

Sylas shot past the city limit, entering the chaos of the city itself. He lost immediate sight of Alex, but he was sure that the man could take care of himself. He wasn't interested in babysitting him. 

He kept his visualization contained to an immediate ten-meter range, and it felt like every little detail was in his grasp. 

At his speed, this was just enough to keep things in perspective without over-running his senses. Plus, he still had his eyes to rely on. 

A building to his left trembled as the paved, concrete roads quickly became soft piles of sand. 

It tilted over and Sylas' eyes couldn't help but narrow. This sort of devastation was beyond his expectations. 

Rather than trying to outrun the building, he planted a foot and shot to the side. His fist ripped through the glass and the screams of civilians filled his ears. 

He slipped through the tall office building, ripping his way up the stairs.