
Genetically Modified

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Holly S Roberts likes to gloss over her exciting past as a homicide detective and make you think she sits at a computer all day writing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You’ll find Holly in the mountains on a long hike or at the gym pounding barbells with the boys. She’s a health coach and nutritionist as well as being vegan and proving muscles come from hard work and plant-based foods. When the weather’s too cold for outdoor play, she sneaks into her dark cave and writes until her fingers ache. She’s also followed around by a hundred-pound Rottweiler with anxiety issues and constant need for affection. Each finished chapter gets a dog lick when Holly stays on course. The world was unstable when hellhounds attacked and began annihilating humans. That instability was our undoing. Now the United States has a new government that may be more corrupt then the former one. We only won the first fight because Shadow Warriors came to our rescue. An alien race, hiding among us for centuries, they saved humanity and then humans betrayed them. Now the hellhounds are back and one woman holds the fate of the world on her shoulders. Her name is Marinah. King, leader of the Shadow Warriors, wants humans dead. He doesn’t care that the woman the Federation sent is doing something to his internal beast. Even though killing a woman is not something he wants, as leader, he may have no choice. Enter a world of hellhounds, monsters, and evil as two unlikely people discover that love may hold more answers than war.

Holly S. Roberts · Sci-fi
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113 Chs

Chapter 52: Six weeks later: Marinah

King's blow knocks me against the wall, rattling my brain. I land on my feet and spring back using my frustration to power the left hook I throw at his head. I don't connect, but it was a setup for the right uppercut that hits his jaw.

We're both bloody. And the sexual frustration I'm dealing with takes me past the point of caring about a little blood. Each morning, noon, and night, King kisses me like I'm the air he breathes and then the jerk walks away seemingly satisfied. I've done everything except flat out ask him to have sex with me. And this has been our game for six frustrating weeks. Living together and not giving into the things we want has been a lesson in patience. Even bloody, I'd take him right here, right now.
