
Icy Cave

The two women and their teams only got the chance to catch a glimpse of Sylas before their expressions changed completely. This wasn't because of Sylas' appearance himself, but rather the fact that they could already feel the teleportation kick in.

This only meant one thing…

Vayu's team was dead.

And the most likely culprit was Sylas himself.

Although there was a chance that Vayu and his people had died during the stair challenge… looking at Sylas right now, none of them would dare to guarantee such a thing.

Sylas vanished and when he reappeared, he was in a land of ice and snow. However, there was no opponent across from him.

The system detected this as well and Sylas was transported once again. His victory had been claimed and he earned a full 1000 points.

When Sylas' vision cleared once more, he was standing before four doors. Unfortunately, he didn't get the chance to choose this time.