
Genesis: The Lost Ruler of Nirvana

Dazaree, an adopted orphan and a family plague, ran away from home after accidentally releasing an unknown power and almost killing her aunt. Scared for what she has done, she ran away to the woods only to be surrounded by men trying to capture her. But then she was saved by Kithe, a man who has an incredible skill and power, trying to correct his past mistakes. Upon knowing that she isn’t alone in this world and there are other people who possess extraordinary ability, she decided to look for them only to find out that there is an organization named Kronos that captures people like them for inhuman experiments. Soon they will all gather and team up to fight and take down the organization but little did they know that Kronos is not the only organization that perform this horrendous activity to achieve such goal and that is to obtain power. As they go on their journey, they will meet people that are either an ally or an enemy. They will lose friends, get betrayed but regardless of all this, will they find love? But then a big responsibility awaits them, especially Dazaree. Will she be able to handle it or will she give up before even trying? Find out what will happen to Dazaree and her team as they continue in journey to find the truth and save their kind. [DISCLAIMER: Book cover photo is not mine, all credits goes to the owner.]

Shaine_chan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
199 Chs

DAZAREE: Dark Knight [PART 1]

"And it appears that you are still as slow as usual, Kithe," Jake said, his gaze fixed on Dazaree.

"You're just not as patient as I am," Kithe chuckled. His voice isn't as deep, but it's definitely manly.

One thing Dazaree is certain of is that they know each other, which terrifies her even more because she now has no way of escaping. They would most likely kill her if she went with them. She looked down at her hands and had a flashback to what had happened earlier at her aunt's house. If she could only do it again, she might be able to escape. But how?

Kithe started walking towards her making the dried leaves crackle as he steps on them.

"P-please don't hurt me!" Dazaree screamed from the top of her lungs. She couldn't help but cry because of the situation she's in.

Kithe walked towards her as he looks straight into her eyes. "No one can hear you from here, don't you know that," he spoke. Dazaree couldn't help but look away.

"Don't try to escape. You'll know what will happen to you if you try to do that." The guy named Jake said.

She didn't know how many times she prayed that someone will come and save her from these people even though she knows it's very impossible right now. She is in the middle of the woods. Only birds, owls, and boars can possibly hear her.

"I won't come with you!" she tried to be brave but her feet are betraying her. She looked around, trying to find a way to escape as could feel the strong wind blowing. It was as if it was blowing her long hair and hugging her.

"If you're not coming with us peacefully, we will be forced to do this."

She automatically opened her eyes when she heard something clicked. Keith was already pointing to her a long gun with a long tube in the middle that has blue liquid in it. It's not a regular gun but it seems to be dangerous.

Suddenly, the light of the moon flashed in his eyes making his blue eyes visible. Anyone would be mesmerized with his eyes but for Dazaree, it's the scariest thing. It's the coldest eyes she has ever seen. It was as if she hypnotized that she couldn't look away.

The moment their eyes met, Kithe knew that she's like him, special. She's what they are looking for. His senses came back when the guy named Jack spoke, "You're really slow, Kithe."

In a blink of an eye, he aimed his gun at Dazaree which made her automatically closed her eyes as she hugged herself in fear. Tears streamed down her face as she couldn't accept that this is how her life is going to end.

Perhaps she will never get the answers to her questions...

Perhaps she will never experience the love she ever wanted.

She was about to accept death when she abruptly heard a strong explosion rather than a gunshot. That strong impact pushed her body into the air but before she landed somewhere, Kithe enveloped his arms to her body from behind, protecting her body from hitting the huge tree behind them.

Kithe's back took the hit, breaking some of his bones at his back. A normal person would lose his consciousness after hitting a strong tree like that, but for Kithe, it's nothing. He had been on a lot more dangerous missions before.

What happened didn't immediately sink in Dazaree's mind as her body dropped to the ground. She felt her energy depleted because of the fear of dying. All she knows is that she's about to die.

Kithe's breathing heavily as he tries to catch his breath. Jack was fast. If he wasn't fast enough, he would've killed her. He doesn't want that to happen.

He looked at Jack who's now lying on the ground. He didn't expect that Jack would attack immediately but it's clear to him now. The guy doesn't trust him anymore.

"Did you just-?" Dazaree couldn't finish what she was about to say when Kithe threw something on her lap.

