

Sylas had originally come here with two purposes in mind. 

The first was to get the last bits he needed to finish up the evolution of the Serpentes Contract he was creating to complete the Bronze leg of his Path of the Mancer Chain Quest. 

The second was to hopefully find a treasure good enough to help Mancer's Blossom gain a Wood affinity that he could make use of to comprehend a Wood-Ice-Poison Rune. 

However, there was a bit of a dilemma here now. Sort of. 

The Violet Rose Heart itself seemed to qualify to clear his Quest, but only in part. He would still need to go and find an Ice affinity creature of Level 30 and above to finish it off. 

This would be too much of a hassle, especially since his original goal was to complete this leg quickly. He was much too far away from any location he might be able to find such a beast in.