
Genius's way of coping with the Multiverse

Dylan Theron, a young man that had a mind far beyond any other in his time had always struggled with his own mind. Overthinking, innovating, creating, learning, that was his life twenty four hours a day seven days a week for every single year of his life. After hacking and exposing governments world wide, he is killed in his sleep, leaving his spirit wandering until... All of Creation looked down upon him.

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Rewriting this Novel

Hello. After thinking about it for awhile, I want to reboot this novel, pls rewrite it. I can't guarantee regular updates, as I have a life to live, however, I won't abandon it. I'm keeping the system the same as before with the exception of tweaking the status.

If you've read this novel before, welcome back. I hope the chapters that are to come are much better than the ones before