She looked at it and it's a white handkerchief that has a sky blue lining on it. She took it and turned her gaze back to Kithe but he's already looking at Jake. Dazaree's eyes widened when she saw Jake moved. He's still alive! He tried to sit and touch his head that is now bleeding.

"You... I always knew that you're a traitor," Jake growled and glared at Kithe while he's trying to stand up. His injuries look terrible yet he can still stand up.

Everything sinks in her mind now. Kithe saved him from Jack. But why did this man saved her from his comrade? They have the same clothing and pins and anyone who would see them will think the same.

"Wear that. You may not enjoy what's gonna happen next." He said in a serious tone without batting an eye. His eyes are still fixated on Jack as he can't be caught off-guard. The mas is as great as him in combat but he has confidence in himself that he can finish him. That is because the man, Jack, is only an imitation of people like Kithe. Jack is just one of the successful products of Kronos.

Dazaree immediately got what he said as she doesn't want to see things get bloody but she was also scared to know nothing.

The two men looked at each other like it's a competition. Jack had been suspicious of Kithe because of their recent fail missions and tonight, he proved that he's right.

"He will definitely find out about your infidelity," Jake said. He's a loyal man of K, their boss and he wouldn't let Kithe get away from this.

Kithe chuckled because of what he said and say, "That's if your gonna survive."

Dazaree's body shivered after hearing him say that. She suddenly felt scared of him even though he saved her. She's scared that she'd kill Jack in front of her. She doesn't want any bloodshed. As much as possible, escaping is all that she wants.

Kithe didn't waste any time and released energy from his right hand causing water to form on his palm. It multiplied rapidly and soon materialized into a sword made from strong ice. Its sharp blade glow and releases smoke as if it could cut anything.

It stunned Dazaree as she couldn't believe what she's seeing. She blinked twice to see if she's dreaming but she wasn't. Kithe really formed an ice sword in his hands!

"How did he do that?!" she thought to herself while her eyes are fixated on his ice sword. She turned her gaze to him with confusion as she wanted to ask him questions but she knows the man wouldn't answer her now specially Jack is still alive.

Jake grinned and took something inside his jacket. A metal object that has a size that can be compared to a ruler. He pushed something at its end creating a licking sound then it quickly went longer and became a sword. It is five times bigger and scarier because the tip of its blade formed like a giant fang.

"I finally have a reason to kill you now!" he yelled and advanced to attacked Kithe which automatically made Dazaree back away. She didn't immediately realize that she wasn't breathing because of fear for Kithe's life but he quickly evaded and returned his attack. Jack was quick so he just successfully avoid Kithe's attack with a grin plastered on his face.

That Jake doesn't even seem like he's wounded! His attacks are still fast and powerful!

They exchanged attacks but they were both good at dodging as smokes come out of their hands and swords. Kithe gracefully avoids his opponent's attack while his opponent is getting impatient.

Kithe knows that this is Jack's weakness so he tried to annoy him more to lose his focus in the battle.

"It seems like you didn't even improve from our last battle," Kithe said and grinned while Dazaree hid behind a huge tree. She was afraid of getting hit by their sword and doesn't want to be protected by the Kithe. She doesn't want him to lose focus in the battle and take the hit for her.

Dazaree is still holding his handkerchief and she couldn't bring herself to wear it because of the fear that something bad might happen to Kithe. She believes that he's a kind person now.

She peeked to the side and saw that the two men were approaching fast in their direction. They were wearing the same clothing so she suddenly panicked. She still doesn't know if they are allies or foes but when she saw them attacking Kithe at once, she proved that they were enemies.

Although he was able to dodge a critical hit from the two, Kithe got hit in his arms by Jake. The man is incredibly scary and strong but Kithe doesn't seem bothered. He has to deal with the battle with a clear mind or he will lose his focus.

Dazaree bit her lips and looked at her hands and back to those men again. Slowly, she got up from sitting and came out of her hiding place.

"Whatever is inside me, I need you to get out now," she mumbled.

She couldn't let him get killed. She thought, he might kill her later though but he saved her from a definite death. And if he's an enemy to her, he wouldn't sacrifice his life now. Even though she doesn't have any assurance, she wanted to help him.

Dazaree has a lot of questions for him too and she can't let him die. She wants her questions to be answered and she knows that Kithe can be the only person who can answer that after seeing this battle.

She tightly closed her eyes and breathe heavily.

"I have to try!"


End of chapter.