
Genius Doctor: Mr Lu, Let’s Get Married.

[Mature content] Xu Chenyao was switched from birth and grew up in the countryside, she lived with a nice old man and learnt medicine under him. 20 years later, the Bai family came to reclaim their lost daughter. “Dont worry I’ll take good care of you sister Yao, you’ll definitely love living in the city..” Her sister smiled cunningly as she patted Xu Chenyao’s back. But life didn’t seem so easy for Xu Chenyao when she returned to the Bai family and before she knew it, she was getting married to her apparently “betrothed” fiancé only to be dumped at the alter. [Excerpt] “You have exactly 5 minutes to state your claim..” He muttered with in a cold and chilling voice. “Mr.Lu will you marry me?” “Why? Oh you’re the one who got dumped at the alter?” Xu Chenyao frowned and her expression turned chilling, seems like the whole of country C had known about her being stood up at the alter. “I want you to help me get my revenge, I want the power you carry Mr. Lu and in return I’ll do whatever you want..” Xu Chenyao stared into his eyes, her face filled with determination. This little humiliation she would not let it slide. She would show them why she was no ordinary country bumpkin. “What could you possibly offer me? I’m a man who has everything..” His lips raised up as he leaned against car, who would have thought he would be having this kind of conversation with the famed country bumpkin. “My skills, I’m highly skilled in medicine and you need a skilled doctor for your sick mother..” If this didn’t get his attention, then nothing else would. “How do you know about this?” “I’m no ordinary bumpkin..” she licked her lips as a dark light flashed through her eyes. And so they got married. #multiple identities #Extreme face slapping #Sweet delicious payback Dont forget your send a lil gift and boost our character images

Little_North_Star · Urban
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7 Chs

Will marry the best man in country C(2)

"You can get me the house, I don't want the money.."

Bai Chuanjie waved his hands, he couldn't let her walk away knowing she did not have enough to take care of herself.

"Ai yah! Daddy's just giving a little pocket money, something for the road.."

He smiled softly as he stretched his hand, prompting her to give him her phone.

"You know..." he continued leaning against the door, he didn't want her to work extra hard just to change Wang Fanqia's mind, she never cared anyways so no matter what Xu Chenyao did, she would still belittle her.

"She never cared since she had Youyou, she's what I'll call the carbon copy of your mother that's why they get along so well. But for me, I was always thinking of my daughter out there and how she was missing out on all the fun here. To tell you the truth I found out about where you were a long time ago but when I tried to tell your mother, she said she only wanted youyou. It's broke my heart to pieces."

Bai Chuanjie patted his chest, those words still stung him till today.

"And I know she would break your heart too so I decided to let you continue living with uncle Xu and take care of your well being.."

"So why did you bring me back?"

Bai Chuanjie sighed, Wang Fanqia had done a lot of things but he never expected that she only asked him to bring Xu Chenyao back because she wanted her to marry the Jiang family for some business deals.

"She looked so enthusiastic to see you I didn't find out on time that she was planning on selling you off.."

Xu Chenyao sighed she guessed her father didn't want to believe, the woman he married would be capable of doing such things.

"You don't have to explain yourself, I know you care about me.."

Bai Chuanjie smiled and pulled Xu Chenyao into a hug, he might have lived with Bai Youyou for years but she was his favorite child.

"You're not disowned, this house belongs to your old man, if anyone should leave it's your mother so don't be afraid to come back.."

Xu Chenyao didn't say anything but she was definitely planning on coming back, when she had married the best man in country C.

"Alright I have to go now dad.."

"And I have to call my friend, I'll get the best apartment for my daughter but you still have to finish packing first.."


Xu Chenyao looked around there was nothing else to pack but she nodded and walked back to suitcase.

"I guess I'll make a quick survey to see if I'm leaving any important behind.."

Bai Chuanjie nodded and dialed a number which quickly picked up.

Five minutes later, Bai Chuanjie nodded and ended the call.

"Good news, I got the house so let's go.."

"You're dropping me off?" Xu Chenyao raised her brow, she thought she would be able to make some few detours before she actually went to the hotel but now it seemed plans had changed.

"Of course, this will be my first time dropping my little girl off..."

Xu Chenyao nodded, she guessed she could let him have his moment. She grabbed the suitcase and looked at the room one last time.

Apart from the bunny lamp, there was nothing special about the room.

They didn't meet Wang Fanqia when they got down but they catched Bai Youyou and Jiang Chenbai walking in.

"Chenyao, where are you going? I'm really sorry, something came up and I..."

Xu Chenyao raised her hand and shook her head "Save it, the wedding has been canceled so don't waste your breath apologizing.."

After saying this, Xu Chenyao didn't spare Jiang Chenbai another glance.

"Uncle Bai.."

Bai Chuanjie scoffed as he pulled Xu Chenyao, seeing Jiang Chenbai had totally ruined his mood.

"Didn't you hear, save your half assed apology for someone who wants to hear it. You humiliated my daughter, if you liked Youyou so much why did you agree to marry Chenyao..."

Jiang Chenyao opened his mouth as he took a step back, he wasn't able to make it to wedding because of Bai Youyou.

"It wasn't my intention to stand Chenyao up, I receive an urgent to the company but then I got locked in my office...Bai Youyou was the one who opened it after three hours..."

Xu Chenyao lips raised up slightly, she could work with this, it seems Bai Youyou relationship with Jiang Chenbai wasn't so strong.

"What you expect me to believe this nonsense, you'll never be allowed to marry from my family again, you can go look for other bai family women if you're interested.."


Bai Youyou eyes widened as they situation spiraled out of her control.

"Shut up! I'll take care of you when I return..."

Xu Chenyao patted Bai Chuanjie before speaking, her black eyes sparkling with mischievousness.

"If they're in love and happy why should we stop them from being together...I can't at least let their efforts go to waste.."

Bai Youyou's eyes darkened as she stared at Xu Chenyao what kind of game was she playing at?

"Elder sister Yao why are you leaving though? I promise I had nothing to do with it.."

"Our mother kicked me out of the house..."

Bai Youyou eyes sparkled, so part of her mother's plan had been successful, they had plan to humiliate he and kick her out of the house and Jiang Chenbai disappearance was the perfect moment to do so.

"Mum would never and Dad you agreed to this?"

Bai Youyou's eyes turned watery and her voice barely a whisper making Jiang Chenbai pity her.

"I agreed to your sister leaving but I did not kick her out and your mother doesn't have the right to do so either. She's 24 years old, it's normal for her to move out and live on her own..."

Bai Youyou sighed inwardly it would be hard to track Xu Chenyao's movements with her being so far.