
Genius of the Rules-Style System

Question: Given that Lin Xiaoqing can lift an 80-jin item, how much arm strength does Xiaoqing have? Answer: Left arm 49 jin, right arm 67 jin. Question: Given that one plus one equals two, what is the result of 491 multiplied by 709? Answer: 348119. Others' logic is deduction; mine is cause and effect. No matter how difficult the problem, the answer is already obvious when it is posed. This synopsis is too short to describe the story. An unorthodox jaw-dropping science fiction of a top-scoring student. Welcome to immerse yourself in it.

Don't Eat Small Pumpkin · Urban
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1153 Chs

Chapter 3: English, But a Strong Suit!

Translator: 549690339

Break time.

Students rushed out like a swarm of bees on a prison's 'yard time'.

Sun Liang walked with a stupid grin, his eyes squinted to a slit, "You are really something, getting Lin Xiaoqing to go to the bathroom with you."

"What's up with you today? You're wilder than usual! Provoking Demon King Niu, teasing Lin Xiaoqing, well done! Her punches hurt a lot!"

Zhao Yi complained, "I experienced that."

His arm muscles still ached slightly, but fortunately, the System's prompt 'Study Coin +1' eased his mood a bit.

Earning Study Coins from Lin Xiaoqing was quite a high risk gamble.

"By the way, Zhao Yi, Sun Jiali today..."

Mentioning an old flame.

Sun Liang's voice was rather loud, drawing a few people over.

Zhao Yi quickly interrupted him, changing the subject, "Monkey, do you like Demon King Niu? I knew it. She doesn't care about your grades."

"You're the one who likes Demon King Niu!" Sun Liang quickly gestured.

Zhao Yi seriously said, "According to me, you two are made for each other! You're a monkey, she's the Demon Queen. Monkey and Demon Queen were brothers 500 years ago! Haven't you heard the saying? If you were brothers in your previous life, you are lovers in this one!"

Sun Liang's face turned black at this.

The people nearby laughed, finding it interesting and they helped in adding, "Monkeys like Purple Mist, right? Demon King Niu also likes Purple Mist!"

"They are both rivals and lovers!"

"Finally, they both gave up on Purple Mist, and fell in love with each other…"

"Ha ha ha..."

Zhao Yi, who was walking by, remained silent and didn't continue the discussion.

Sun Liang is a close buddy!

Gossiping about a bro's love life, who does such a thing?

Zhao Yi followed the crowd into the restroom, where there was a stench that words could not express.

"Zhao Yi, want one?"

Standing next to him, a short guy with a flat head handed over a cigarette. His name was Chen Zhou, but because he was short, he was nicknamed Turtle.

Zhao Yi took it in stride.

He wanted to calm his nerves. The experience of traversing was too shocking indeed.

Chen Zhou was a bit surprised.

Zhao Yi's movements were quite experienced, but almost after one puff he almost choked, he threw it away in disgust, "Is this fake?"

"What a waste!"

"It costs one cent!"

Two yuan a pack, such good cigarettes.

Zhao Yi mentally muttered, then took the opportunity to step outside for fresh air after washing his hands.

In the distance, a few girls were walking along the path, giggling and playfully tussling.

Lin Xiaoqing was one of them.

That sharp look seemed to penetrate a distance of several tens of meters, imposing a huge force.

"I didn't realize Lin Xiaoqing was so vengeful during school."

"Did I upset her that much by teasing..."

"Was it necessary?"

Sun Jiali was walking behind Lin Xiaoqing and glanced over, she smiled slightly before quickly turning away.

Zhao Yi suddenly had an epiphany.

That's it!

If he could find correct answers to test papers, could he also create his own questions?

Got an idea, just do it!

Zhao Yi closed his eyes and tried to construct a question in his mind--

[Does Sun Jiali have feelings for me?]

[A. Yes.]

[B. No.]

[Causality Law!]

[Failed, related clues unavailable!]

Zhao Yi opened his eyes abruptly; he did fail, but the fact that it worked was promising.

He immediately constructed the second question —

[How many multiple-choice questions did Lin Xiaoqing miss on the last Maths test?]

[A. 1.]

[B. 2.]

[C. More.]

[Causality Law!]

[Answer: B.]

"Two? I thought she only missed the last question..."

Zhao Yi hurried back to the classroom and quickly scanned Lin Xiaoqing's desk.

The maths test paper was just under her pencil case. He found the paper and checked it, and saw that the answer to question six also had been corrected.


"What are you doing!"

A shout of anger came from behind him.

Zhao Yi put down the test paper and said, "Just comparing answers, I think I missed a blank."

Lin Xiaoqing looked suspiciously at Zhao Yi's face, "Why are you not checking Sun Liang's?"

"Your writing is nice, just like you!"

"What are you saying!"

Lin Xiaoqing bashfully turned from anger to pleasure.

Zhao Yi took out his own math test paper, copied the answer onto his paper, and only then returned the paper to Lin Xiaoqing.


"Lin Xiaoqing not only has strength, her gaze is also quite sharp!"

