
Genesis Initiative

[Participant of WPC #316: Kingdom Building] GENESIS INITIATIVE- UNs bid to build a colony on a Xeno planet as a safety measure in order to ensure the human race's survival. Follow the journey of UNSS REAPER crew as they face one problem after another with their guns and fists while trying to make the utopian dream come true in a world that defies all common sense. Hi, author here some of you might know me by my old account aka DRACULA and my novel Timeline Restart anyways enjoy the read thou be warned there are stepsiblings involved thou their not blood-related at all if you get my drift.

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Past, Present And End Of Episode One R18!



"So he's still not talking?"

The officer responsible for Dracula's interrogation asked as he looked at his filthy and bloody naked tattoed mangled body covered in already festering wounds from the torture he went through.

"No sir we tried everything and I mean everything that wouldn't kill him right away."

The frustrated soldier who performed the interrogation said as he spread his bloody hands.

"I can see that."

The officer said as he forcefully swallowed down his vomit because it was too much even for him as he looked at the bloody torture tools on the equally bloody table with Dracula's bloody nails and teeth littering the bloody floor.

Fuck I need to make him start spilling the beans otherwise im a deadman

The officer cursed after remembering that if he doesn't complete his mission he will get executed by a firing squad for his dereliction of duty as he grabbed the bloody hammer and was about to crush some of Dracula's fingers but stopped after noticing that they were already crushed.


The officer cursed out as he dropped the hammer and walked in front of Dracula and was about to punch him to wake him up but froze as an overwhelming fear assaulted his body and mind.

His handcuffed to his chair yet my instincts are still screaming at me not to get too close to him, for fucks sake just what kind of monster is he?

The officer thought as he started snapping his fingers while calling out to half-conscious Dracula.

"Hey, wake up. I said wake the fuck up!"


The officer raored as he punched my face with all the strength he could muster in a fit of anger causing me to spit out some blood from my toothless mouth and look up at him.

As I did the officer got scarred shitless and collapsed onto his ass after looking into my dead-looking eye in which he swore he saw howling wraiths and demons who tried their hardest to escape from my formerly green eye and couldn't wait to tear him to pieces.


The soldier and his assistant cried out as they helped him stand up only to get pushed away by the pissed-off and embarrassed officer.

"Fuck! I don't fucking care anymore just kill the fucking cunt already!"

"But sir..."

"Just fucking do it!"

The officer roared at his subordinates but seeing that they were hesitating he put on welders gloves and grabbed a piece of barbed wire.

"Last chance asshole! Are you going to talk or not?

The officer asked me while looking at me with murderous eyes to which I just stared back at him without saying a word.

"So be it then!"

The officer shouted as he went behind me, wrapped the barbed wire around my neck, and tightened it causing the razors to dig into my skin, muscles, and blood vessels.

"Last chance fucker! You better start talking or I swear to god I'm gonna rip your head off your shoulders!"

The officer once again gave me a death threat as he used all his strength causing the razors to dig in even more and move shredding my neck to pieces.

I just remained still I didn't fight back nor screamed because Ive grown numb to pain after the first few days of the inhuman torture the only thing that was on my mind was the promise that I made.

I'm sorry commander and everyone but it seems like this is the end for me...

I thought as I smiled causing the two soldiers to get creeped out as fuck while my vision was rapidly getting dark only for the sound of explosions and gunshots to ring out all of a sudden.

Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Bravo to Hotel Quebec REAPER secured waiting for extraction over!"

"Copy Bravo ETA 2 mins over."

I heard Jack my liaison officer from my special operations forces platoon report in as Natasha who was my second squad's paramedic at that time and my other soldiers from my second squad placed me onto a mat.

"Fucking animals! Sob... Goddamn fuckers! Sob... Im going to fucking kill them all! Sob..."


I muttered out her voice after hearing her curse while sobbing from seeing the state of my body as I finally lost consciousness while Natasha and my other 3 soldiers who carried me on the mat and my other soldiers ran out of the interrogation facility towards the open field.


After getting Dracula into the helicopter which had landed at the same time that the second squad arrived Natasha with the help of other soldiers attached medical cables to his chest and started treating his wounds only for his already critical vitals to drop to zero.

"Drac dont die! Sob... Don't you fucking dare die on me!"

Lilith who was at that time Draculas platoons second squads commander sobbed as she banged Dracula's unmoving chest while the medical monitor showed nothing but straight lines.

"Charge the defibrillator and give him a shot of adrenaline!"

Natasha roared as she showed on the verge of mental brake down Lilith away.

After trying to restart Dracula's heart for whole 4 minutes Natasha finally gave up and as she did nothing but the sound of the helicopter's rotating blades and the sound of Liliths sobbing was left while all the other soldiers remained silent but the wrath inside them that they were feeling because of the Death of their commander and the way he was tortured was threatening to consume their minds.

"Fuck I couldn't save him in the end."

Natasha cursed under her breath as tears streaked down her cheeks only to see and hear the medical monitors to start slowly beeping again.


I opened my eyes only to see Lilith sucking on my erect dick as if it was a lollipop with her 27 years old rusted and mangled dog tag hanging from her neck right between her breasts held firmly in place by her tank top.


I grunted out in pleasure as out of reflex I grabbed her head and pushed it down as hard as I could causing Lilith to start choking as I unloaded my load directly into her throat.

After I was done I laid on Lilith's bed without moving as it finally hit me that last night I fucked my adopted sister and just now ejaculated into her mouth.


I cursed out in my mind.

"You know big bro you didn't have to be so rough last night and now but if that's how you like it it's fine by me."

Lilith said playfully as she opened her mouth to show me my sperm in her mouth, slowly swallowed down, and licked her lips with her tongue while laying down onto me causing her breasts to press against my trashed service uniform-covered chest.

"Lilith last night it was a..."

I started saying as I looked at her genuinely happy face which I hadn't seen for years and as I did the words got stuck in my throat.

"Last night was what Drac?"

Lilith asked as she started poking my left cheek with her right index finger.

"...was quite a blast."

I lied to Lilith because I didn't have the balls to say that it was a mistake and we should forget about it.

"I'm glad you like it I also liked it and I can't wait to do it again oppa."

Lilith whispered into my ear making it twitch from her hot breath.

Fuck I really fucked up this time.

I cursed as I understood that there was no other way out of this fucked up situation but to take responsibility for what I did.


"And that's the end of episode one! Stay tuned for more!"

The narrator said as the credits started rolling in.

"Kekeke forbidden love is so cool!"

The red-faced Life with steam coming out from her ears screamed out as she squeezed her Lewis body pillow as hard as she could while wriggling like a worm on her couch.

"Hmph! Their great, great, great...x30 ancestors were cousins, and that's it there's nothing forbidden about it!"

The annoyed Death said after puffing out a cloud of smoke from her mouth with disgust written all over her face at her sister's antics.

"Jeez, sis you're such a buzz kill."

Life complained as she threw away her bodypillow and started sulking like a little kid.

The unamused Death completely ignored her sister's pouting face because she had other thoughts in her mind.

To think this fucker actually forcefully awakened his sixth sense after I stuffed his soul back into his dead body and Life repaired his mangled body enough for the paramedic's effort to pay off.

"Hey, sis why don't we help them out a little bit by giving them a tiny hint about where to land?"

Life suggested with a devilish grin plastered on her face.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

The surprised Death asked out loud only to start grinning in the same devilish grin.

"Hehehe I have the perfect spot that asshole has been evading my clutches for far too long I might as well let them deal with him."

Death said as she laughed like a maniac.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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