
Genius of the leaf

Ryuu Uchiha, a young shinobi who has a rare bloodline of both Uchiha and Uzumaki goes through many tragedies. He lost his memories of his previous life but only retained the memories of his favourite anime world, Naruto, his previous memories are sealed and he can only recall things in a familiar situation. Ryuu is adopted by his father's greatest friend and rival Sakumo Hatake and he later learns of a secret power hidden within his body. (I don't own any naruto verse characters and stuff I only own my oc and some side characters and custom jutsus and powers) enjoy. Also, the first couple of chapters were not that good cause it was my first time but I edited them later.

The_Hollow · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Itachi Finds Out

"Shisui? What about him?"

Ryuu sits next to Itachi as he continues eating ramen.

"The thing is… Shisui is not dead."

"What?" Itachi's eyes widen as he asks worryingly.

"He's alive, Itachi… Shisui is alive."

"I watched him die, I'm sure, I saw his body hit the water."

Ryuu shakes his head.

"What you saw was a very convincing lie.

Obito was at the bottom of the river. And we had a shadow clone last minute.

Obito caught Shisui right before he hit the water and then Shisui recovered from the poison using an antidote I made."

Itachi keeps quiet, and he contemplates, staring at the ground.

He tries to keep a calm face, but he subconsciously frowns, still staring at the ground.

"Sorry Itachi, we needed you to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan because what comes next will need the Mangekyou Sharingan."

"What comes next?" He asks with a curious look.

Ryuu nods.

Ryuu finishes his bowl of Ramen and puts it on the ground.

"Let's go somewhere more secure."

Ryuu teleports to his dimension with Itachi.

"Danzo's subordinate has been following you, and he will continue following you. He arrived just after I spoke of Shisui, so I don't know how much he heard.

Once I go back, I'll kill him.

Anyway, I have a plan, Itachi."

"A… Plan?" Ryuu nods.

"We're going to bring prestige back to the Uchiha clan by annihilating those who tarnish our name, and I'll break the curse of hatred set by lord second, towards the Uchiha clan, but I'll need your help, Itachi."

"Where's Shisui right now?"


"Shisui, where is he? I need to give him his eye back."

"No, keep that eye, it will be useful someday in the future. Shisui is alright, he's getting stronger as we speak.

I'm giving him the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan."

Itachi widens his eyes and asks,

"The eternal Mangekyou? How? He doesn't have a brother."

"The Mangekyou doesn't have to come from your brother if that's what you're wondering.

Your father will do too, as long as he has the Mangekyou too.

Shisui has his grandfather's, it won't be as powerful as the normal Eternal Mangekyou but it will be significantly more powerful than before."

"His grandfather's?"

"Kagami Uchiha, he was an escort for the second Hokage. Danzo's grave robbed him and exchanged his eyes with Orochimaru, but I exchanged them for something else.

Long story short, Shisui can't come here right now, and neither can you go to him, Itachi. It's not that I don't trust you, I do.

Proven by the fact that you know about this. Not even my dad knows about this."

"I see…" Itachi looks down.

"So? Have you thought about helping me out?" Ryuu asks, he carefully approaches Itachi, especially after telling him all this.

"Helping you out? I don't even know the plan."

"Just keep on spying on Danzo for me, can you do that? It'll be easier for us."

"Yes," Itachi says affirmingly.

Ryuu smiles and ruffles his head.

"Great, now let's go back.

I'm starving for another bowl of Ramen, and you?"

"I'm alright, thank you for the offer but I'm late, and I promised Sasuke shuriken jutsu training tomorrow."

"Oh, we should go together with Naruto, you know."


Ryuu opens a portal to Fugaku's house.

"Good night, Itachi."

"Good night, big brother." Ryuu waves Itachi off and walks to Ichiraku Ramen.

Because of how late it was, the village was almost too silent, only some shops were still open. Like Ichiraku Ramen.

"Hey, old man Teuchi, I'm here for some ramen.

I'll take 10 bowls of miso, please."

"Hey, Ryuu, how's it going?"

"I'm alright, I just came from a mission. I'm starving for ramen, and I thought I should take some for Ichika, and Naruto."

"I see… then I guess I should start cooking."


"Caw! Caw!" Ryuu looks up and sees a dark hawk carrying a letter.

"That's for me?" He mutters.

Ryuu holds his hand up, and the hawk lands safely on his hand.

He unties the letter and reads it.

"Hurry! It's Mangetsu! He's in trouble!"

Ryuu frowns and makes a hand seal.

"Wood clone jutsu!"

A clone separates itself from his body as he teleports to Suigetsu.

Suigetsu was in a forest outside Kirigakure, and far from the Hōzuki compounds.

He sits there, with a worried expression, this is highly unusual for him, so Ryuu knows something is certainly wrong.

Ryuu places his hand on Suigetsu's shoulder and his skin turns into pale water.

"Relax, it's just me," Ryuu reassures him.

"Oh…" Suigetsu calms down.

"Suigetsu, what's wrong?"

"It's Mangetsu, he's been on a mission for too long. I think something is wrong, I came here to see if I could find him, but I can't."

"You came here by yourself?"

Suigetsu nodded.

Ryuu frowns as he thinks,

'He's going to be in my way if he stays here, but I can't let him out of my sight, he's too reckless…


I hope you're safe.'

Ryuu looks back at Suigetsu.

"Suigetsu, I'll find your brother, and I'll save him. Stay back though, you'll only get in the way."

"No way, I'm coming with you!"

"Hey! This isn't up for discussion, you aren't safe here, you know."

