
Genshin Impact's Incense Burner Of Liyue [132] [DDD!]

December Double Drop!


Once the route was confirmed, everyone's spirits lifted considerably. Just knowing all their efforts weren't in vain was a huge morale boost.

"Oh, and remember to take the tokens with us," Gu Sanqiu added. "Even though we've mapped out the path, there might still be some mechanism that requires them as keys or passwords."

Jean nodded, considering it. "Good point. Liyue's domains often have mechanisms needing unique items as keys; it's certainly possible here too."

Barbara quickly took out a burlap sack, loaded all the tokens inside, and slung it over her shoulder like a moving day bag.

A healer carrying around a burlap sack… Why does she even have one?

After gathering their supplies, the group advanced in the same formation as before, with Albedo in the lead, ready to take any potential hit.

"Charge! Captain Kaeya, full speed ahead!"


It wasn't long before Klee was perched on Kaeya's shoulders, "directing" the cavalry captain forward. The Anemo accumulation was already knee-high, and to keep her safe, Kaeya "selflessly" took on the role of "designated steed" for the Mondstadt ace.

Gu Sanqiu unwrapped a Fisherman's Toast and took a hefty bite, glancing at the group growing wearier with every step.

At this point, he, Albedo, and Noelle took turns creating crystallized shields against the Anemo encroachment. Diluc had been pulled from the rear to join the vanguard, with Tartaglia and Eula at his side.

Along the way, they encountered a few Abyss mages and even some Hydro mages, but against this lineup, none of them lasted long enough to be any real trouble.

They had several Geo Vision wielders in the group, but only a few could make shields for themselves, and even fewer were skilled enough to create them at will. Some could only rely on elemental reactions during battle.

"Should we stop for a quick rest?" Kaeya suggested, noting the group's fatigue. Barbara could relieve some of their physical strain, but mental exhaustion wasn't so easily remedied.

And this isn't exactly a concert venue, he mused, thinking of how some music from their resident healer might lighten the mood.

"Very well," Jean agreed. "Let's rest here for thirty minutes."

As Jean, Albedo, and Tartaglia scanned the group settling down, they noticed who was keeping vigilant—Bennett, Lisa, and other Knights and Church members—as well as who had fully relaxed the moment they could.

"Ah, the Free Nation indeed," Tartaglia murmured with a light chuckle. Clearly, Mondstadt's military discipline could use some work.

Diluc also noticed the three watching the group, his gaze sharpening slightly at their silent assessment.

Hmph. Typical Knights.

"Mortals. Why have you stopped?"

Suddenly, a resonant voice echoed throughout the domain, rumbling so powerfully it seemed to shake the entire space.

Everyone instantly froze. Gu Sanqiu felt his skin crawl as Tartaglia's left eye glowed with a menacing violet light. Kaeya swiftly set Klee down and drew his weapon.

"Are you the master of this domain?" Jean called out, stepping forward.

After a quick glance, it was clear she had to be the one to speak. If any of the others, who'd instinctively entered combat mode, tried handling diplomacy, the conversation would be over before it began.

Jean refrained from drawing her blade; she trusted in the strength of her companions. No matter what fearsome challenge awaited them, she knew they could face it together.

"Continue forward, and you shall meet me!"

An intense wind whipped through the area, and the Anemo energy accumulating at their feet surged upward as if to drown them completely.

"Construct: Solar Isotoma!"

"Immovable as Stone!"

Both Gu Sanqiu and Albedo summoned vast elemental shields, shielding the group from the pressing wall of wind.

Diluc's Claymore blazed to life with fiery intensity, while Tartaglia abandoned his bow and snapped it apart, switching to his dual Electro-Charged daggers.

Eula gestured to Amber to stay back with the main group, raising her weapon and moving to the front line.

"A sneak attack? I will have my vengeance."

"Not bad," Gu Sanqiu muttered, impressed.

But the wind didn't relent, continuing to intensify with every moment.

"Forward," Jean ordered, her voice steady. She watched the shifting currents of Anemo energy, then exchanged a glance with Albedo and Gu Sanqiu.

They shook their heads. They could press on under these conditions, but resting here was impossible. And who knew what other surprises this domain's master had in store.

Understanding the situation, Jean turned to the group, lips set in a determined line as she drew her sword.

"Everyone, we must keep moving. You all heard the voice. We came here to uncover the truth of this domain's mutation, and we can't turn back now!"

"Do you feel the Anemo energy outside? Does it seem like the gentle wind of Mondstadt? Is this what freedom should feel like?"

"For Mondstadt! For the breeze of freedom, and for the people who call this land home!"

Raising her sword high, Jean called forth a powerful yet gentle wind that created a shield of Anemo energy around their crystallized barriers.

"Anemo Archon, guide me!"

Inspired by the warmth in Jean's wind, the group forced themselves to their feet, lining up behind her. Their hands gripped their weapons tightly, Visions flaring with concentrated elemental energy.

"Anemo Archon, guide us!"

With a mighty roar, waves of elemental energy—flame-kissed wind, lightning-charged gusts, crystalline shards—unleashed their collective strength, holding back the onslaught of Anemo energy.

"Well, well… an interesting display," the voice boomed once more, almost with amusement.

"Come, keep moving forward! Show me how far your courage and desire can carry you!"


Thanks for reading! Let me know if you spot any mistakes or inconsistencies!

Posture and water check! Remember this is a fan translation!

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