

after arriving at home Keenan shuts him self in his room.

because kennan shuts him self in his room right after he arrived in house his mom gets worried and starts asking a series of questions to fena.

after some time fena calms mother down then,

fena what happened why he shut himself in his room? mother asks fena.

cool down mother , its nothing serious.

doctor just scolded him for a while for not taking good care of him self and suggested that he should try Genexis void.

Genexis void what is that ?

mother asks fluently.

hmm. it's a new game where players can enter the world of Genexis void.

they have to wear RV gear it's a helmet in which they communicate with the players mind directly and players can control the character like it's their own body.

doctor thought Keenan will feel better after playing it.

ohh. mother says,

so I was worried for nothing then.

seems so, fena replays.

fena asks mother to help her convince Keenan to play.

mother thinks for a while, but she agrees on one condition that fena has to take care of Keenan from now on in game and out.

thank you thank you!!!!!!

so much mother.

ok ok mother replies and tells fena to fetch Keenan for dinner.

fena goes with joy on her face.

next day fena and mother goes to the the game shop and buys two gears,

one for fena and one for Keenan.

from that day on to 2 whole weeks fena tried every day to convince Keenan.

but it didn't work fena still keep asking keenan.

one day after school Keenan was working towards his home .

some guys form his class cornered him and asked why is he ignoring fena past few weeks.

keenan says it's none of their business and leave him alone.

after hearing that guys from his classroom started hitting him, showering him with punches and hitting him with their legs for about 15 minutes continuously.

after those guys left him he sits still for a while and then he slowly tries to move.

he reattaches his mechanical leg and starts heading towards home.

he arrives at the home when his mother sees him she shouts.

[ ohh !!!!!! gosh Keenan what happened to you. ]

his most of his clothes where a mess some where they even get cot and he was bleeding form his nose,head,hands and legs.

[ he was bleeding from all over the body. ]

before even his mother had a chance to ask or clean him he collapsed.

mother takes him to the hospital and calls fena to come there.

after treating his wounds doctor says no need to worry because of excess loss of blood he collapsed.

they have injected a blood serien into him he will be ok.

mother asks doctor when will Keenan wake up.

doctor says that he lost quite an amount of blood his life is not in danger but he needs rest and he will wake up on the morning.

doctor suggests that Keenan should get some bed rest for few weeks.

mother says ok and goes to the room where they kept Keenan.

fena arrives at the hospital while mother was talking to the doctor.

after the talk with the doctor.

mother explained the situation to fena and they both gone to the room where Keenan is.