
Genius of the leaf

Ryuu Uchiha, a young shinobi who has a rare bloodline of both Uchiha and Uzumaki goes through many tragedies. He lost his memories of his previous life but only retained the memories of his favourite anime world, Naruto, his previous memories are sealed and he can only recall things in a familiar situation. Ryuu is adopted by his father's greatest friend and rival Sakumo Hatake and he later learns of a secret power hidden within his body. (I don't own any naruto verse characters and stuff I only own my oc and some side characters and custom jutsus and powers) enjoy. Also, the first couple of chapters were not that good cause it was my first time but I edited them later.

The_Hollow · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Fugaku’s approval/Ryuu's plan's revealed

The next morning Ryuu met with Obito inside his house.

They were in Ryuu's studying room, just near the dining and living room. It was safe to talk in there because of a silencing seal hidden inside.

Ryuu and Obito were discussing the Uchiha clan matters, Ryuu had his feet on the desk in front of him while Obito stood up.

Both of them wore their Anbu attire, ready to be called in soon, and they kept their masks on the side of their heads.

"We'll target only the aggressors, most of them will be the young and youth-filled people.

Some, like Yashiro, will be the elderly, but we do not, by any circumstances, target the kids.

During the next meeting, I'll ask uncle to ask them to vote on who wants to follow through with the coup d'état."

"That seems fair to me," Obito stated, and Ryuu nodded.

"You should go now. Uncle Fugaku is here, if he sees you here with me, that might raise unwanted attention. They trust you, so don't betray them."

"Sure, but what could he want?" Ryuu shrugged.

"If it's anything worth looking at, I'll tell you later."

"See you later," Obito said before teleporting.

Knock knock knock…

Fugaku was at the door, he kept looking around, and inspecting the house.

'This place looks even better up close. Gardens, the entire mansion is amazing.' Fugaku's thoughts were stopped when Ryuu opened the door.

"Hey Uncle, what brings you here?"

"I came here to discuss matters of the clan, is this a bad time?"

Ryuu smiled,

"Of course not, come in." Fugaku nodded.

He entered his house and seemed to be impressed by it. This was his first time entering his nephew's house.

"Have you had something to eat?"

"No, I came here as soon as possible, I don't want Yashiro and the others bothering me." Ryuu nodded.

Ryuu poured himself and Fugaku a cup of tea while Fugaku was exploring his house.

Fugaku picked up the first thing Ryuu thought he would.

It was a photo of him and Ryuu, Ryuu was a small child, smiling on Fugaku's shoulders while Fugaku glared at Ryuu for climbing on his shoulders.

'Silly kid…' he commented in his head, and a smile rose on his face.

"Do you remember that?"

Ryuu asked as he gave Fugaku his cup.

"Of course, this was after you mastered the great dragon jutsu, we got some dango after, right?" Ryuu nodded.

"Follow me." Fugaku put the photo back.

Ryuu opened the door for him and sat down in his chair.

Ryuu's chair was in the middle, it was a tall chair that could swing around in case he got bored.

"This is my study, it's protected by a seal that prevents anyone outside from hearing what we'll say."

"I see…"

"Well, you said you wanted to talk about the clan, go first because I want to say something too."

"Very well, I want to know what you're planning."

"What I'm planning?" Ryuu held his chin and responded,

"Ultimately, my goal is to save the clan and the village.

Trust me on this one, but the things I'll do and the things I'll want you to do for me won't be considered morally correct.

I want to rid the curse of hatred in the clan, I'll make the clan great again, but at the cost of a lot of things."

"What things are you talking about?"

"Those kinds of things have already started being taken from me.

My student, Shisui Uchiha, is dead.

His death…

He died knowing that I'll save our clan; he died being part of my plan, but he knew the cost was high and the risk was there.

But still…

Shisui still believed this plan will work and I'll honor his life and the lives of many of my clan members by saving the clan.

That's why I have a favor to ask."

"What kind of favor?"

"It's not a good kind of favor, I know you won't like it. But it's what we must do for the clan and its future."

"Is there ever a 'good' favor?"

A small smile appeared on Ryuu's face.

"You're right." Ryuu put his cup down and got serious again.

"During the next meeting, I need you to ask exactly who supports the coup d'état."

"Why would we need to know that? We already know the majority of the clan wants the coup d'état to continue, there's no point.


Fugaku realized what Ryuu wanted.

"You want to exterminate the Uchiha clan," Fugaku stated while he glared at Ryuu.

"Not all of them. Only the ones who want the coup.

I have a plan-"

"This is ridiculous! What kind of leader would I be if I allowed my entire clan to be killed off?"

"The kind that cares about his people.

It's this, or Danzo orders the complete wipeout of the clan.

