
Genius Doctor: Mr Lu, Let’s Get Married.

[Mature content] Xu Chenyao was switched from birth and grew up in the countryside, she lived with a nice old man and learnt medicine under him. 20 years later, the Bai family came to reclaim their lost daughter. “Dont worry I’ll take good care of you sister Yao, you’ll definitely love living in the city..” Her sister smiled cunningly as she patted Xu Chenyao’s back. But life didn’t seem so easy for Xu Chenyao when she returned to the Bai family and before she knew it, she was getting married to her apparently “betrothed” fiancé only to be dumped at the alter. [Excerpt] “You have exactly 5 minutes to state your claim..” He muttered with in a cold and chilling voice. “Mr.Lu will you marry me?” “Why? Oh you’re the one who got dumped at the alter?” Xu Chenyao frowned and her expression turned chilling, seems like the whole of country C had known about her being stood up at the alter. “I want you to help me get my revenge, I want the power you carry Mr. Lu and in return I’ll do whatever you want..” Xu Chenyao stared into his eyes, her face filled with determination. This little humiliation she would not let it slide. She would show them why she was no ordinary country bumpkin. “What could you possibly offer me? I’m a man who has everything..” His lips raised up as he leaned against car, who would have thought he would be having this kind of conversation with the famed country bumpkin. “My skills, I’m highly skilled in medicine and you need a skilled doctor for your sick mother..” If this didn’t get his attention, then nothing else would. “How do you know about this?” “I’m no ordinary bumpkin..” she licked her lips as a dark light flashed through her eyes. And so they got married. #multiple identities #Extreme face slapping #Sweet delicious payback Dont forget your send a lil gift and boost our character images

Little_North_Star · Urban
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7 Chs

Ghost doctor

Xu Chenyao quickly got dressed and packaged the medicine and herbal food in a food bag which also had compartment for carrying drinks.

"Looks good.."

She zipped her bag and wore the geta, holding the parasol in one hand she left the house.

"Huan province, sigh too many annoying fat cats there.."

She slung the parasol over her shoulder as she walked out of the building.

Stopping the cab, she got in "Huan province.."

The driver eyed her seeing her outfit, the sun had gone down what the heck did she need an umbrella for.

"That would be 250 yuan.."

Xu Chenyao nodded had only 500 in cash with her as she made most of her payments using wechat.

Leaving uptown, this was were the more than average and nouveau riche stayed, after this was were the fat cats lived.

"You cosplaying here or something young ma'am?"

"I'm a doctor, a genius doctor who has been reborn from ancient times.."

The driver chuckled, believing she was just one of those cosplayers because no one walked around like this, not even the ones from country G where these dressing style originated from.

"We're here..."

He parked the car by the side, taxis where not allowed inside Huan province, so except one was living there, they would have to go in on foot.

"Thank you.."

She handed the driver the bill and walked to the post.

"Are you here to see someone?"

The gatekeeper lips raised, another weirdo, a beautiful one at that.

"I'm here for the Liang family, I'm Sheng yī.."

The gatekeeper blinked, as he looked at Xu Chenyao, she had veil covering her nose down and the parasol covering her face, so he could only see the veil.

"Are you the one the liang's call Gui yi, the ghost doctor?"

"Oh...that's what they call me now?"

Xu Chenyao didn't refute, she liked the name as well.

"Can I go in now, it's rude to keep a lady waiting.."

"Ah..yes, sorry.."

He opened the gates and Xu Chenyao strolled in, she sighed instantly, she did not miss this place.

The liang's house was fairly close to the gate so she didn't have to walk much before she got there.

Her patient was a kind old lady, living with the worst set of people.

A trashy son-in-law, a useless and stupid daughter, with three peas for brains grandchildren.

They were honestly the ones who shorten this granny's life and not even her sickness.

Bracing herself, she pressed the doorbell, this was her last treatment so hopefully she won't be coming back anytime soon.

The door open, a chubby lady in her thirties came to view, she was wearing an apron with some stains on it, which meant she was coming from the kitchen.

"Gui Yi!"

The woman's widened as she took a step back, some how calling Xu Chenyao who her mother called a ghost doctor and her outfit striked fear into the woman's heart.

"Bring me to your mother.."

Xu Chenyao closed the parasol not minding a terrified look on the woman's face.

She nodded and took Xu Chenyao upstairs, getting close to the room, Xu Chenyao was hit with a wave of herbal medicine and knew this was the room.

"Did she have any other symptoms?"

Xu Chenyao wanted to know so she could devise a treatment plan with western medicine.

"No, she's been energetic after her last treatment.."

Xu Chenyao stroked her chin, then herbal was working perfectly.

"Mother, Gui Yi is here..."

The old woman's face lit up when she was the familiar purple parasol.

"Gui Yi, this old woman pays her respects, thank you for treating me.."

Xu Chenyao placed the parasol down and sat on the wooden chair next to the bed.

"I'm no ghost doctor granny Cheng, I'd suggest you call me by my name Sheng yī.."

The old woman shivered and nodded, there was something about Xu Chenyao's aura that made people bow to her.

"Thank you, now this is your last medicine and herbal food...you can have the medicine now but the food can be eaten later. And make sure no one eats it this time because I won't be making another. But feel free to order some weight-loss herbal food for your children and yourself maybe.."

The woman blushed feeling embarrassed not because Xu Chenyao had called her fat but because her children had no self control when it came to food and had eaten the herbal food meant for her mother during the first day of the treatment.

"Is it expensive?"

"No, it's affordable and I can give you some tips on how to make them at home. You're children are at the stage where they need to run around and burn these fat but they don't, they sit around watching tv if they're not in school,that's an unhealthy habit.." she paused as she took note of granny Cheng's complexion.

"And also they shouldn't be given food whenever the ask, it leads to uncontrolled eating habits. Remember they need more vegetables than sweets, sweets should be given after they're done playing for that little sugar rush."

Opening the bag, she brought out the congee and handed it to the woman.

"Their daily food should consist of vegetables,eggs and less oily food.."

The woman nodded, taking notes as Xu Chenyao talked, she would still have to buy those herbal dishes but she could use these recipes as backups when she couldn't afford it.."

Xu Chenyao opened the jar and handed it to granny Cheng, she had made it a little sweeter this time though the garlic and ginger would make her chest feel hot for a minute or two.

"I can give you discount when you wish to buy, it costs 100 yuan a meal but you get a 20% discount so 80 yuan per meal.."

The woman smiled as she bowed, this whole treatment had cost them a lot so hopefully they would be able to get back on their feet, now that her mother was recovering quickly.

"I'll pay the 40 thousand yuan right now, please scan the code.."

Xu Chenyao brought out her phone and scanned the code, the money entering her account with a ding.

"Thank you, Sheng yī this old woman owes you her life.."

"No, what you owe me is a review and a picture for my page.."

Granny Cheng nodded and Xu Chenyao asked Mrs. Liang to take their picture.

"Alright, don't forget to take the congee soon.."

Xu Chenyao picked up the parasol and food bag, it's was already 6:30 pm, barely enough time to buy what was in her list.

"Will have to do it tomorrow.."