
Genius Mode Activated

When a quiet high school student Ethan Wright discovers a mysterious system that allows him to tap into the collective knowledge of the internet, he must navigate the blurred lines between reality and technology to uncover the truth behind his newfound power and prevent a catastrophic event that threatens his school and his friends.

Hikmaah · Fantasy
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112 Chs

regaining control

Ethan's eyes scanned the city, taking in the chaos that his creations had unleashed. The palace was now a hub of activity, with creatures of all shapes and sizes flocking to its gates. The garden was spreading like a virus, choking out other plants and animals.

He felt a surge of panic as he realized that he had lost control. The power of the orb was too great, and he was no match for it.

"Ethan, you need to calm down," his doppelganger said, its voice calm and rational. "You're letting your emotions get the better of you."

Ethan took a deep breath, focusing on his thoughts. He remembered the words of Aria, warning him about the dangers of the orb.

"I need to find a way to balance my desires," he said, determination etched on his face. "I don't want to hurt anyone or anything."

His doppelganger nodded. "I can help you. But you need to let go of your emotions and focus on your intentions."

Ethan nodded, taking another deep breath. He closed his eyes, focusing on his thoughts.

As he did, he felt a subtle shift within himself. His desires began to take on a more measured tone, and his creations began to respond accordingly.

The palace grew smaller, its walls contracting as if in response to Ethan's newfound control. The garden slowed its spread, its flowers blooming in a more contained manner.

Ethan opened his eyes to see that the city was beginning to return to normal. The creatures were dispersing, and the buildings were stabilizing.

"You did it," his doppelganger said, its expression approving. "You've learned to harness your power."

Ethan felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He realized that the power of the orb was not a curse, but a gift - as long as he could learn to wield it wisely.

But as he looked around at the city, he saw that there was still much work to be done. The consequences of his actions were far-reaching, and he knew that he would have to make amends.