Zhao Yi was actually feeling the pressure.

After returning to the classroom, he immediately began studying the System.

The System, it's not that simple.

First of all, Study Coins.

The System has a new prompt regarding Study Coins-

[Flirting with girl. Target: Lin Xiaoqing. Study Coin +1.]

[Study Coins: 2.]

"Study Coins can be used to replenish energy.

As long as you have ample Study Coins, abilities can be used without limit.

Study Coins can also be used to enhance focus, thus improving learning efficiency. Moreover, an essential point is that with enough Study Coins, you could obtain new abilities.

Also, what about missions?

[Life Goal Mission, stage one: You are required to gain acceptance into Shuimu University.

Reward from Task: Study Coins +1000, Brain Domain development +1%.

(Hint: The Life Goal Mission is a mainline task that only allows the subsequent tasks to activate once completed.)]

A Life Goal Mission is self-explanatory.

Zhao Yi's dream is to attend Shuimu University. The act of applying for Shuimu is considered a life goal, and the mission rewards are incredibly generous. The amount of Study Coins is sufficient to activate the next ability.

The reward of 'Brain Domain' development increase will undoubtedly result in all-around personal growth.

Zhao Yi pondered.

His attention then shifted to abilities.

"Since it can directly give answers, can I come up with questions to get more valuable results?"

Zhao Yi excitedly asked Sun Liang, his eyes glowing with gold, "Do you know which lottery is about to start?"

Sun Liang answered puzzledly, "The Rainbow Lottery is about to start, right? Why? Do you want to buy lottery tickets? What do you ask this for? Shall we go buy a lottery ticket after school? What if we win…"


Getting accurate news, Zhao Yi immediately started testing his skill.

He formulated a question in his mind--

[The Rainbow Lottery that will be drawn at 8 tonight. Which of the following groups of numbers contains the first number from the draw?]

[A, 1,2,3.]

[B, 4,5,6.]

[C, 7,8.]

[D, 9,0.]

[Invoke Causality Law!]

[Failure, no relevant clue!]

Zhao Yi frowned, "It failed? There's no result?"

He immediately thought of another method.

Formulating a question--

[Will PetroChina's stock price rise or fall in tomorrow's stock market?]

[A, rise.]

[B, fall.]

[Invoke Causality Law!]

[Failure, no relevant clue!]

Zhao Yi frowned, "No clue related to the questions? So, it's only useful when there are clues? But I clearly forgot those math questions…"

His attention was suddenly drawn to Lin Xiaoqing at the front. He cracked a smile and quickly had precise answers to few questions related to her inner clothing--

[B, beige.]

[B, beige.]

"Pretty average!"

Zhao Yi made a gentleman's comment.

Lin Xiaoqing, seemingly feeling the scrutiny, turned her head and glared at him.

"What are you looking at!?" Zhao Yi snapped.

Lin Xiaoqing glared back, threateningly enunciating, "I feel like there's something off with your gaze! Speak up, what's your scheme!"

"Is there?"

Zhao Yi's expression was utterly calm. Suddenly thinking of 'Study Coin,' he quietly added a few words, "Top and bottom are both beige, very ordinary."

Then he lowered his head, pretending to be studious.

"What did you say?" Lin Xiaoqing didn't understand and turned away, no longer paying attention.

Half a minute later.

Lin Xiaoqing glared at Zhao Yi, her face reddening. She clenched her fists, took a quick look at the teacher, then turned back to glare at him, gritting her teeth and hissing out a few words, "Low-class, disgusting!"

"What? You're crazy!" Zhao mumbled a response to the confused Lin Xiaoqing.

Lin Xiaoqing suddenly felt puzzled.

Did she misunderstand?

Behind her, Zhao Yi's mouth was now twisted into a smile.

[Flirt, target: Lin Xiaoqing, Study Coins +3]

It's really like this!

Next, he started experimenting with using Study Coins, opening the system to take a glance at his energy value--

[Energy: 79/102.]

Zhao Yi decided to invest one Study Coin, and his energy value immediately changed to '89/102'.


His brain felt much less fatigued.

"One Study Coin replenishes 10 energy points, seems like a fair exchange!"

He shifted his attention to the lecture table.

The English class was in progress.

The English teacher was a new female teacher, Shen Yan, who had just graduated from university and started working. With sweet looks and a gentle demeanour, she had won the affection of the many students.

As for her teaching ability…

It's hard to say.

Zhao Yi kept falling asleep while listening.

Shen Yan was dissatisfied with students sleeping in her class but didn't want any conflicts with students. Most of the time, she would only wake the students up and remind them not to sleep during class time.

If the students continued to sleep, she would turn a blind eye.

This class period, Shen Yan had to wake up Zhao Yi twice.

Once was a reminder.

Once was to wake him up for an exercise.

"We're handing out worksheets now, finish it and then listen to the solutions for the questions you couldn't do." Shen Yan's soft voice carried a hint of displeasure.


Sleeping in class wasn't a big deal, but disrespecting the teacher was too much.


Zhao Yi rubbed his eyes and perked up.

English was his forte!