
Genoarchal: Sprout

This is a tale of a expanding verse that starts out with a young girl with no purpose, but to save the one that wronged her. Although, after gathering several companions will she be able to get what she wants? Does she have to break the companionship in order to save that one she desire? Fighting against corrupted spirits known as wraiths that manifests in masks to prevent her goals and possibly other supernatural creatures with the most cruel of intentions. This story is a fantasy, adventure and action type story that dwells into power systems, plots, races, cultures and etc. Many things will be introduced without notification until further mentions in the story. This story is recommended to teenagers and adults alike due to the mentions of blood and death within it, while dwelling in the topics of supernatural and the paranormal. Fandom wiki Page: https://genoarchal.fandom.com/wiki/Genoarchal_Wiki

Driztyle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

16: Strength Vs Agility

A fist fired through the air, as it's determined place was Oenhi's face.

But Oenhi was quick to act by stepping to the side, followed with his displeasured face. Taking his other hand and soaring it to her jaw, yet, the girl leapt backwards.

Once she landed onto her feet, she spoke. "Chill dude, I wasn't calling you weak. But now that I think about, you're slow."

This angered the boy even more who replied to her, "Slow? I'll show you slow!" Running towards her and throwing another fist, for her to sway avoid it.

But this evasion didn't last forever as the boy managed to punch her in the stomach, making her quake in pain. It motivated her to attack back, sending her right leg kicking into his side.

But the kick didn't bother the boy that much, which surprised Oenhi. "You can take a taekwondo counter kick? That's so cool." She said.

Oenhi then took a closer look at his right arm and realised he was wearing some form of yellow gauntlet.

This arm was once again sent at her, once she leapt his fist collided with the ground. Blowing a small hole into the ground, surprising the girl. Who started to think he must have arcane to do such damage.

Mimya and Mizuke arrived down the hill, bypassing bushes to see the two at it.

"Who's that guy?" Mizuke asked.

Mimya looked at the boy and seem concerned, they were standing near a disoriented boar. Not to mention the hole the boy's arm was in. "I don't know, probably a bandit." Mimya replied.

The boy yanked the gauntlet arm out of the ground, only to receive a kick to his head. Sending his head flying backwards, but he quickly recovered from this pissed off by Oenhi.

"Dang he can really take hits huh?" Oenhi shouted happily.

The boy dived at her like an animal, with arms open. But she slid from his grasp, "Do you take me for a punching bag?" The boy shouted.

"Perhaps!" the boy muttered.

Oenhi swung her leg at him with a "Maybe." She was excited about this boy, thinking he's too slow to reach her. Only for the boy to only for the boy to catch her leg.

Oenhi's eyes widened in shock as she uttered a soft "oh." The next moment, she found herself forcefully slammed into the ground, greeted by the disapproving gaze of a discontented boy standing above her.

Mimya quickly reacted and got in front of the two, putting her finger up at the boy in a trigger finger. "Listen dude, get off her. What's your problem?" Mimya shouted at the boy.

The boy didn't look bothered by her trigger finger, thinking she looks goofy doing that. "Your friend got in my way, I'm fighting a monster. And I'm gonna kill em." The boy responded.

Mizuke quickly came to Mimya's side and spoke, " That's not a monster, that's a Tiban Boar."

"He's a pig? Doesn't seem like it," the boy remarked, his confusion evident. Meanwhile, he maintained his grip, keeping Oenhi pinned down on the ground, her expression contorted in pain.

"Okay, just give her up she's just a trouble maker. We'll be on our way and leave you. " Mimya demanded.

Oenhi remembered a strategy her grandfather Solomon taught her. In which to escape the grasp of submission by one hand. "Eat this!" She uttered.

Oenhi, feeling the pressure of the boy's grip, quickly assessed her options. With a swift and calculated move, she bent one knee and strategically positioned her foot against the boy's chest. Channelling her strength, she exerted force, leveraging the power in her legs.

The surprise on the boy's face grew as Oenhi successfully managed to create enough space to wriggle free, employing a combination of flexibility and strategic counterforce to escape his hold. Then kicked him in the face.

