
Genius Martial Artist with a system

Toa_Samoa · Action
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9 Chs

The Extreme Fist Manual


——————AND IT WILL BE LONG—————

The students left shortly after and soon only 4 people were left in the gym. They were Kai Rex, Akio, Deo and Itachi.

"How much did you hold back?" Deo walked over and gave Itachi a soft jab on the chest.

"I went about 90%" Itachi answered

Deo puffed out his chest with a cocky look "Haha well I was going 80% so I still would've won haha" Deo looked happy

"No You would've lost" Kai's voice echoed in Deos ear which made him confused.

Deo turned around sulking while fake tears were running down his face. "What do you mean?"

Instead of answering Deo, Kai looked straight at Itachi. " What martial arts do you practice? From that one punch you threw, I felt the sensation of my shackles loosening.

Deo and Akio looked at eachother and didn't know what was going on.

"It's called the Extreme Fist Manual" Itachi said and then memories started to flood his mind.

The extreme Fist Manual is from Itachis previous life. While he was in China for a mission he fell in love with a beautiful, elegant and joyful girl by the name of Jiang Yao, Her father was Jiang Ning and he was was the True God of War. The top powerhouses of Earth would tremble at just the mention of his name and they would pray that Jiang Ning would never step foot in their countries, for he was mighty and unstoppable.

The mission was for him and his team of 8 to infiltrate Dong Hai and get information on the methods they use to create so many top level Masters and Grandmasters. The mission failed almost instantly, they were stopped by one man. He was muscular and explosive.

One of Itachis superiors called the man a dog and it resulted in his superiors legs being broken. "What's wrong with dogs!!!" The man yelled, his name was Gou which Itachi found out later.

After the failed mission his team returned to Australia. He resigned and decided to go to Donghai as a tourist, he was surprised. The city looked peaceful with no signs of criminal activity, he would occasionally see strong looking men in groups of 3, wearing suits roaming the city as if on guard duty.

He spotted the man that kicked him and his team out of Donghai standing in front of a building with a signboard saying Extreme Fist. Itachi decided to walk over and offer him a cigarette.

"The man glared at him growling, "Are you trying to get me in trouble with Boss Yuzhen? Go smoke somewhere else I don't want to smell like that.

Itachi put his cigarette back in his pocket and backed away, he made his way around the side of the building and lit a cigarette.

Before he took his first puff he heard a sweet voice next to him. "Smoking is bad for you, you know that right?"

He turned his head and noticed the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, she was wearing short tights that complemented her perfect butt, revealing her beautiful long legs.

Her face was picture perfect, she was one in a billion. Her head was slightly tilted, blinking her beautiful eyes curiously, waiting for a reply.

Itachi was mesmerised but he didn't want to show it, he wasn't a simp after all. He took one puff then put it out, before throwing it into the trash.

"What do you people have against smoking anyway" he sighed and asked.

The girl skipped over to Itachi and handed him spray and gum as if it was normal around here. "It's bad for your health and my mother does not like the smell, so it kind of became the rule in Dong Hai to not smoke around here." The girl blinked her eyes as she moved closer and looked at Itachi curiously.

Itachi washed his hands and threw a gum in his mouth.

"What!!" Itachi exclaimed. "Who is your mother to have such influence on so many people.?!" Itachi could not believe what he was hearing.

"Hehe you're not from here are you hehehe." She giggled and circled around Itachi. "My mother is the richest person in the world excluding my father that is tehee, we still don't know how much money he really has.

Oh and my father is the Strongest man on the planet, come I'll show you."

Itachi was still trying to process what he had heard when the girl grabbed him and dragged him into the building they were standing next too.

"Ohh I almost forgot hehe my name is Jiang Yao" she smiled and poked her tongue out playfully.

"This is the martial arts school my father founded 19 years ago, before I was even born." she said as she showed him around the building, when they would pass by people in the school, they would call out and bow.

"Hello senior sister"

"Hello young miss"

Yao Ning pulled Itachi in to a room where a few students were staring at 9 pages on the wall. Wars, battles, deaths and sacrifices have been made for these pages. Countless powerhouses around the world would love to get their hands on these pages, but unfortunately for them, these pages are in the possession of a man who should never ever ever be messed with.

