked directly at childe as if asking him what they were talking about, I got no answer.
"Oh Hu Tao you may not remember but this is my travelling companion" he said while gesturing towards me.
"Oh, The Harbinger companion!" She exclaimed while examining me with a curious gaze.
"I don't think I told you my name last time. In any case its a pleasure to introduce myself for real, I am Noctis"
"You speak so formally, just like that old fossil"
"That old fossil" I instantly pictured Zhongli, I guess he is quite old, but does she know who he truly is? I probably shouldn't bring up his true identity just in case.
"On our first meeting you said your Childe's superior." Childe seemed to deflate when he realised she remembered that. I just smiled.
"Well he is the lowest ranked harbinger" I watched from the corner of my eye as he deflated even more.
"Really? But I heard from The Traveller that he is really strong, still." My smile faded as I saw from the corner of my eye childe inflating with stars in his eyes. I covered my ears knowing what was coming next.
Childe dashes towards Hu Tao getting as close as possible, "The Traveller spoke to you about me! And complemented my strength!" He had steam coming from his noise, way to inflate his ego, little girl.
Hu Tao tried to ignore Childe as she spoke, "So, What rank are you?"
"I am rank 6 of the Fatui Harbingers"
"You must have a vision then, right?" I paused for a while thinking about how to answer her question.
I perked up after hearing Director Hu's question, I personally have never seen Noctis use his vision, in fact, he might not even have one.
During all of our spars he never used his vision once, even if I used the foul legacy. Each time he was able to defeat me with medium difficulty.
I watched Noctis, after hearing Hu Tao's question he was silenced, this was different from usual. If I ever asked him about his vision or even delusion he would shrug it off or change the subject.
"I do have a vision."
He does! He actually has a vision! I'm not even sure if the Tsaritsa her self knows this information. Not once have I heard any of the harbingers talk about Noctis' vision element.
This raises a question, why has he never shown his vision and why has he never used it against me? Does he see me as too weak? No that can't be true, he knows I hate it when people hold back on me, he knows that even if I got annihilated by the first hit I still want my opponent to go all out.
"What Element do you use?" Hu Tao asked with a small smile as if trying to make Noctis see her as no threat in hopes he would give up the information easier.
"I do not wish to disclose that information" he said his voice carried a cold aura as it left his lips. After hearing this, I deflated once again.
Why is he so stubborn!
Well at least I learned something, maybe I can annoy him enough and he will tell me his element.
"Very Mysterious, you're beginning to remind me more and more of Mr. Zhongli"
Seems Hu Tao is actually rather smart... wait no maybe not.
I thought about how obvious it was that Zhongli isn't normal compared go 'humans'.
"Why is Zhongli mysterious" Noctis spoke up with a certain curiosity in his voice, I wonder what he's thinking?
"many reasons such as his speech, clothing and even the way he holds him self. With so many Adepti in Liyue it's not so farfetched to believe he is one in disguise." She had a mischievous smile etched onto her face as she explained her theory about Zhongli.
This girl reminds me of conspiracy theorist. but hey, she's right about Zhongli. Seems she isn't all crazy and is actually quite perceptive.
Unlike a certain leprechaun I know.
"You think I am some sort of 'higher being' in disguise?" I stares towards her waiting for an answer. She smirked and tilted her head slightly.
"Who knows honestly."
We were drawn out of our conversation by Childe, who at this point looked like an impatient child waiting for their mum to finish shopping or something.
He was waving his arms around exaggeratedly and saying something. I must've zoned out for a second because I could see his mouth moving but I didn't process anything he said.
Well it's just Childe, it can hardly be important.
"So, are we just gonna be stuck here talking about Zhongli or are we gonna do something?"
"Well, you're the one who proposed to come here. Why don't you decide?"
I couldn't care less what we were doing. So, I guess I can be kind and give him the opportunity to pick, plus I have no clue...
Noctis let me pick what we are doing. To be honest I wasn't sure what would be a good choice. I need something that all three of us will enjoy doing.
But honestly, Noctis can do what he wants...
Me and Hu Tao are about to bully some hillichurls!
I sat under a tree nearby as I watched Childe and Hu Tao running around scaring, harassing and trolling random hillichurls they came across.
How can these two be so full of energy that they have spent an hour doing this?
At this point I'm feeling bad for the hillichurls. Getting jumped by a ginger must suck ass.
