
Genesis of the Ruined World

In a world on the edge of oblivion, a boy is swept into chaos as reality unravels. Amidst debris and confusion, he searches for meaning. Dark clouds loom, turning day into night, as pillar of light transforms creatures into monstrosities. In the chaos, he seeks answers amidst the unknown. ------ New author here, this is my first work so please guide me ty

Weaver_ · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Death Rodents

"..."- speaking

'...'- thoughts

[...]- System

Blinding light began to envelope the vast land of the Planet: Earth as entities began to appear

"-uck", exclaimed a black haired boy

[ Welcome Terrarian to the Planet: Earth ]

" Isn't that like the same thing just in different language?"

[ Commencing: The Story to the END ]

' Whats happening now', the boy though as he began to analyze the information he got from earlier

[ Warning: Monstrous Creature summoning detected]

A sudden warning startled the boy as he observe his surroundings, witnessing unknown people and animals that seems from his home Planet: Terra

Then he saw cracks in the air with gaps in the middle as creature start pouring out

[ Warning: Monstrous Summons detected ]

[ Notice: Kill the summon for the users benefits]

The boy look at the notice and then to the summons that look like a rotting rat with dark miasma surrounding it

(A/N: Again you guys are the only one who sees this profile)


Name: Death Rodents

Rank: ( F+ )

Death Rodents are a former mutated rats from the planet: Terra that was enhanced by Ether but corrupted by staying too much in the Void


-"Enhanced Strength and Agility"

-"Enhanced Senses"

-"Undead Body"- grant the user the ability to survive without sustainance and organs, only truly dieing when the brain or heart are destroyed or destroyed completely


-"Low Durability"

-"Low Intelligence"



-"Magic Damage"


' What's with this 5 foot rats?!', he thought as light suddenly envelope the rats making them immobile

[ Notice: Guardians Halo activated remaining duration 30 seconds ]

' Shit I need a weapon at least ', he thought as he begin to observe the surroundings again witnessing the panicking masses that is running to the opposite direction of the restricted rats

' Idiot ', he thought

" Hey voice do we have status or something?", the boy ask

[ Notice: Yes, Every Individual from the Planet: Terra was granted status panel to guide their growth and fasten the story towards the END ]

'Again, with the thing about the End'

" Show mine "


Name: Ace V. Tepes

Age: 17

Class: Mage

Subclass: -

HP: 100%

MP: 100 recovery: 2 per sec


Mana Control

- grant control over the users mana

Mana Sense

- grant the ability to sense mana in the surroundings and recover the users own mana using it

Elemental Affinity:





(A/N: The Skills usage depends on the talent or mastery of an individual)

" What? There's no Stats? ", exclaimed the boy named Ace

[ Notice: While Stats can be used as a measurement on one's growth, the voice of origin found that individuals might be dependent on it thus assuming the strength of their enemy using the stats as basis and might only rely on their stats to over power them and not hone their skills and technique limiting the individuals growth and power ]

" I see "

" How can I use the skills I have? "

[ Notice: Just think of the skills you want to use ]

' So I have affinity in air, heat and light, can I control the air to collect oxygen then kaboom? or maybe hydrogen or helium then heat to cause a nuclear fusion resulting to a bigger kaboom? But they're not reactive right? but I don't know how strong the explosion be if I use methane and propane. Plus it'll be enhanced by mana so I don't know ', he thought as he begin to sense the mana in himself to feel the elements the status said he's attuned with

' So this blue light is the mana '

Ace though as he witness different lights from his surroundings with blue light attached to every light

' So because the mana is the catalyst of this things creation it grant us the ability to some what manipulate this physical forces or phenomena'

' lets start making that kaboom '

' wait how will I collect it? how will I even attract it??'

" Hey voice can I attract gasses found in the air and separate it like oxygen and stuff? are they even part of the air? "

[ Notice: Yes, Oxygen are gases that can be found in the Earth's atmosphere, which is what you commonly refer to as "air." So, they are indeed part of the air, along with other gases ]

" So I can just attract or control a specific type of gas like oxygen right?"

[ Notice: Yes, Though it is based on the individual control and mastery of the elements as it is hard to attract or control only that specific gasses when it's surrounded with many different types ]

" That's all I need "

Ace began to concentrate as he give his intent in his mana to call out hydrogen, oxygen and helium in the air but with other type of gases getting caught with it unintentionally

a swirling blue light then began to appear in front of him as he focus more to condense it

' let's add methane and propane next to be sure '

[ Warning: Guardians Halo duration 6 second ]

[ 4 ]

[ 3 ]

[ 2 ]

' Here's goes ', the temperature began rising as he send the condensed of gases in the group of rats

[ 1 ]

He then sent the heat energy to the gases then

| Booommmmmm!! |

An explosion covered the area of the rats as high temperature can be felt in the surrounding area

[ Notice: Congratulations for Killing the Death Rodents ×30 ]

[ Entities: 100

Casualties: 0

Contributions ( 1 ) : Ace V. Tepes - 100% ]

[ Notice: Distributing Rewards ]

Ace then collapsed to the dirt as he struggle to even raise his head feeling the exhaustion from using almost all his mana

' Fuck '

[ Notice: Congratulations you Received-

Skill: Inventory

Item: Mask of the Rotten

Item: Corrupted Sword

Item: Rotten Gloves

Skill: Insight ]

(A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter)


Type: Skill

Name: Inventory

Rank: ( A )

- grant the user sixty slot to put items in

- same items can be attached


Type: Item

Name: Mask of the Rotten

Rank: ( E )

A dark brown half mask that cover the users mouth


-"Poison Resistance"- grant the user resistance to most poison and immunity to some low level one ( F- ) to ( E- )


Type: Item

Name: Corrupted Sword

Rank: ( E )

A dirty black one edge sword that was corrupted by the void


-"Poison"- give the target a low level poison ( F+ )

-"Corruption"- 3% chance of turning the mental state of the target into a crazed like state making them act like a beast, only capable of using their instinct

Duration: 30 sec


Type: Item

Name: Rotten Gloves

Rank: ( F+ )

A dirty brown gloves that have claws similar to the Death Rodents


-"Bleed"- make the wound of the target unable to cloth resulting to more bleeding

-"Poison"- 12% chance to grant low level poison to the target ( F )


Type: Skill

Name: Insight

Rank: ( E+ )

-grant the user knowledge of the name of it's target and feel some what the targets danger level


Weaver_creators' thoughts