Even if all these powerhouses were to join forces they would still fail miserably. That says a lot about the prowess this little city holds.

"This is the greatest Martial arts manual in the world." Jiang Yao said.

Itachi looked at the pages and saw nothing special about them it was only one move on each page. Making sure he wasn't blocking anyone he moved closer. 'What so special about these?' he thought but then he froze. The figures on the pages started moving, every page had one move but each move had endless variations.

Itachi stood rooted to the floor with his eyes staring at the top most page unblinkingly, as if he was in a trance. Three hours later Itachi was still in the same spot, not moving an inch and drool started flowing out of his mouth showing how deep his concentration was.

Two hours later itachis body slowly moved and his right arm flew out at an alarming speed.

Pak! Pak! Pak!

The punch whizzed through the air causing the wind around his fist to making popping noises.

Jiang Yao started clapping, jumping up and down. "Yayyy you did it!" Yao exclaimed.

She didn't bother him because her father told her that if this was to ever happen never bother the person because they may be going through enlightenment.

Thinking he was finished with the enlightenment she was happy and clapped. She did not know her father had been standing by the door for the last 3 hours

"Honey you should keep your voice down" she hurriedly turned around and saw her father. "Sorry daddy" she whispered, a little confused she looked at her father. "But why? I thought he was done."

Jiang Ning glanced at Itachi and then back at Jiang Yao. "Come on let's go home for dinner your grandmother made your favourite, don't worry about him he'll be here a while."

Jiang Yao looked at Itachi curiously, 'I've never seen this happen before' she thought, then stood up. "O-okay daddy."

Jiang Ning turned around and started making his way out followed by Jiang Yao. "Get someone to clean up that kids saliva for the next few days." It looked as if he was talking to no one, but Yao Ning knew that there were many grandmasters and even Advanced Grandmasters hidden in the shadows all over Dong Hai and her father was probably ordering one of them around.

In the room itachi kept throwing punch after punch for 20 minutes straight, causing the wind to stir and creating the sound of tiny explosions.

The room slowly became quiet and Itachi turned into a statue staring at the pages on the wall once again, but this time it was the second page from the top. For the next two days this repeated itself, students of the Martial arts school would come sit and watch him hoping to gain something.

Then 12am on the third day he was on the last page and this time it took him 12 hours before his body moved. He was surrounded by students and random people from the street who wanted to see this person, that has been the talk of the town.

Jiang Ning and other Advanced Grandmasters that teach at the martial arts school were also there, Jiang Yao was also there.

Everyone was respectful and no one made a noise, even if they wanted to talk to someone they would whisper very quietly, but at this very moment they all had their eyes locked on Itachis figure.

Itachi started moving and his aura started climbing then finally exploded


"He's made it this far already….. Interesting" Jiang Ning commented, which made the students who heard him to stare even more intently at Itachi, hoping they don't miss anything.

Finally Itachi moved


The force of Itachis movements caused the air around his fist to explode with a bang, a big difference compared to three days ago. The room shook and his aura exploded even more

Pak boom BOOM!!!! Every blow was more powerful than the last, causing the room to shake even more and the spot where he was standing started cracking with only every blow until

BOOM he stomped even harder creating a small crater and threw the most powerful punch he's thrown yet, causing the ground to shake, shattering every window within the vicinity and even cracks started forming on the brick walls of the building.

No one could believe their eyes, some of the Grandmasters even had their mouths wide open. "Another monster has been born" an old man with a large stature next to Jiang Ning said. "He is just like you brat" the old man glanced at Jiang Ning with a blank expression. "So what are you going to do with him" he asked

Jiang Ning didn't answer and kept his gaze locked on Itachi.

Itachi woke up from his trance and felt the power coursing through his body, his breathing was calm and his mind was clear. He closed his eyes becoming one with the new feeling.

His mind clicked and thought he should merge all the pages. His eyes shot open and then he flew out towards a punching dummy, he became a blur.


"Come" Itachi heard a voice and found where it came from.

He made a beeline heading straight toward Jiang Ning. He threw a punch at the speed of light.


Their fists collided multiple times. Itachi kept getting blown back before shooting out again, while Jiang Ning stayed in the same spot looking casual as he threw out punches.

