
GENISIS (dropped)

"In a world plunged into chaos by monstrous creatures and supernatural phenomena, 'Genisis' follows the journey of Lucifer, a young man with no memories of his past. Teaming up with Lucas, a determined and grieving teenager, they navigate the treacherous landscape, facing deadly monsters, unexplainable events, and their own inner demons. ______________________________________________ This is my first book so please be patient with me and always comment if there is something that is not really clear. the story is going to be a little bit slow but it gets better I promise. btw Most of the stuff in the first few chapters will be cleared in the later chapters so if you don't understand stuff right now slowly you will.

Lucifer_fallen_ · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Shifting Alliances

Lucas and Lucifer rose from the bench they had been sitting on, their next destination clear. They headed towards the area where aspiring Exterminators were enlisted, a place abuzz with activity. People filled out forms, chatted in hushed tones, and carried an air of determination.

Lucas pushed himself up from the bench, feeling a surge of anticipation mixed with a hint of nervousness. His life had taken an unexpected turn today, and he was about to embark on a path he hadn't even considered until recently.

Lucifer, always a few steps ahead, stood up as well. His gaze, though focused, held a trace of reassurance. "Alright, Lucas, it's final. You're going to be an Exterminator."

Lucas followed him, matching his stride as they walked through the bustling central centre. The transition from the quiet moments on the bench to the lively activity of Neo City was almost jarring.

Lucas couldn't help but wonder aloud, "I still can't believe this, Lucifer. Just this morning, I was out there, surviving in a ruined city with you, and now..."

Lucifer gave a knowing nod, his voice carrying a sense of understanding. "Life in Neo City has a way of moving fast. But trust me, you're on the right path. Being an Exterminator means you'll make a real difference, not just for yourself but for everyone here."

Lucas appreciated the sentiment, but he couldn't shake the doubts that still lingered in the back of his mind. "I hope so. It's just... it all happened so quickly."

Lucifer offered a reassuring smile. "Change can be sudden, but sometimes, that's exactly what we need. And remember, you won't be alone in this man.You have me to guide you through everything."

As they approached the Exterminators' enlistment area, Lucas's determination began to resurface, mingling with the uncertainty.

The Exterminators' enlistment building was a grand sight, showing off Neon-X's importance. It looked fancy with shiny metal and big glass windows. At the front, Neon-X's logo, a mix of art and tech, shone in the sun. Inside, the big entrance hall was fancy too. It had marble floors, comfy chairs, and screens with info. This fancy place felt very different from the tough world outside, reminding everyone of Neon-X's power.

As Lucas and Lucifer entered the building, they stepped onto marble floors that felt cool beneath their shoes. Tall, glass windows bathed the spacious lobby in natural light. The walls were adorned with futuristic art pieces, giving the place a high-tech vibe. Uniformed staff bustled about, helping applicants and answering questions. It was a stark contrast to the rugged world outside, a reminder of Neon-X's influence and resources.

Inside the building, Lucifer approached a receptionist's desk, where a middle-aged woman with a no-nonsense demeanour sat. She looked up from her paperwork and acknowledged Lucifer with a nod. "How can I assist you, sir?"

Lucifer gestured towards Lucas. "This is Lucas Maxwell. He's here to join the Exterminators."

Lucas began to fill out the forms diligently, providing the required information. Name, date of birth, and place of birth—each detail was important. After completing the paperwork, he returned it to the receptionist.

She glanced over it briefly, then took one more document from a drawer. "Now, please step into the pod," she instructed Lucas. He complied, stepping into a cylindrical enclosure with a glass door.

The pod hummed to life, and a soft blue light enveloped Lucas. The sensation was odd, almost like being scanned. Moments later, the pod's door opened, revealing the receptionist holding a printed sheet.

She handed it to Lucas. "Here's your physical evaluation result. Everything seems fine. You'll be scheduled for the tests tomorrow."

Lucas accepted the sheet with a grateful nod. "Thank you."

The receptionist nodded in return. "You're welcome. Tomorrow, you'll have a written and physical test. Pass both, and you'll be officially enrolled."

