

"This is not the way to our home." 

Miss Collin was sharp. It hadn't even been five seconds since Sylas took the wrong path. Until now, she hadn't felt that anything was amiss other than the fact that their supposed bodyguard wasn't doing his bodyguard duties. 

At first, she thought that Sylas was just very good at concealing himself. But she, herself, wasn't a pushover. After not catching the slightest whiff of Sylas in an entire two hours, she realized that something must be the matter. 

However, that also made her feel odd. If Sylas wanted to do something to them, why would he just vanish? And why let them go to the amusement park first? 

Miss Collin was on edge ever since that previous incident. In fact, it was this incident that allowed Sylas to have such an easy time of it. She and her little boy had been attacked before, and Brant was almost too late to stop something terrible from happening. 

It was Legacy.