
Genius Ghost Hunter

Five Evils surround me, Nine Ghosts snatch my soul, born with an open Heavenly Gate! In my life, I have encountered all sorts of strange characters, such as the blind fortune-teller, Auntie Hui from the Witch Clan, and An Ye Su, the Water Spirit. At the same time, dark creatures such as mountain monsters, tree gods, water ghosts, zombies, wandering spirits, and others swarm around me like maggots on a decaying carcass, endlessly. Where will my fate lead me?

shilin_wang · Horror
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515 Chs

Unbearable to Look At

It was late at night, and we were walking in a dimly lit alley.

After Zheng Dali's previous education, he was already trembling.

"That, that, old gentleman, little master, ahem, what you said is not true, is it? Does that person really know how to raise corpses?"

Zheng Dali approached me and the old blind man and asked nervously.

"Otherwise, where did the wound on my neck come from?" I looked at him and asked.

"That, that, old man, I think this matter is quite serious, why don't I call for some support," Zheng Dali's nervous voice trembled a little when I frightened him.

"No," the old blind man interrupted him, "Don't you want to be promoted? Xiao Zheng, let me tell you, if you can take all the credit, you must take it all, and you must not share it with others. ."

"Master, what you said is a bit selfish. This is an incorrect view," I said.

"Stop first, I'm giving him the right three views right now," the old blind man chuckled, and said to Zheng Dali, "Xiao Zheng, you can call for help if you really want to, but that will have to wait until we have defeated all the bad guys." Okay, in this case, if you call for support again, you won't be robbed of your credit, and your credit will be publicized. Hey, I'm saying this, do you understand? This workplace is a profound knowledge ah."

"Old sir, you are quite right, but I am afraid that I will die—"

"Shut up, how can young people be so timid and afraid of getting into trouble? Why are you afraid of me? Don't talk too much, hurry up and follow me, you can't afford to waste time!" Now, Zheng Dali was also helpless, so he could only follow us downcastly at the moment.

"Yihen, look at the time, it's about the same time, isn't it?" After walking for a while, the old blind man stopped and asked me.

"I don't have a watch, and you never buy one for me," I said with a curled lip.

"I have, I have, it's 9:30 in the evening," Zheng Dali approached and said.

"It's still early, let's have some supper first, and arrest people later," I said.

"That's a good idea, but Master, I forgot to bring my wallet when I went out," the old blind man patted his body pretendingly as he spoke.

"I'm treating you, I'm treating you," Zheng Dali quickly approached, and then led us into a food stall, where we started eating and drinking.

After a meal, it was almost time, so I walked into a small alley with the old blind man and Zheng Dali.

The place we are going to is not elsewhere, but naturally it is the red-light shop that Chen Qiyuan has been visiting recently.

According to my guess, at this point in time, Chen Qiyuan should be having sex with that Fang Min.

Of course, there may be accidents. After all, I beat the female corpse away, so Chen Qiyuan may change his work and rest plan because of this matter.

But no matter what, we still have to go to the red-light shop with the mentality of giving it a try. Maybe we can catch him, and things will be much easier.

Not long after, we had arrived outside the red light shop.

I asked the old blind man and Zheng Dali to hide first, and then I leaned over and took a peek inside. When I saw that Wang Mama was sitting on the sofa counting money with Erlang's legs crossed, I knew there must be someone there, and Chen Qiyuan was stable at this moment. It's in the room on the second floor.

After confirming the situation, I turned around and discussed with the old blind man and Zheng Dali, and finally decided that the old blind man would go outside to meet him, and Zheng Dali and I would split into two ways to catch Chen Qiyuan.

The plan was made, so Zheng Dali and I set off.

I acted first. I climbed to the balcony on the second floor along the anti-theft window and hid quietly to prevent Chen Qiyuan from jumping out of the window and escaping. Zheng Dali took out his police ID and went inside to check the room.

When Zheng Dali took action, I did the same thing again, and quietly opened the curtain with a branch to see if Chen Qiyuan was inside.

But, what I didn't expect was that after I opened the curtains and saw the situation inside clearly, I immediately blushed with embarrassment, and almost couldn't watch it any longer.

At this time, the scene in the room was too much. It wasn't that it was not suitable for children, but it was not suitable for adults. It was simply impossible for people to look directly at it.

At this time, Fang Min was lying on the bed in disheveled clothes, with her two snow-white thighs spread apart, while Chen Qiyuan was crawling under her, sexually enjoying herself.

Fang Min's eyes were blurred, he held Chen Qiyuan's head with both hands, and he was talking in his mouth, his expression was completely flying.

"Oh, good son, you, you are so powerful, come on, mom loves you so much—"

Fang Min's words made me puzzled for a while. I don't know how the relationship between these two people developed. I remember that they seemed to be siblings last time.

"Bah, you're wrong again!"

As a result, just when I was wondering, Chen Qiyuan suddenly stopped, looked up at Fang Min and said, "How many times have I told you, call me daughter, daughter, understand?!"

Fang Min was stunned by Chen Qiyuan's reaction, and then he quickly smiled flatteringly and said, "Okay, okay, good girl, hurry up, mom loves you so much, come quickly—"

"Hehe, it's not too bad." While Chen Qiyuan was speaking, he jumped on Fang Min's lips, and at the same time began to tear her clothes with his hands.

"My dear girl, can we turn off the light? Mom is shy—" Fang Min asked in an intermittent voice while twisting her body to cater to Chen Qiyuan.

"No, I just like to turn on the light, I like to see my mother, hahaha——" Chen Qiyuan laughed, his movements became more and more intense, the sound of splashing water continued, Fang Min stretched out his hand to grab the bed sheet, and the whole The person flickered, his expression completely lost.

The conversation between the two made me completely confused, which made me once again convinced that this Chen Qiyuan is a monster, he really knows how to play, really knows how to play, what the hell, I can't guess him at all, he is obviously a man, But if Fang Min insists on calling him a girl, he is not sick, but he is mentally ill!

However, even though Chen Qiyuan once again surpassed my psychological bottom line, this was the first time I saw a real person PK scene, so at that time I was really breathing like a cow, and my whole body was full of anger. Iron, I can't bear it anymore.

However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of my heart, which made me calm down instantly, and a certain place was as soft as a cloud.

"Keep watching, when little fool grows up, you can treat her like this, don't you think so?!"

Yun Qingyue's thorny voice made me feel embarrassed for a while.

"Actually, my feelings for Xiaotutu are very pure. It's like a brother and sister. I only—"

"You don't want to live, do you? Do you dare to say something again?!" Yun Qingyue immediately gritted her teeth.

"Okay, I won't say it, I won't say it," I could only admit defeat and beg for mercy.

"That's about the same, I just can't get used to your wretched look," Yun Qingyue snorted coldly, and then said to me: "Look carefully, that guy is not just playing with that woman, he is smoking Her Yuan Yin, if I'm not wrong, his cultivation is probably not low, you'd better be careful, don't stumble at that time."

"What do you mean? You mean this guy has practiced secret spells?" Hearing what Yun Qingyue said, I asked in doubt.

"What do you think?" Yun Qingyue said disdainfully.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but my heart sank, and then I was nervous, and subconsciously jumped off the balcony, and at the same time shouted loudly into the red light shop: "Zheng Dali, come out quickly, hurry up, don't you!" Go up!"