With that Lucas and Lucifer exited the enlistment area, the weight of the day's events settling in. As they walked away from the bustling scene of aspiring Exterminators, Lucas couldn't help but look at the sheet he had just received.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he unfolded the sheet to examine the physical evaluation result. In neatly printed text, it read:

Name: Lucas Maxwell

Date of Birth: June 12th, 2000

Place of Birth: United Kingdom

Physical Evaluation:

Height: 6'0" (182 cm)

Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)

Vision: 20/20 (with corrective lenses)

Cardiovascular Health: Excellent

Muscular Strength: Above Average

Bone Density: Within Normal Range

Reflexes: Within Normal Range

Physical Condition: Suitable for Exterminator Training

Lucas couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as he read the evaluation. It affirmed his readiness for the physical challenges that lay ahead as an Exterminator trainee. He folded the sheet and slipped it into his pocket, as if carrying the tangible proof of his potential.

Lucifer glanced at him with a knowing smile. "Satisfied with the results, Lucas?"

Lucas nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "Definitely. Now I just need to pass those tests tomorrow."

Lucifer clapped him on the back. "You will. I have faith in you. Tomorrow, we'll get you closer to becoming an official Exterminator."

As Lucas and Lucifer walked along the bustling street outside the impressive building, their conversation buzzed with anticipation. They exchanged thoughts about what Lucas should expect in the coming days. Suddenly, a collision interrupted their discussion, causing them to stumble.

A tall, aggressive-looking young man with unruly hair glared at them. "Hey, watch where you're going, idiots!" he spat out.

His companion, a sharp-tongued girl with an air of arrogance, chimed in, "Seriously, you two should learn to navigate a sidewalk. It's not rocket science."

Lucas and Lucifer exchanged bemused glances, unaccustomed to such hostility. They hadn't even seen the pair coming.

Lucas, not one to back down, raised an eyebrow. "Excuse us, we didn't see you there. No need to be so rude about it."

The girl scoffed, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, didn't see us? How surprising. Maybe you need glasses."

Lucifer decided to step in, not wanting a confrontation. "We apologize for the collision. It was an accident."

The tall young man folded his arms, unimpressed. "Apologies won't cut it. You guys need to learn some manners."

Lucas couldn't help but smirk at their arrogance. "And you two need to learn some basic social skills."

The girl's eyes flashed with annoyance. "Ugh, whatever. Let's go, Tyson."

With that, they huffed away, leaving Lucas and Lucifer standing there, both amused and bewildered by the encounter.

Lucas glanced at Lucifer and whispered, "Who were those two? Talk about rude."

Lucifer shrugged. "No idea, but they're not worth our time. Let's keep moving."

As Tyson and Ashley walked away, their parting words lingered in the air, a tense undercurrent to the encounter.

Lucifer turned around abruptly, calling out to them, "Hey, before you go, what are your names?"

The girl, Ashley, rolled her eyes but answered anyway, "I'm Ashley, and this hothead here is Tyson."

Tyson shot a venomous look at Lucifer. "Remember those names. You'll be hearing them a lot, especially when you lose."

Lucifer's curiosity piqued, and he couldn't help but press further. "Lose? Lose what?"

Ashley smirked, a mocking tone in her voice. "We're the two remaining candidates for the pilot position of Unit-X-03."

Lucifer's eyes widened in surprise. "You two? That's quite the coincidence. I'm a candidate for Unit-X-03 as well."

A tense silence hung in the air as the realization settled in. Three candidates, only one could become the pilot.

Tyson's temper flared, and he suddenly uttered a phrase, his voice echoing with power. "Ignite, Azure Inferno!"

In an instant, a vibrant blue flame manifested in Tyson's outstretched hand, casting an eerie glow across his features. The flames danced ominously, and his eyes burned with a fiery determination.

Lucifer met Tyson's gaze head-on, unflinching. "I see. So, it's a challenge, then?"

Tyson's lips curled into a fierce grin. "A challenge, a battle, call it what you want. Just know that I'll win."

Lucifer's expression remained stoic. "We'll see about that. Tomorrow, in the official arena battle, we'll settle this."

With an unspoken agreement, the confrontation ended for now, but the anticipation for the coming battle hung heavy in the air, a clash of wills and determination on the horizon.

Tyson and Ashley walked away from the encounter with Lucifer, the atmosphere still charged with their fiery exchange. As they distanced themselves from the scene, Tyson turned to his sister with a determined look.

"Hey, sis," he began, his voice a low growl, "tomorrow, remember, we need to team up on that bastard. We can't afford to let him take that pilot position."

Ashley nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the same determination. "I'm with you on that, Ty. We can't let this opportunity slip through our fingers."

Tyson's expression softened slightly as he continued, "And don't worry, once I become the pilot, I'll make sure you're taken care of. You'll get a good job, or I'll land you a solid rank in the military. How does that sound?"