Ryuu opens a portal and shoves Suigetsu in there.

Orange pigment emerges around his eyes as he enters toad sage mode.

"I have to hurry…"


Meanwhile, deep in the forest, Mangetsu fought against multiple enemies at once.

Sweat drips on his face as he trembles and gasps for air.

"Lightning style: earth flash!"

A surge of lightning shoots from the tips of all the attackers.

Mangetsu quickly removes two swords from a scroll and absorbs the lightning coming from the attackers.

"Ugh!" The lightning pushes him back a little.

Mangetsu turns into water and swiftly escapes and travels behind them.

"Hidden mist jutsu!" He makes a thick mist that clouds their vision.

'I only have chakra for one more move, and that's it.' Mangetsu looks at his chest.

His upper body is wounded far more than his lower body, but he has scars everywhere.

'Suigetsu… I hope you're alright…'

Mangetsu stands up with a serious look in his eyes.

'This mist will hold until I'm done making hand seals.'

Mangetsu weaves his hand seals.

'This jutsu will take the rest of my chakra.

I won't even be able to transform into the water anymore… but it'll be worth it…

I've created enough moisture for this to work.' Mangetsu finishes making his hand seals.

"Water style: Water vortex jutsu!"

The air lightens and the moisture from the mist builds around Mangetsu's body, a giant volume of water expels into the air and smashes into the ground…


It crushes the ground and takes hundreds of lives.

"Huff… Huff…

So much for being the greatest swordsman of the mist, huh?"

Mangetsu slouches on a fallen tree. He's out of chakra and reinforcements are nearby.

"We found him! Get him!" A shinobi shouts.

"Reinforcements, huh?" Mangetsu picks up another scroll and unseals the executioner's blade.

He hears the thundering footsteps of all the enemies running toward him.

Mangetsu puts the sword over his shoulder and gathers up the strength to hold it with both hands.

'I guess this is it, Suigetsu… don't give up on our dream… go to Konohagakure, let Ryuu take care of you.

So long old friend…'

With the last of his strength, Mangetsu charges toward them.

"Argh!" With one last battle cry, he charges toward them with all his might.


Ryuu appears in front of him in a flash.

"That's enough Mangetsu… no need to act so tough, you know?" Ryuu tells him and throws Mangetsu into the portal.

'Why is he here?' Ryuu senses familiar chakra in Kirigakure.

'I'll deal with him later. I've been meaning to talk to him, anyway.

As for these guys…'

Ryuu unsealed the Amenonuhoko and charged it up with a lightning release, and fire release.

"It's been a while since I fought this many people," Ryuu says as he activates his Sharingan and gets an image of battalions in the war.

He charges chakra into his feet, and launches an attack against them all, he runs through them, sending multiple people flying.

Whoosh! Ryuu threw his naginata, and it pierced three people.

More attack Ryuu, but he dodges their attacks and uses a kunai to cut the ones in front of him while Nobu sends small spikes behind him.

"Huaargh!" they cried.

Ryuu moves so fast he appeared like a blur to them, one moment he was on the right facing ten people, the next, they were all dead, and he was in front of you.

"Lightning style: false darkness!"

Someone forms a spear in his mouth and shoots it toward Ryuu.

Ryuu deflects it with the Amenonuhoko and throws the Naginata toward him.

"Kamui!" The naginata finds itself inside three people's chests.


Ryuu sends someone flying using the Rasengan.

"Wood style: Deep forest bloom!"

The ground shakes, and a giant flower spreads toxin throughout the area while Ryuu controls the spikes to pierce the shinobi.

"It's over." He mutters.

Ryuu calls back his naginata, and it appears in his hands, soaked in blood.

He glances back at the battlefield and sees the destruction he caused, many dead bodies and wounded men lay on the ground, and the wounded won't crawl far enough to be saved.

Ryuu seals the weapon away and teleports to his dimension.

Mangetsu is being held up by Suigetsu.

"Listen, Ryuu, listen to me and act quickly."

"Hold on, let me take care of your wound, you're bleeding a lot."

Ryuu kneels and begins healing Mangetsu.

Mangetsu grabs Ryuu's collar and desperately pulls him.

"No! Warn the Mizukage, the Kaguya clan wants to stage a coup d'état!"

"Fine, I'll go, but only if you stay here and heal, is that a deal?"

Mangetsu nods.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" Ryuu makes a clone and leaves while the clone continues healing Mangetsu.

Ryuu appears in Yagura's office.

"Ryuu…" He says with a curious tone.

"Yagura, there's a coup d'état happening, Mangetsu sent me to tell you about it."

"A coup d'état?!"

Ryuu nods.

"Zabuza Momochi has partnered with the Kaguya, and some criminals to take you down.

Should I intervene?"

"How far are they?"

"About 1 hour away from here, I can take them all out without casualties or I can assassinate them."

Yagura holds his chin and thinks of what he should do.

"Some of them are revolting against me because I brought them an era of innocent bloodshed when we were called the bloody mist village.

Knock all of them out, make sure you don't kill even one of them." Ryuu nods.

"Consider it done."

Ryuu enters lightning chakra mode, and vanishes, he appears in front of the mob of people and sheaths his sword.

"This will be so much fun." He says and cracks his knuckles.

"Ryuu, do you need my help?" Nobu asks.

"No, I want to savor this moment." Ryuu activates his Sharingan.

Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

Hopefully this week isn't interrupted, I'd like to be consistent again.

Leave a comment, I always love to see what you all like about the story and what you don't. Feedback helps me improve.

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