
Glass Prism Art [Bonus]

[Madness (F)] (Legendary) 

[The Madness consumes you, but does not control you. Instead, it becomes your tool to both control yourself and others. You, while steeped in Madness, maintain your wits about you. Your enemies, though, are not so lucky] 

[+600% Charisma] 

[+400% Will] 


A sparkle burst across Sylas' body. His Will danced like a glass flame of green, looking gorgeous beneath the resplendent light of the Glass Fortress around him. 


[Title Upgraded] 

[A Sparking Will > A Sparked Will] 

[Your Will is truly one of a kind and has begun to forge its own Path. While immature and still growing, it has carved out its place in the world. Continue to forge it, young man] 

[+100 Will] 

[+100% Will] 


A Throne of Glass… I choose for it to reflect myself…'

Like holding up a mirror to his face, Sylas stared dead at the man that looked back at him.