Finally Itachi merged all nine pages in to one move.

BOOOM he shot out pushing the Extreme fist technique to its maximum.


"You're not ready for that yet" Jiang Ning said

Itachi didn't hear Jiang Ning and threw the punch anyway, but then


A clear sound of bones cracking rang out. "Aaaaaaaaaaahh" Itachi screamed out and then passed out.

Itachi slowly opened his eyes, felt his whole body was aching and he grimaced instantly. "What the fuck happened" he looked down and noticed his whole body was wrapped in green stained bandages like it was dipped in medicinal herbs.

He heard the door open slowly and saw a beautiful girl walk in, she was wearing blue jeans and a white crop top, showcasing her figure, her hair was done up in a bun revealing just how beautiful she was. Jiang Yao slowly walked in carrying soup, "Ohh you're awake" she said with a smile, she walked over and helped him to sit up.

"Hey Jiang Yao how long have I been out for and what happened to me?" Itachi asked while she helped him to sit up. She pulled a chair over and sat down next to the bed ready to feed him.

"I'm not a baby Jiang Yao I can feed myself" Itachi tried to grab the bowl of soup but then he noticed his arms were wrapped up as well.

"Hehe here comes the train Choo choo" Jiang Yao playfully extended the spoon towards Itachi who was pouting. She would giggle every now and then noticing his awkwardness.

"You pushed yourself to hard and got injured, most of your bones have fractured, some dislocated and you're right arm is completely shattered" Jiang Yao said. "Oh and call me Yaoyao, we're friends now aren't we hehe" Yaoyao said with a bright smile.

"Ohh y-yeah ok" Itachi could not get over how beautiful this girl in front of him was. "Oh I don't remember telling you my name it's…" before he could finish he was cut off by Yaoyao.

"I know, I've known who you are since the day I saw you hehe my fathers information Network is second to none. He checked your background the day you entered the city, the first and second time."

"O-ohh okay" Itachi looked at Yaoyao, "To have such a beauty taking care of me, I must of died and gone to heaven" he whispered to himself, but Yaoyaos ears twitched and her face blushed instantly. Noticing what happened to Yaoyaos face Itachi immediately blushed as well. 'How good is her hearing' he thought.

The room became quiet and awkward for a few minutes but then Itachi decided to be a man and got the courage to ask her out, "ahem, when I get better can I take you out to dinner?"

Jiang Yao's face went from pink to red she looked like a tomato, which made her look even more cute in Itachis eyes. The room went quiet once again, a minute later she nodded and ran out of the room.

Itachi lay back down and smiled, he looked calm but his heart was racing. He closed his eyes trying to rest when Jiang Yao came back into the room with a water bottle, her face was still blushing red.

"My father said to give this to you when you wake up, it'll hurt so bare with it okay" she said in a soft voice. She opened the bottle and poured it into Itachis mouth.

Itachi thought it would be something special but it was just normal water. "It's just water" Itachi said as he laid back down.

Jiang Yao didn't reply, she just sat down. She wanted to leave because she was still shy but she wanted to be there for him.

Itachi laid down, thinking the water just tasted a bit sweet is all, but then he felt a warm feeling travelling through his body. His bones started clicking into place and it felt relaxing but then the pain became intense and the level of pain started climbing.

Not long after his body healed completely but the pain kept climbing, Itachi held the pain in until he couldn't anymore and started screaming, it felt as if his body was getting destroyed and put back together over and over again.

Itachi did not know this but that was exactly what was happening.

The pain started to subside and he finally felt relaxed but his body felt brand new, it felt stronger then ever before. The strength in his body felt endless. Itachi got up and walked out of the room followed by Jiang Yao.

Itachi exited the room and saw Gou, he was looking him up and down then nodded. "You really are a genius, how riverting." Gou said with a wise look in his eyes.

Itachi looked confused.

"Don't you mean riveting uncle Gou." Jiang Yao said while poking her head out from behind Itachi.

"Pfft" Itachi tried to stifle his laughter but it was too late. "Hahahahaha" both Itachi and Jiang Yao couldn't contain it.

Gous eye twitched and he stormed off. "Be at the front in 10 minutes. Don't be late!" Gous voice echoed from down the hall.