
Genetic Ascension

The people of Earth have been summoned once again Scientists document six extinction events in Earth's history, but none of them were as natural as they claimed. Sylas and his family have been called back to the Browns, a family of billionaire elites with assets reaching into the trillions. He isn't sure what to expect until he touches a floating bronze cube that changes his life. [Bronze City Stele] [Status: Dormant] [Time to Activation: 04:13:38] Unfortunately, there's only one Stele and the Browns have already decided upon their candidates. If Sylas wants to control his own fate, he'll have to enter the Trial. Now, woefully unprepared, and stuck in a world filled with the extinct creatures of Earth, he'll have to carve out his own opportunity... whether the Browns like it or not.

Awespec · Fantasy
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245 Chs


Sylas continued to run, feeling the time ticking down as though there was a clock echoing in his head.

But it felt futile. His Aether control was too poor to run on the lava as though it was flat ground. Every time he tried to run forward hard, he'd end up slipping back. Once, his calf even broke through the surface, sinking into the lava for a moment and he was forced to pull himself out.

There wasn't even ten seconds left and he had only crossed 100 meters. There was still over half of the distance remaining, and he knew he couldn't make it.

This was the first time Sylas truly felt the scent of death.

He had been in dangerous situations before and survived them all, but this was a different sort of helplessness. Even his own mind had betrayed him for reasons he didn't even understand yet.

In that moment of life and death, Sylas realized for the first time just how reckless he had been stepping into this world.