
Genius Doctor: Mr Lu, Let’s Get Married.

[Mature content] Xu Chenyao was switched from birth and grew up in the countryside, she lived with a nice old man and learnt medicine under him. 20 years later, the Bai family came to reclaim their lost daughter. “Dont worry I’ll take good care of you sister Yao, you’ll definitely love living in the city..” Her sister smiled cunningly as she patted Xu Chenyao’s back. But life didn’t seem so easy for Xu Chenyao when she returned to the Bai family and before she knew it, she was getting married to her apparently “betrothed” fiancé only to be dumped at the alter. [Excerpt] “You have exactly 5 minutes to state your claim..” He muttered with in a cold and chilling voice. “Mr.Lu will you marry me?” “Why? Oh you’re the one who got dumped at the alter?” Xu Chenyao frowned and her expression turned chilling, seems like the whole of country C had known about her being stood up at the alter. “I want you to help me get my revenge, I want the power you carry Mr. Lu and in return I’ll do whatever you want..” Xu Chenyao stared into his eyes, her face filled with determination. This little humiliation she would not let it slide. She would show them why she was no ordinary country bumpkin. “What could you possibly offer me? I’m a man who has everything..” His lips raised up as he leaned against car, who would have thought he would be having this kind of conversation with the famed country bumpkin. “My skills, I’m highly skilled in medicine and you need a skilled doctor for your sick mother..” If this didn’t get his attention, then nothing else would. “How do you know about this?” “I’m no ordinary bumpkin..” she licked her lips as a dark light flashed through her eyes. And so they got married. #multiple identities #Extreme face slapping #Sweet delicious payback Dont forget your send a lil gift and boost our character images

Little_North_Star · Urban
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7 Chs

So annoying

The drive as quiet as Xu Chenyao tapped her chin, it's been a while since she had been in such a awkward situation.

"This herbal store...do you trust them, are the herbs top quality?"

Renji spoke up bringing Xu Chenyao attention back to him.

"Yes, I always get my herbs from there or I grow the ones I need..."

Renji raised his brows, he could feel some sort of sophistication she carried, something other women didn't.

Or maybe it was because you rarely see any woman talking about herbs or have taste in this kind of dressing.

"I'll take your word for it.." he said curtly and increased his speed, following whatever direction Xu Chenyao asked him to take.

"Slow down, I'm sure you can see the shop as well.."

Renji nodded and released his foot from the brake and placed his hand on the gear.

Xu Chenyao watched as his muscles flexed, revealing just how veiny his hands actually was.

She gulped, he had the features to make any woman lose her mind.

"Are you okay, your cheeks are.."

"Fine, I'm fine...I'm fine.." she muttered as she patted her cheeks,

why the heck was she blushing?!.

Renji smiled as he chuckled lowly, if it were other women he would have found it annoying but she looked cute.

"We're here!"

Xu Chenyao quickly got down, reaching to grab her bag and parasol, but Renji placed his hand on her's, stopping her movement.

"No one would steal them, if you left them in the car.."

Xu Chenyao didn't hear a word Renji said as stared at her hand which was now covered by a larger one.

She felt like she was hallucinating when she saw him stroking her hand, yes! It must have definitely been her mind playing tricks on her.


She broke out of her reverie and withdraw her hand. Renji nodded and got down from the car, locking it before placing the keys inside his pockets.

As they walked inside the store, he couldn't help but stare at his hand. Her hand felt so soft and warm, he felt a little cold when she withdrew her hand.

Like he had sank back into a ocean filled with ice cold water.

"Chenyao? You're here to get some herbs?"

Xu Chenyao lips twitched as she frowned, Cheng Gu and his blabbermouth. She did not want Renji to find out about her name, she had a feeling they would have more encounters in the future.

"Ah yes..."

"Just came back from visiting a patient? Who's the handsome man behind you, is he your boyfriend? Husband? Look at his hair la! And his features, can't tell me he's not mixed..."

Xu Chenyao lips twitched as she facepalmed, blabbing! He just kept blabbing nonstop.

"Cheng Gu...what did I tell you about blabbing?"

Her eyes twitched making Cheng Gu purse his lips and keeping quiet.

"Not to..." he let out shakily, taking a step back, good things did not happen to the men that offended this woman.

"He's not my boyfriend or husband, yes he's handsome I can see that, he's mixed yes, now give me the damn herbs on the list and shut the hell up.."

Nodding, he grabbed the paper and ran off, Xu Chenyao took a deep breath and turned to smile at Renji.

"You stay here, there are some herbs I want to buy myself.."

Renji blinked as Xu Chenyao drew his attention to her.

"Let me help.."

"I don't need your help.."

"What if there's a shelf you can't reach? You're short.."

Xu Chenyao lips twitched, giving Renji a hard stare, how dare he call her short!

"I'm taller than most woman, I refuse to accept being called short.."

"Even if you are?"


Renji blinked, he could never understand why short people refuse to accept being short, it's not like they could grow any taller.

"Or maybe you are too tall, which makes me look short in your eyes.."

Renji nodded he was 6'5, looking at Xu Chenyao, he guessed she was about 5'5 or 5'6ish.

"Then we've registered the fact that you're short and I'm tall, so let me help you.."


Xu Chenyao felt her blood pressure would raise if she spent another minute with this man.

"For the last time, I don't need your help...if you follow me, I will break your legs. I know kung fu!.."

Renji smiled, this was definitely one interesting woman he could tell she wasn't just saying this words to threaten him.

"Mhm...i also happen to know kung fu, judo, jujutsu, taekwondo..and many more, that's not an issue right?.."


Xu Chenyao didn't say anything and directly walked away, mumbling endlessly as she did.

"So annoying!"

Xu Chenyao turned back, not surprised to see Renji behind, his footsteps were light, if she hadn't trained her ears. She would have never noticed his presence.

"The herbs I need are just to make a starter pack medicine, after seeing the patient tomorrow I'll devise a more suitable treatment plan.." she muttered to herself, as she scanned through the shelves.

Salvia, astragalus, reishi mushroom..these were the herbs she needed.

"Found them and they're so fresh!"

Xu Chenyao excitedly picked them up, shopping for herbs for her favorite thing to do.

"You really love these herbal medicine job doesn't you?.."

"Mhm...I'm a Doctor, I'm always happy to find new ways to cure people.."

Xu Chenyao nodded, this amount would be enough for the starter pack medicine tomorrow.

When they got back to the counter, Cheng Gu had already brought the herbs Renji wanted.

"Right lets get to the billing shall we?"

"I'll also be paying for hers as well..."

Cheng Gu raised a brow, these herbs were pretty expensive can he afford them both?.

"Suit yourself..."

He quickly swiped the herbs through the scanner, it made a beeping sound each time.

"Your total is 2500 yuan.."

Renji nodded and brought out his card handing it to Cheng Gu.

"A black card huh? Chenyao where did you find this handsome, rich, husband of yours!"

"For the last time, he's not my husband...yet.." Xu Chenyao mumbled the last part but Renji still heard it.