I don't want to choose between the two and at this point…

Nothing and no one is stopping him, to the public eye, he'll do them a favor.

But if I can somehow change that…

Listen, uncle, I have a plan, you just need to listen to me first."

Fugaku glared at Ryuu and impatiently asked,

"Well? What's your plan?"

"I can't tell you the entire plan, no one knows it, I just need you to do this favor. I know it will be nearly impossible for you to allow this, I've already considered your place, but it's the only suitable solution to this problem."

"If you're asking this, it only means you haven't considered my position as the clan leader."

"No, I've considered your position, but you haven't considered what you're asking me to do.

You're asking me to go against my village for my clan?!

They're both the same thing.

The village wouldn't be here had it not been for the clan and the clan would most likely go extinct like others have if it weren't for the village."

Fugaku closed his eyes.

"That's right, yet the clan isn't treated with enough respect, instead, we were alienated, made into the villains of the village.

Even if we did nothing."

He opened them again with a stern look as he continued,

"For years, the clan had no issue with how we were treated, even if we knew how bad it got.

And then, the final push was made by Danzo and the council of Konoha.

They kicked us out of the same village we were to protect.

And more after that is he played one of us into making a fool of our clan."

"And what do you think will happen when we attack the village? All the rumors of the Uchiha clan will come true, we'll be hated for the rest of our lives!"

Fugaku frowned and looked away, he didn't like it, but Ryuu made a point.

"The point of the coup d'état isn't to create more violence.

We just want to be heard, once we go through with the plan, the people of Konoha will finally feel the discrimination of the Uchiha clan."

Ryuu shook his head.

"You're wrong! Uncle, the villagers will only hate us more, no matter what we do from then we'll never be recognized, no matter how great we are.

But with my plan, I'll restore honor and greatness to the clan, I can only do this with your help, uncle, just trust me."

Fugaku closed his eyes and folded his arms as he thought this through.

'Stubborn till the end, just like his old man…'

Fugaku took his time before stubbornly asking,

"How are you sure this plan will work?"

"I've fully checked everything, believe me, uncle.

I won't fail you, I promise, this is part of the future I want to build.

It all starts here, I'll make a future for the clan… a bright future.

Don't you trust me?"

Fugaku grit his teeth.

'This child… Hanzo, he's just as stubborn as you elder brother…'

"Alright, I'll do it, whatever your plan is, it better work."

Ryuu smiled.

He went on his knees and bowed as he said,

"Thank you, Uncle.

I know this was difficult for you.

But I won't let you down!"

Fugaku's eyes widened, and he remained stunned by Ryuu's actions.


This is embarrassing, Ryuu, get up."

Ryuu got up with a smile.

"I'll get back to the Uchiha compounds.

Thanks for the tea, it was brilliant."

"Thanks, uncle, but Ichika is the one who made it, it's much better when it's hot." Fugaku nodded.

"Goodbye, Ryuu."

"Bye, uncle." Ryuu closed the door.

'Whew… that went better than expected, I'm glad he's my uncle, otherwise, things wouldn't go so smoothly.

I better alert Obito.'

"Nobu, how far can your telepathic communication reach?"

"If you're asking if I can get to Obito, then yes, of course, I can." Ryuu nodded.

"I'm connected."

"Obito, the plan is in motion, now we need Itachi to play his part in this, and then we can all handle it."

"Alright, Ryuu."

Ryuu wore his mask and teleported to the Hokage's office and bowed.

"I'm ready for my mission, Hokage-sama."

"Great, you and Itachi will go together on this one."

"Itachi?" Sakumo nodded.

"I know it's soon, but that's why I've partnered you with him on this one.

And I've heard some stories about how he's dealing with this."



Sakumo removed documents from his desk and gave them to Ryuu.

"Nobu, get Itachi to come here."

Ryuu read the file and gave it back to Fugaku.

"There's a copy of that file.

I want you two to get it back for me, a small group of rogue ninjas has stolen it from the Anbu I sent to deliver it.

They didn't even leave a body."

"Consider it done." Ryuu gave the documents back to Sakumo.


Itachi appeared beside Ryuu.

"Hokage-sama, you've summoned me?"

"Yes, you have a mission with Ryuu.

He'll tell you the contents on your way."

Itachi nodded.

"You've been dismissed, get there as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir!" They both answered before Ryuu teleported them to the gate.

"Itachi, are you ready?"

"Yes." Itachi flickered ahead of Ryuu.


Ryuu flickered towards Itachi.

"Once we get to them, we leave the youngest or weakest alive, understand?"

"You want to use his weak will to get to his base?"

Ryuu nodded.

"That's if they won't be with him."

"Alright, let's go."

Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

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