
Genius Necromancer

This is the story of Alex who got Isekaid by truck-kun and arrived at the world of adventure and danger that is closely associated with each other. Lets see what adventures will Alex do in this unknown world and what destiny awaits for him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For business Queries: wikitalky22@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I don't own the cover. If the cover is yours and you want me to take it down please contact me first via e-mail. Thank you.

Popsicle_2 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

14. Inside the Forest

After seeing the lying corpses in the ground Ashwell urged Alex to follow behind him inside the Forest to see who killed this blue wolves .

Inside the Forest there was also some wild boars corpses lying on the ground. Wild boars are F-rank monsters slightly larger than normal boars.

Suddenly there was a movement inside the forest .When Ashwell heard the sound he gestured Alex to silently follow him.

When they arrived near the sound grew more. It was the sound of a large growl of a monster and someone's sword clashing .

When they went inside more they could see a young girl in a fine armor and sword in her hand standing with a defensive posture against a large black bear.

This black bear was 5 meter in size . It's mouth was large enough to bite a adults head off in one go. It's red eyes was staring angrily at the human in front of it.

"Oh it a E class monster, lets see what can this little girl do against it" (Ashwell)

"Can she defeat that monster?"(Alex)

"I don't know lets wait and see" (Ashwell)

Saying this both of them hide themselves behind a bush as not to disturb the girl's concentration and wait to see the results.

The girl had white hair and blue eyes. Even though see looks 9 or 10 but her demeanor seems like that of an adult when confronting the monster. She looks like a fairy but her aura tells she is a fierce beast that will devour her target.

The girl made the first move after a long confrontation of stare with the monster. The girl slashed towards the big bear but the big bear evaded the slash attack and clawed at her with it's sharp big claw.

The girl seems to be surprised at this big bears agility .Despite it's look it can easily evade the slash attack of this girl. The girl hurriedly evaded to left to avoid the claw of this big bear. The girl got angry and then performed some sword arts which looked pretty to Alex's eyes. Alex didn't know what is this girl doing dancing around and attacking this monster.

Reading Alex mind Ashwell said,

"She is doing sword arts. Like how magicians cast powerful spells swordsman perform sword arts to quickly kill there enemy or subdue them. Sword arts is rare arts not every swordsman can do it .Only talented peoples get trained in sword arts and there are some family who train there successors sword arts that are exclusive to their family"

"I see" (Alex)

As you can see I changed the writing pattern for characters pov without using much ( he said or she said) .This way it becomes easy to read and avoid unnecessary Grammer mistake.

As I have said before English is not my first language so I can make mistake anywhere between the lines so do tell me where should I correct it and also give me advice how to do better .


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