

Vines slashed like whips through the air, lashing out at Sylas from all sides. However, the moment they rushed toward him, they found themselves coated in frost. 

Ice heeded Sylas' call, and his evolved Slow Ice-Poison Runes pierced into their bodies. A frosty energy rushed out from him in all directions as he took advantage of the small area of effect abilities of <Surfing Frost> to influence the environment. 

Creating a road of ice to surf upon required accumulating this frostiness from the surroundings. And since that was the case, why wouldn't he embed these vines into the very road he needed to surf? 


The vines became trapped in Sylas' wave of ice, and in what felt like a blink, Sylas had already reached the dome of vines above him. 

A thin sheen of ice had already covered it.