Oenhi quickly flipped on her foot and got into a taekwondo stance. Standing next to Mimya and Mizuke. "Don't go running off again." Mimya stated.

Clutching his face, the boy exhibited irritation rather than genuine injury. "You slippery little-" he began, but his words were abruptly cut off by the thunderous roar of an approaching boar.

"Well shit." The boy said, as the others looked over to the boar looking at them. The boy, momentarily forgetting his annoyance, shifted his focus from Oenhi to the looming danger before them.

The tension in the air escalated as the boar, its muscles taut, prepared for a potential charge. Its nostrils flared, and its gaze fixed on the four, signalling an imminent threat.

"We're gonna be road kill." The boy said. "What?" Mizuke replied in fear.

But then, spine-chilling roar reverberated through the forest, creating an eerie atmosphere that sent shivers down the spines of Oenhi, Mimya, Mizuke. The once-confident boar, now gripped by fear, bolted away from the kids in a frenzied escape. The unsettling echo of the roar lingered, casting an ominous shadow over the surroundings.

"What the heck was that-", Mizuke asked in utmost terrior.

The boy slammed his hands together and smirked in interest, "That's the Warak'in. The demon of the forest." The boy said with overconfident.

Mimya and Oenhi looked at each other confused at what this thing could be, Mizuke started hypnotising if it was an actual animal. "Demon?" Oenhi spoke.

Before they could do anything else, a surreal scene unfolded as a multitude of creatures, each with a unique form, raced past the astonished kids. Predators, usually associated with hunger, bore expressions of fear on their faces instead. The forest seemed to be fleeing from an unseen terror, leaving Oenhi and the others bewildered awe at the mysterious force that had disrupted the natural order.

Not long after, everything went quiet. Then boy uttered, "and I'm gonna kill it." With him walking forwards, despite not knowing where the roar came from.

"Hey where the heck you think you're going?" Oenhi yelped at him.

The bot stopped and looked back at her. "Didn't you hear what I said? I'm gonna kill i-" the boy was interrupted by the girl once again.

"Look bro, don't be stupid. You could barely tackle this massive ass boar in the first place. What makes yah think you're going to beat whatever that is?" Oenhi explained to the boy.

Mizuke spoke, "In general, larger animals tend to have the potential to produce louder noises due to the greater physical power and size of their vocal apparatus. However, the actual volume of the noise depends on factors like the specific anatomy and vocalization habits of the species."

The boy absorbed the information, his disbelief evident in his dumbfounded expression. "Whatever, nerd. Hunters been looking for the Warak'in since it showed in this forest a month ago," he retorted, clenching his gauntlet hand with unwavering confidence. "Nobody returned alive to describe what it really looks like. With me and my gauntlet, I'm going to tear that thing apart."

"If hunters couldn't kill it, you should to back down from this attempt dude." Ignoring Mimya's recommendation, the boy dashed back into the veiled depths of the forest.

Oenhi liked the fact that he was so confident to take down something dangerous, not to mention the boy was able to take her kicks. Normally people couldn't take kicks like that, despite her not amplifying her attacks with arcane or anything. He must be a great fighter.

"I think we should go help him out." Oenhi said

"I think we should get the heck out of this forest as soon as possible that's their problem." Mizuke shouted.

Oenhi disagreed, "A guy like em would be cool on our journey to fight wraiths." Oenhi placed up front.

Mimya started to wonder. "What if that creature is a wraith?" she said, making the two looked curious.

"I never heard of an animal that can l scare off half an forest in the other direction, it must be spiritual. A curse spirit." Mimya continued with her curiosity. "Maybe we should check it out.

Mizuke looked at them with a sigh of dissatisfaction, not believing what he's hearing from the two girls. "Oh man...." He said.

"Also, the reason why the kid was able to tank most of your kicks is because his body was producing Maja. Protecting him against harsh attacks. He isn't any ordinary boy alright." Mimya explained further, taking interest in the laughter sensing the spiritual energy within him.

"Wow? Even more reason we should chase em!" Oenhi ran in the boy's direction, which resulted in the two to follow suit.