A hint of gratitude touched Ashley's features as she offered a small smile. "That sounds like a plan, Ty. Having the title 'One of the candidates of Unit-X-03' will look damn good on my resume, won't it?"

Tyson chuckled, his confidence returning. "You bet it will, sis. Tomorrow, we make our move, and nobody's going to stand in our way.

[ meanwhile ]

Michael stepped into the elevator, the doors closing behind him with a soft hiss. He pressed the button for the highest floor, his heart pounding with a mix of apprehension and duty. Reporting to Sarah Anderson was never a simple task. She was not only the CEO of Neon-X, the colossal conglomerate that dominated every facet of Neo City's existence, but also his stepmother. Their relationship had always been a complex web of formality and familial obligation, an intricate dance on the fine line between being an heir to the Anderson legacy and a child seeking approval.

The elevator ascended smoothly, taking him higher into the towering skyscraper that housed her office. As the floors passed by, he couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed. Especially Lucifer.

Finally, the elevator doors opened to reveal a corridor adorned with polished marble floors and expensive artwork. Sarah Anderson's office lay at the end of this impressive corridor, its entrance guarded by a pair of imposing oak doors.

Michael walked the length of the corridor, his footsteps echoing in the hushed environment. He reached the doors, took a deep breath, and pushed them open.

The room beyond was as luxurious as expected, bathed in soft, ambient light. At its center sat a massive mahogany desk behind which Sarah Anderson herself was seated. She was an enigmatic figure, ageless in her beauty, her expression perpetually inscrutable. Her icy blue eyes locked onto his as he entered.

"Michael," she greeted, her voice even and composed. Her words hung in the air, a subtle reminder of their intricate relationship. "To what do I owe this visit?"

Michael hesitated for a moment, his eyes briefly darting around the opulent office before settling on her. He knew how his mother operated, how she thrived on calculated, measured conversations. Straight to the point, then. "Mother, Lucifer has returned to Neo City. But he's not the same. He lost his arm during the candidate selection test in the United Kingdom, and his memories were wiped."

Sarah's response was measured, her fingers steepled in front of her as she leaned back slightly. "I see. It seems he has found a way back, even after all the trouble he caused."

Michael's frustration simmered beneath the surface, but he pressed on. "And there's more. He's made a new friend, a boy named Lucas. They seem quite close."

Sarah nodded slowly, her gaze never wavering. "That's something new."

Unable to contain himself, Michael's words tumbled out, a mix of concern and frustration. "Aren't you concerned about what he's been through, Mother? He's changed, and not necessarily for the better."

Sarah Anderson regarded her stepson with the calm detachment that defined her character. "Concerned, perhaps. But surprises are rare where Lucifer is concerned. He has always walked the path he chose, consequences be damned.

As Michael turned to leave, the weight of his concerns about Lucifer still hung in the air. Despite the calculated composure that defined his mother, he couldn't help but push further. "Mother, he's not the only candidate for Avenger," he remarked, his tone almost conversational.

Sarah Anderson tilted her head slightly, acknowledging the information. "Indeed. The search for the Unit-X-03 pilot has been underway for some time."

Michael couldn't hide the faint glimmer of concern in his eyes. "There are two others. Tyson and Ashly. Both blood-borns with unique abilities."

Sarah's interest seemed to pique for a moment, her gaze sharpening. "I see. Fire and ice, I presume?"

Michael nodded. "Yes. Tyson possesses the power of fire, while Ashly wields control over ice."

His mother leaned forward, her fingers lightly tapping against the polished surface of her desk. "Interesting choices, those powers. They can be devastating in the right hands."

Michael couldn't help but wonder about his mother's thoughts. "Do you have a preference, Mother? A candidate you think would be best for Avenger?"

Sarah's lips curled into a subtle smile, her answer as enigmatic as ever. "I have faith in the selection process, Michael. The best candidate will rise to the surface, as it always does."

Michael nodded, understanding the unspoken wisdom in her words. "Very well, Mother. I just thought it was important you knew."

Sarah's eyes followed him as he turned to leave, her expression revealing nothing. "Thank you for bringing it to my attention, Michael. Keep me informed of any significant developments."

As the oak doors closed behind him, Michael couldn't shake the feeling that his mother saw far more than she let on. Her neutrality was a mask that concealed a depth of understanding that even he, her own stepson, couldn't fully fathom.