I watched as a hillichurl left it's hut, seemingly oblivious to the fact it's... Family? Clan? Wait no tribe? Ugh I will just stick with family. Anyway oblivious to the fact it's family had all been brutally murdered.
I then watched as Hu Tao used her vision to burn the hillichurl's hut to the ground. I continued to watch as it tried to use mud to put out the fire, but to no avail.
Childe then came over and begun spraying water all over the hillichurl...
Okay then, remind me never to leave these two together again. For the sake of these poor hillichurls...
Who knew such idiots could commit such atrocities? Should I feel bad for the hillichurls though?
We were walking back into Liyue. Childe and Hu Tao were both skipping through the street with wide smiles, no signs of exhaustion at all.
I just followed behind them watching as the sunset reflect against the seawater casting a golden path along the ocean floor. A truly mesmerising sight.
Once again I was pulled from my tranquil thoughts. I looked over to see that Childe face first on the floor and Hu Tao laughing hysterically.
This idiot.
"How could you trip... you'd think as a harbinger you would be more aware of your surroundings.." I said while staring at him deadpan.
"It's not my fault!"
"Oh what so whose fault is it? The loose rock in the pavement?"
Hu Tao was laughing so hard it looked as if she was going to pass out from lack of air. While Childe was visibly embarrassed which I don't get to see often. It truly was a difficult task to hold in my own laugh.
Childe slowly got up and dusted off his clothes.
"Whatever! Anyway we are here now."
I looked in front of me to see the Wansheng funeral parlour, seems the day has already come to a close.
We bid our goodbyes to Hu Tao and then left for the Wanmim restaurant.
I ordered the same as last time and so did Childe. We both enjoyed our meals in silence, which is unusual for Childe. He must still be embarrassed, or maybe just really hungry.
After we had finished our foods we left a tip and made our way back to the Inn.
"I suppose this marks one day closer to losing your freedom" Childe said mischievously with a grin as he stared into my soul... Gingers are scary.
"One day closer to losing my freedom?" I said slightly confused but as the words left my lips I realised what he meant.
"My (your) mission with Arlecchino" we both said at the same time.
"Yeah exactly. So, What should we do tomorrow?" He waited patiently for me to answer, allowing me to ponder the options.
"Truthfully, can we just enjoy the sights of Liyue tomorrow?"
"Oh? So a tour eh?" he's already going to make me regret this...
"Yes a tour I suppose."
He smiled, his smile was quite convincing but something I noticed about Childe is that despite being so young, he has seen many horrid things.
He's told me about his experience in the abyss and truly I am thankful for that because truthfully it couldn't have been easy. With the way I am always making fun of him, it would've made it harder for him to have a serious conversation with me but he still did it.
I feel bad for him having to experience what he did. Even though there was no way I could've prevented it, I didn't even know him.
He acts like he is fine, but I don't believe that. Whenever I am looking into his eyes, like just now, I see the abyss. I think when he was in the abyss he took some of it within himself. His foul legacy could be material proof of this.
Lucky it doesn't seem to be an overwhelming amount as he is still pretty weak in his foul legacy, but I just hope it won't affect his lifespan no child deserves to have their life shortened.
"-ctis, Noctis?" I shook myself from my thoughts and looked away from Childe for a second.
"Entranced by my masculinity perchance?" I laughed slightly getting a bit of a surprise out of him.
I looked back towards him
"Why don't you save your flirting for Zhongli or maybe the Traveller?" I said teasingly, Childe stiffened up at the mention of both names. He's to easy sometimes.
"only joking. Let's head back to the Inn, I'm knackered"
As we got into the Inn Noctis went straight to his room, and I did the exact same.
Upon entering my room I flopped back first onto the bed and laid still for a while. I retraced everything which happened today.
"Today was a great da-"
I opened Childe's door only to see him asleep already, albeit half on the bed.
I walked over to him and picked him up, being careful not to wake him up.
"To me someone your age is still very much a child"
I placed him in the bed and tucked him in before leaving to my own room where I would no doubt fall into another dreamless sleep.
Maybe after my mission with Arlecchino I should explore Natlan, I haven't been there yet. I could request the Tsaritsa send me there on a mission. I could steal the Pyro Archon's Gnosis I guess. It wouldn't be too much trouble.
Free trip to Natlan and what else would I get?
I tried thinking of the many things I could do or get in Natlan but it turned out to be like counting sheep and I fell asleep.