

Sylas' mind worked fast. He only seemed to lock onto the region for a short while before he looked away. 


In this sea of people, Sylas seemed to be able to scan each one of their faces and react accordingly. He had already taken everything in, but he didn't expect to see an old acquaintance. 

This was an odd wrinkle. Because judging by the look in Morgan's eyes, he immediately felt that something was wrong. 

Compared to the others on the battlefield, Morgan was weak by not just one measure. He could be one-shotted by any one of these soldiers, let alone Sylas. So he wasn't a threat, but that wasn't the main issue. 

Why was he here? 

The Celestial Republic Government wouldn't have such a weak member of their army out here. What were the odds that Morgan would be the one weakling amongst this sea of warriors? 

Then there was the fact that there seemed to be a handler with him, someone that was protecting him.