
Genesis: tales of the fallen

The story of the fallen angels in the dawn of time. Short tales of love , deceit and sin. These are stories of how the truly mighty all fell from grace.

Grey_Ember · Fantasy
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5 Chs

ATHENA Part -2

We finally found the Garden of Eden after 300 years of searching. There was no apple though, all we found was a peaceful evergreen land where all kinds of animals roamed. We were soon approached by one of the people who lived there.

Apparently, the garden was home to the Valkyrie, a rare race given the power to shapeshift into any animal they pleased by the angels after trying to make contracts with humans as demons did, but they were never used in the war.

It turns out most of them were tasked with protecting the garden from any demons while the angels were still busy with the war, but none of us were ever told of this.

The Valkyrie who came up to us was tall and dark-skinned with braided hair and sharp brown eyes. They were frightening yet attractive, complimented by his thin eyebrows, a chiseled nose, and soft-looking thin lips with just the right curves around his face. The man was a stud!

Noticing I was staring, Nicholas grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around then went to speak with him.

He told us that he knew what we were looking for and that it was there, only, the tree was hiding it. He said their job as Valkyrie was to stop any demons from entering but if an angel came, they would let the tree decide if they were worthy.

"The apple can only be obtained by the chosen angel," he said, "If it's not you then we will be forced to make you leave the garden and await the next"

When he said this, I immediately thought of Hadraniel, the one whom every angel had chosen to obtain the power. Surely he would be the only one worthy, right?

Well, that didn't stop me from trying though. If the tree was chosen then there was a chance, no matter how small.

I placed my hand on it, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. It started to glow around my hand as the light soon spread all over the tree and illuminated the entire garden.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in space. Except, there were no planets or even the sun, only an infinite number of twinkling stars.

I heard a voice in this void, "You are human, why have you come to me?" it echoed.

"I'm not human, my name is ******* and I've come seeking the apple of Eden. I hear you have it?"

"An angel who became human, interesting. Yes, I have the relic...but why would I give it to you?"

"I need it to attain my redemption. It's my only way back home"

"...mrrr, you're lying. That's not why you want the apple. You have ulterior motives."

"What are you talking about? Are you reading my mind?"

"of course, and I must say, your idea intrigues me. I will let you have the relic but on one condition."

"Name it."

"Stand against heaven."

As soon as he finished talking, I was hurled out of space and opened my eyes to my original body.

I was still standing there with my hand on the tree but on my left hand, I held a red apple. It didn't look like anything special it was just a normal apple...rather disappointing.

When Nicholas saw what I held in my hand, he showed a warm smile of relief I think. Of course, his endless quest had just come to an end, now he could finally ascend to heaven and enjoy eternal peace....but I didn't want him to leave, I know I'm selfish but I really couldn't bring myself to let him go.

So I ate the apple.

I ate it right in Infront of their speechless faces as if my life depended on it. "Athena, what are you doing!?" Nicholas shouted, "Keeping you with me" I replied.

Having consumed the apple, I became a supreme being myself. My body glowed with an ever-graceful light. All the secrets of creation flooded my mind like a stormy sea. I could see everything, feel everything yet nothing all at once. I had become a goddess, mother of the earth, and everything in this world I could bend to my will. I could hear the call of the sea, echoes of space, and cries of the sand beneath my feet. I was beyond... everything.

That's not why I betrayed my brothers however, to me, the power was a bonus. I wanted to leave a mark on the earth that proved that Nicholas and I were real. Something that complimented the red thread that grew ever so thick between us.

He was now part angel, and I was human. It would've been impossible without the apple.

There was so much I should've reconsidered at that moment, so much I should've thought of but I shut out my thoughts and gave in to my burning desire and thus, a Nephilim was born.

Having broken one of the most sacred laws in the book, I knew I could never return home. So we disguised ourselves as humans and lived among them in a city called Marcos.

That's where our child was raised. Born from the blood of a druid and goddess, an outcast of both heaven and hell.

Time and time again I wondered if I had done this child any good by bringing him into this world. Soon he would be infected by the parasitic ideals of black and blue, or what's right and wrong. His name must always remind him otherwise and that's how Grey came to be.

A color that can never be stained by either side would always show him the way whenever his name was called.

Our story doesn't end here, no, there's still so much more but the rest isn't mine to tell.

But there is something I must ask of you, you who now knows my tale.,you who have heard me speak.

Please, remember my name, as both a Seraphim and a goddess of the earth. It lies buried beneath the last pages of a history long forgotten, find it!

You know of my sins, my regrets, and the choices I made. Don't let it go to waste, I have told you enough for you to at least begin to search.

I live, shackled in the unknown abyss of heaven. Tear through history, turn back the clock, and spit in the faces of those who wish me gone. Remember me!

For as the era of redemption slowly approaches...I shall be your salvation.