
Sensitivity [Bonus]


The ocean's surface rocked.


A dull sound continuously echoed like a bass drum with a loose resonant head.


Then came the blood.

Sylas ripped his way out of the mouth of the floating sperm whale, his body covered in muck. His nose twisted with disgust, and he immediately dove into the ocean waters, preferring the salty streaks to whatever disgusting concoction this was.

He reflected on the battle and realized something profound. These creatures were definitely powerful, but their Mental didn't scale as fast as their Physical, leaving them without flexibility in combat. Even if the sperm whale had over 400 Strength, that was useless in the face of 550 Defense. It had been completely outdone by just a single Skill. But that also meant that at higher Levels, when their Mental, and Intelligence especially, began to catch up… well, they'd be as shocking as the mage snail that Sylas had met that day in the volcano portal.