

The world was forever changed when, without warning, dozens of portals materialized across the globe. From these swirling gateways, monstrous creatures emerged, laying waste to cities and thrusting humanity into a nightmare. A once tranquil and orderly world descended into chaos. Humanity, stripped of its dominance, faced extinction as millions perished daily. Those who survived were driven to the fringes, struggling to adapt to a brutal new reality. Gone were the ideals of justice, law, and equality. In their place, the unforgiving laws of nature reigned supreme. But in the midst of despair, a flicker of hope emerged: the genomancers. These extraordinary individuals had unlocked powers by implanting monster genes into their own bodies. Despite the perilous and rare success rate of just 10%, humanity's spirit remained unbroken. Now, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance, the genomancers stand as the last bastion of hope against the monstrous tide. Will they be enough to turn the tide, or is humanity doomed to fade into oblivion? Dive into this thrilling saga and discover the fate of a world on the brink.

Agis_Z99 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

The first day

After enduring the foul-smelling train carriage for eight hours, Ren and Kiyoshi finally arrived at the southernmost train station outside the city's protective wall, Suzaku Station.

Ren assisted Kiyoshi in getting off the train. After disembarking, Kiyoshi immediately vomited. He seemed unaccustomed to the pungent smell of cow dung. Meanwhile, the old man who harassed Ren remained unconscious; he briefly woke up during the journey, but Ren struck him again, causing him to faint for the second time.

"Okay, everyone, please gather."

Ren and Kiyoshi quickly went towards the gathering point. They then saw a man with prominent muscles standing on a platform facing the workers recruited by Yamaguchi Corporation.

"My name is Sasaki Enjiro. I'll be overseeing all of you. If there's anything you want to do, report it to me first. Let me remind you, you will stay here for a month. After that, you can choose to go home or continue working here. This project is estimated to last for six months, assuming there are no monster disturbances. You can have porridge first and rest here. In an hour, we will start working."

After finishing his speech, Sasaki left the platform. Meanwhile, the workers began lining up in front of the porridge distribution area. Ren and Kiyoshi joined the line. After a while, they finally got their portions. Each of them received watery porridge in a plastic container and a glass of water.

"Uhh, it tastes very bland. I remember there was a bit of a salty taste last month," Kiyoshi complained.

Meanwhile, Ren quickly ate the porridge and finished it. For him, this porridge was several times better than the food he had in Komorebi Kuyo. After finishing his porridge, he sipped water from the plastic cup and finished it.

Shortly after, Kiyoshi also finished his porridge and water.

"I'm still hungry; I hope I can gather enough money and continue my father's food vending business. What do you want to do later, Ren?"

A vendor, Ren thought that wasn't a good aspiration. The severed connection between Enzo city and other cities had diminished the market for any vendors. In this small market in Enzo city, large companies led by conglomerates occupied most business areas. Various small businesses had to compete with both large companies and other small businesses. Therefore, it was very challenging to become a vendor in this era.

"I... I want to buy monster gen fluid and become a genomancer," Ren said after thinking for a while.

Kiyoshi smiled and laughed, "That's a very high dream, hahaha. Ignoring the very expensive price of monster gen fluid, although genomancers are wealthy, they live in danger. But they are all cool and have contributed to the development and security of Enzo city."

Ren didn't respond; of course, he couldn't tell Kiyoshi that he found the monster gen fluid in a pile of trash. Even if he did, Kiyoshi might not believe it.

"By the way, has the Trash Haunter attacked Komorebi Kuyo?" Kiyoshi asked.

Ren tilted his head and asked back, "Trash Haunter?"

"Don't you know? It's widely talked about in the newspapers. A serial killer has been killing garbage collectors for the past week, and the victims have reached dozens."

Ren suddenly jolted upon hearing it. Ren immediately thought, was that person looking for the monster gen fluid he found? Suddenly, he felt relieved for leaving Komorebi Kuyo.

However, the garbage collectors in Komorebi Kuyo might report his name; Ren suddenly didn't feel safe anymore. He then decided to continue working here for as long as possible.

"Ren, are you okay?" Kiyoshi patted Ren's shoulder, who was lost in thought.

"Uh, yeah, I'm okay. I'm just a little scared."

After one hour of rest time passed, the workers finally started working. They were tasked with pushing wheelbarrows containing construction materials for the railway, including gravel or ballast layer and sleepers. As for the rails, since the rail length before joining was about 20 to 30 meters, the rails would be transported by a large cart pulled by cows.

Wheeled vehicles using diesel or gasoline engines were no longer in use due to the lack of available fuel. Therefore, human and animal power were needed again in some fields.

Kiyoshi lifted one of the wheelbarrows containing sleepers. He then looked at Ren with concern while pushing his wheelbarrow forward. However, to his surprise, Ren could lift and push the wheelbarrow effortlessly.

"Uh, right, I forgot you defeated that old man earlier. It seems your physique is well-trained," Kiyoshi said, realizing his concern was unnecessary.

They both started working diligently. Kiyoshi gradually discovered that Ren's physical abilities were stronger than his.

After ten rounds, Kiyoshi began to feel tired, but Ren could still push the wheelbarrow easily. Although Kiyoshi realized Ren had excellent physical abilities, he didn't expect Ren's physical prowess to surpass his, despite Ren being three years younger.

The workers continued the monotonous repetitive tasks. When someone wanted to take a break, Sasaki would scold them and threaten to cut their wages. Workers who didn't want their wages reduced forced themselves to keep working, even when their bodies were exhausted.

Fortunately, when evening arrived, they were given time to rest and provided another portion of meals. Still, it was the same bland porridge and a glass of water. However, after the weary work, the bland porridge tasted surprisingly good.

"My body feels so heavy," Kiyoshi complained to Ren while lifting a spoonful of porridge with trembling hands.

Although Kiyoshi was very hungry, he could only eat slowly because both his hands were numb. It was challenging to grip the spoon with his hands. He worried that if he ate too quickly, the porridge might fall from his hands.

Not only his hands, but Kiyoshi's legs also felt the same. Although last month, he had experienced the same, even worse, Kiyoshi still wasn't accustomed to this feeling.

"Well then, let me help you with a massage," Ren offered.

Kiyoshi paused and looked at Ren in surprise. "What are you talking about? How could I bother you? Don't mind me, rest well; it's only the first day."

"It's okay; I don't feel tired. Besides, consider it as you owing me a favor. If I get tired later, you can help me too," Ren replied. Kiyoshi was very kind to him, and Ren considered him a friend. Honestly, there weren't many people Ren considered as friends.

Kiyoshi was confused; he would undoubtedly be very happy if Ren helped with the massage, but Kiyoshi didn't want to trouble Ren. After a while, Kiyoshi finally overcame his embarrassment and agreed to Ren's offer.

"All right, but as you said, I owe you a favor now. I'll definitely remember it."